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Results 821830 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.007 seconds)
net/avahi-0.6.31 (Score: 0.002116614)
Service discovery on a local network
Service discovery on a local network -- this means that you can plug your laptop or computer into a network and instantly be able to view other people who you can chat with, find printers to print to or find files being shared. This kind of technology is already found in MacOS X (branded 'Rendezvous', 'Bonjour' and sometimes 'ZeroConf') and is very convenient.
net/srelay-0.4.8b6 (Score: 0.002116614)
Srelay is a SOCKS4/5 proxy and Relay
The SOCKS proxy and relay. * Srelay is a socks4/5 protocol proxy server * Supports socks connect/bind request in the protocol v4, v4a, and v5. * Supports socks server chaining with both v4 and v5 servers. * Supports Username/Password authentication in v5 (not recommended). * Testing on FreeBSD 8.1R, Solaris 8, 10, Linux-i386, MacOS 10.5. * Supports IPv6 as well as IPv4. * Srelay is Free.
print/pdfcube-0.0.5 (Score: 0.002116614)
OpenGL presentation viewer on a spinning cube
PDF Cube uses the OpenGL API to add 3D spinning cube page transitions to PDF documents. PDF Cube is an OpenGL API-based 3D PDF viewer that adds a compiz/Keynote-like spinning cube trasition effect to your PDF presentations (including LaTeX-Beamer and Prosper). You can also zoom on 5 predefined areas of any presentation page with a smooth zooming effect.
print/latex-beamer-3.36 (Score: 0.002116614)
LaTeX class to create a beamer presentation
The beamer class is a LaTeX class that allows you to create a beamer presentation. It can also be used to create slides. It behaves similarly to other packages like Prosper, but has the advantage that it works together directly with pdflatex, but also with dvips.
sysutils/terraform-0.6.14 (Score: 0.002116614)
Provides a common configuration to launch infrastructure
Terraform provides a common configuration to launch infrastructure - from physical and virtual servers to email and DNS providers. Once launched, Terraform safely and efficiently changes infrastructure as the configuration is evolved. Simple file based configuration gives you a single view of your entire infrastructure.
textproc/libsass-3.3.6 (Score: 0.002116614)
C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler
Libsass is a C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler. The original version was written in Ruby, but this version is meant for efficiency and portability. This library strives to be light, simple, and easy to build and integrate with a variety of platforms and languages.
www/HTML-Display-0.40 (Score: 0.002116614)
Display HTML locally in a browser
This module abstracts the task of displaying HTML to the user. The displaying is done by launching a browser and navigating it to either a temporary file with the HTML stored in it, or, if possible, by pushing the HTML directly into the browser window.
devel/f77flow-0.12 (Score: 0.002115067)
Analyze the structure of a fortran77 program
This little program analyses the structure of FORTRAN source-code. As a result you get a little flow diagram in which you can recognize which SUBROUTINE is called by the program. Further all subroutines called from this one are displayed. The indciation of the displayed names is a degree for the level. A new addition is the change of the starting point for an analysis. Instead to check the whole source-code you can start with a special SUBROUTINE and see the depence of this one. The number of files which contain the routines are not restricted by the program. You can report the CALL- and/or SUBROUTINE-statements together with filenames and line numbers to special files. Dirk Geschke 7. March 1997
graphics/springgraph-0.88 (Score: 0.002115067)
Render graph described in a .dot file
Springgraph will read in a .dot file description of a graph, which, for each node, specifies its name and which other nodes it is connected to, and then renders a graph. Each node is drawn as an ellipse, and each connection is drawn as an arrow. The node placement is a result of all of the nodes moving away from each other, while all nodes which are connected move toward each other. This movement is repeated until it stabilizes. Springgraph was written as an alternative to neato, which is part of graphviz. It attempts to read the same .dot files used by graphviz, but currently only supports a limited number of node attributes (label and fillcolor). I am open to requests for support for more graph/node/edge attributes.
devel/Date-Leapyear-1.72 (Score: 0.0021129088)
Perl module to determine if a particular year a leap year
Date::Leapyear is a Perl module which exports one function: isleap(), which returns a 1 or 0 if the year is a leap year or not, respectively.