Ports 搜索

comms/mgetty-1.1.37 (Score: 2.33289E-4)
Handle external logins, send and receive faxes
Mgetty is a "smart" getty replacement, designed to be used with Hayes compatible data and data/fax modems. Mgetty knows about modem initialization, manual modem answering (so your modem doesn't answer if the machine isn't ready), UUCP locking (so you can use the same device for dial-in and dial-out). Mgetty provides very extensive logging facilities. Sendfax sends the named g3 fax files to the fax machine at "phone number". The g3 files can be created with pbmtog3(1) or GNU's GhostScript with the "digifax" driver.
devel/Test-Modern-0.013 (Score: 2.33289E-4)
Precision testing for modern perl
Test::Modern provides the best features of Test::More, Test::Fatal, Test::Warnings, Test::API, Test::LongString, and Test::Deep, as well as ideas from Test::Requires, Test::DescribeMe, Test::Moose, and Test::CleanNamespaces. Test::Modern also automatically imposes strict and warnings on your script, and loads IO::File. (Much of the same stuff Modern::Perl does.) Although Test::Modern is a modern testing framework, it should run fine on pre-modern versions of Perl. It should be easy to install on Perl 5.8.9 and above; and if you can persuade its dependencies to install (not necessarily easy!), should be OK on anything back to Perl 5.6.1.
devel/libatomic_ops-7.4.4 (Score: 2.33289E-4)
Atomic operations access library
This package provides semi-portable access to hardware provided atomic memory operations. These might allow you to write code: - That does more interesting things in signal handlers - Makes more effective use of multiprocessors by allowing you to write clever lock-free code. Note that such code is very difficult to get right, and will unavoidably be less portable than lock-based code. It is also not always faster than lock-based code. But it may occasionally be a large performance win - To experiment with new and much better thread programming paradigms, etc. For details and licensing restrictions, please see the documentation.
devel/simplejson-3.8.2 (Score: 2.33289E-4)
Simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder
simplejson is a simple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python simplejson is compatible with Python 2.4 and later with no external dependencies. It covers the full JSON specification for both encoding and decoding, with unicode support. By default, encoding is done in an encoding neutral fashion (plain ASCII with \uXXXX escapes for unicode characters). The encoder may be subclassed to provide serialization in any kind of situation, without any special support by the objects to be serialized (somewhat like pickle). The decoder can handle incoming JSON strings of any specified encoding (UTF-8 by default).
devel/snack-0.52.18 (Score: 2.33289E-4)
Not Eriks Windowing Toolkit Python bindings
Python bindings for Newt toolkit. Newt is a windowing toolkit for text mode built from the slang library. It allows color text mode applications to easily use stackable windows, push buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, lists, entry fields, labels, and displayable text. Scrollbars are supported, and forms may be nested to provide extra functionality. Besides the newt library, this port provides whiptail, which may be used from shell scripts similarly to Savio Lam's "dialog". Newt provides the textual interface for the Red Hat and Debian boot disks.
finance/homebank-5.0.9 (Score: 2.33289E-4)
Free, easy, personal accounting for everyone
HomeBank is the free software you have always wanted to manage your personal accounts at home. The main concept is to be light, simple and very easy to use. It brings you many features that allow you to analyze your finances in a detailed way instantly and dynamically with powerful report tools based on filtering and graphical charts. Furthermore, HomeBank benefits from more than 10 years of users' experiences and feedback as its development started in 1995 on Amiga computers. It is now available on Amiga, GNU/Linux, and will probably be available soon for Microsoft Windows and MacOS X systems as GTK+ exists on them.
ftp/oftpd-0.3.7 (Score: 2.33289E-4)
Threaded, anonymous only FTP server designed for security
oftpd is designed to be as secure as an anonymous FTP server can possibly be. It runs as non-root for most of the time, and uses the Unix chroot() command to hide most of the systems directories from external users - they cannot change into them even if the server is totally compromised! It contains its own directory change code, so that it can run efficiently as a threaded server, and its own directory listing code (most FTP servers execute the system "ls" command to list files).
games/biorythm-1.1.4 (Score: 2.33289E-4)
Simple biorhythm calculation program
This program calculates a simple biorythm plot based on the given date of birth. The plot starts at the given first day of plot, and includes the number of days indicated on the command line. Dates must be entered according to ISO date format, that is: YYYY-MM-DD, four digit year, two digit month, and two digit day of month. The default plot includes emotional, intellectual and physical curves. This may be overridden by command line options. The author has no idea how to interpret the plot, so please don't ask him about it.
games/xemeraldia-0.4.3 (Score: 2.33289E-4)
Falling blocks game
XEmeraldia, Drop the blocks. If you drop a square on top of one of the same color, they (as well as any neighboring blocks of the same color) will both be shaken by an "impact". The first impact will cause fractures; the second will cause the block(s) to dissolve. You can either use the arrow keys or vi-style (hjkl) keys to move/ rotate the blocks. `s' or `p' will pause the game, and if your boss comes along, `q' can be used to avoid an unpleasant confrontation. http://www.reloco.com.ar/xemeraldia/
graphics/digikam-4.14.0 (Score: 2.33289E-4)
KDE4 digital photo management application
DigiKam is an advanced digital photo management application for KDE, which makes importing and organizing digital photos a "snap". The photos are organized in albums which can be sorted chronologically, by folder layout or by custom collections. An easy-to-use interface is provided that enables you to connect to your camera and preview, download and/or delete your images. Basic auto-transformations can be deployed on the fly during image downloading. Digikam also uses the very flexible Kipi plugin architecture. Install the graphics/kipi-plugins-kde4 port to extend Digikam's features.