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Results 121130 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.022 seconds)
graphics/quat-1.20 (Score: 0.03672821)
Three-dimensional fractal creator (X11 GUI)
Idea and purpose of this program is the calculation of three-dimensional fractals. The calculated objects are twisted, freely in space floating (and - of course - fractal) "lumps" which look like made of dough - in contrast to what is normally called "three-dimensional" fractals (namely a simple reinterpretation of the two-dimensional data). Generation of a really three dimensional view is possible (3d stereo). The fractal can be seen three dimensional without any utilities like 3d glasses.
graphics/quat-1.20 (Score: 0.03672821)
Three-dimensional fractal creator (command line only)
Idea and purpose of this program is the calculation of three-dimensional fractals. The calculated objects are twisted, freely in space floating (and - of course - fractal) "lumps" which look like made of dough - in contrast to what is normally called "three-dimensional" fractals (namely a simple reinterpretation of the two-dimensional data). Generation of a really three dimensional view is possible (3d stereo). The fractal can be seen three dimensional without any utilities like 3d glasses.
devel/intl-0.11 (Score: 0.03656922)
Simple wrapper of GNU gettext for Ruby
Ruby-intl -- A simple wrapper of GNU gettext for ruby
arabic/arabtex-3.11 (Score: 0.03650296)
TeX/LaTeX package to generate Arabic writing
This LaTeX package extends the capabilities of TeX/LaTeX to generate the arabic writing from an ASCII transliteration for texts in several languages using the arabic script. Several other common encodings are also supported.
games/xboard-4.9.1 (Score: 0.0320544)
X frontend for Crafty, GNUChess, Chess Servers, or e-mail chess
Xboard is a graphical chessboard that can serve as a user interface for Crafty, GNU Chess, for Internet Chess Servers, or for electronic mail correspondence chess. xboard can also be used by itself.
converters/dumpasn1-20141219 (Score: 0.031968083)
Dumps the contents of an ASN.1 encoded file, e.g. an SSL certificate
dumpasn1 is an ASN.1 parser which dumps the contents of an ASN.1-encoded file, as well as interpreting the OIDs contained in the file into human-readable format. Dumpasn1 is intended for examining the contents of PKI certificates and comes with a full list of security-related OIDs, but can be easily extended to parse other OIDs as well.
audio/gramofile-1.6P (Score: 0.031899117)
Audio recording and tick/scratch reduction for e.g. vinyl records
This is version 1.6P-7 of GramoFile (patches are from the debian package). With this program you can record audio of (for example) gramophone records, process the signal and listen to the results. Because sound files of the .WAV-format are used, it is possible to exchange the files with many other programs. Cdrecord(1) can burn CD-Recordables of these, so you can make CDs with the music of your favorite records. The user interface of GramoFile has a windows-like look-and-feel, making it fairly easy to use. One of the most important parts of GramoFile is the ability to process digital audio signals. Through the application of several filters it is possible to accomplish a significant reduction of disturbances like ticks and scratches. Another interesting feature is the track splitting. Just make one .wav file of an entire side of an record and GramoFile will detect where the individual tracks are located. This happens fully automatically, without need to set any options. More experienced users may fine-tune the algorithm, or change the detected track starts and ends, but generally that will not be necessary. Track-times are saved in an editable (plaintext) .tracks file, that will be used during the signal processing to produce one processed .wav file for each individual track.
shells/zsh-navigation-tools-2.2.1 (Score: 0.031801037)
Curses-based tools for Zshell, e.g. multi-word history searcher
Set of Zsh tools with features like incremental multi-word searching, approximate matching, ANSI coloring, themes, unique mode, horizontal scroll and advanced history management. Selected tools provided: - n-history - full-screen history searcher and manager - n-kill - browses process list, allows quick searching and sending signal to selected process - n-panelize - loads output of given command for browsing and multi-word searching - n-cd - browses dirstack and bookmarked directories, allows to enter selected directory - n-functions - browses functions, relegates editing to vared Written in pure Zsh, with use of curses module. Can be configured from zshrc. Binds n-history to Ctrl-R. Provides widgets for n-cd and n-kill.
textproc/dsv-1.4.1 (Score: 0.031772777)
Python module to parse or write delimeter-separated (e.g. CSV) files
Paraphrasing the website: Python-DSV is a Python module for importing and exporting DSV (delimiter separated values) files. DSV is a generalization of CSV (comma separated values). CSV is a common file format used by many programs to import and export data. Features: - Pure Python - Optional wxPython GUI - Optional heuristics for determining file format - Handles embedded quotes, delimiters and newlines - Customizable error handling - Simple to use - Portable
devel/Module-CheckVersion-0.07 (Score: 0.03173261)
Check module (e.g. latest version) with CPAN (or equivalent repo)
Module::CheckVersion checks latest version of modules with CPAN (or equivalent repo).