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emulators/Acme-6502-0.77 (Score: 0.0013560895)
Pure Perl 65C02 simulator
Imagine this nightmare scenario: your boss tells you about a legacy system you have to support. How bad could it be? COBOL? Fortran? Worse: it's an embedded 6502 system run by a family of squirrels. Fortunately there's a pure Perl 6502 emulator that works so well the squirrels will never know the difference.
devel/msgpuck-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0013542991)
MsgPack binary serialization library in a self-contained header
MsgPuck is a simple and efficient MsgPack binary serialization library in a self-contained header file. * Can be easily incorporated into your project * Is very easy to use (see examples below) * Is fully tested and documented * Has clean and readable C source code * Is published under the very liberal license (BSD-2)
devel/bisoncpp-4.10.01 (Score: 0.0013535307)
LALR(1) parser generator that generates C++ classes
The program bisonc++ creates a C++ parser function and -class having a cleaner setup than the code generated by Alain Coetmeur's bison++. Furthermore, since bisonc++ more closely follows current-day ideas about C++ programming its code is easier to read.
devel/ace-6.3.4 (Score: 0.0013519155)
Adaptive Communication Environment for C++
The ADAPTIVE Communication Environment (ACE) is an object-oriented (OO) toolkit that implements fundamental design patterns for communication software. ACE provides a rich set of reusable C++ wrappers and frameworks that perform common communication software tasks across a range of OS platforms.
devel/ndesk-dbus-0.6.1a (Score: 0.0013519155)
C# implementation of D-Bus
This is a C# implementation of D-Bus. It's often referred to as "managed D-Bus" to avoid confusion with existing bindings (which wrap libdbus). D-Bus is an inter-process communication framework that lets applications interface with the system event bus as well as allowing them to talk to one another in a peer-to-peer configuration.
net-p2p/rtorrent-0.9.6 (Score: 0.0013519155)
BitTorrent Client written in C++
Rtorrent is a ncurses BitTorrent Client written in C++ for *nix. Main Features are : * Use an URL or file path to add torrents at runtime * Stop/delete/resume torrents * Optionally loads/saves/deletes torrents automatically in a session directory * Safe fast resume support * Peer's download speed calculated from incoming HAVE messages * Peer download progress
textproc/xhtml-1.0.20020801 (Score: 0.0013519155)
This specification defines XHTML 1.0, a reformulation of HTML 4 as an XML 1.0 application, and three DTDs corresponding to the ones defined by HTML 4. The semantics of the elements and their attributes are defined in the W3C Recommendation for HTML 4. These semantics provide the foundation for future extensibility of XHTML. Compatibility with existing HTML user agents is possible by following a small set of guidelines.
www/quickie-1.1 (Score: 0.0013494933)
Small footprint, fast Wiki engine written in C++
Quickie is a small footprint, fast C++ Wiki engine; hence the name. The fundamental insight for this engine is that wiki pages are read far more often than they are modified. Thus, the generated HTML can be cached. It follows that the main code path will check that the .html file exists and simply copy it to stdout in the vast majority of cases. The .html file generated from each .wiki file is about the same size as the .wiki file itself, so there will be no particular I/O advantage, but there is a huge CPU advantage, and a significant memory footprint advantage, and since I want to run a wiki on a geriatric 20MB 33MHz 386 machine, this is a good thing. Online demo: http://quickie.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/quickie
devel/rake-compiler-0.9.9 (Score: 0.0013470353)
Build and package Ruby extensions (C, Java) using Rake
Provide a standard and simplified way to build and package Ruby extensions (C, Java) using Rake as glue.
devel/caf-0.14.5 (Score: 0.0013456737)
C++ actor framework
An Open Source Implementation of the Actor Model in C++. Actors in CAF are lightweight, consist of only a few hundred bytes, and are cooperatively managed by a state-of-the-art, work-stealing scheduler. You can spawn millions of actors if you want to. CAF offers a network-transparent message passing. Actors can talk to each other, no matter where they've been spawned. You do the hard part of implementing your app, CAF takes care of the low-level side of things. CAF allows you to transparently connect actors running on different machines and OSes via the network. It integrates multiple computing devices such as multi-core CPUs, GPGPUs, and even embedded hardware. You can also create message passing interface for your OpenCL backends.