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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,0812,090项(搜索用时0.007秒)
textproc/XML-RegExp-0.04 (Score: 0.0044840355)
Regular expressions for XML tokens
This package contains regular expressions for the following XML tokens: BaseChar, Ideographic, Letter, Digit, Extender, CombiningChar, NameChar, EntityRef, CharRef, Reference, Name, NmToken, and AttValue. The definitions of these tokens were taken from the XML spec (Extensible Markup Language 1.0) at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml. Also contains the regular expressions for the following tokens from the XML Namespaces spec at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names: NCNameChar, NCName, QName, Prefix and LocalPart.
www/Protocol-XMLRPC-0.10 (Score: 0.0044840355)
XML-RPC implementation
Protocol::XMLRPC is an XML-RPC protocol implementation. Method parameters types are guessed just like in JSON, but you can pass explicit type if guessing is wrong for you. Read more about parameter creation at Protocol::XMLRPC::ValueFactory. It differs from other modules because it doesn't provide any mechanism for making actual HTTP requests. This way it can be used either in async or sync modes with your favorite http client or a web framework.
databases/gigabase-3.91 (Score: 0.0044419467)
Object-Relational Database Management System
GigaBASE: Object-Relational Database Management System GigaBASE inherits most of the features of FastDB, but uses page pool instead of direct mapping of file on virtual memory. So GigaBASE is able to handle database, which size significantly exceeds size of computer physical memory. Convenient and flexible C++ interface makes development of application for GigaBASE very easy and automatic scheme evaluation simplifies maintenance and modification of the system. GigaBASE merges best features of relational (simple data structure and non-procedural query language) and object-oriented (direct object references, user defined types and methods) databases. GigaBASE is primary oriented on application requiring fast data retrieving by means of indices and direct object references, such as Web Server databases applications. SUBSQL utility can be used for database browsing and inspection, performing online backups, database recovery, importing data to and exporting data from database. GigaBASE will perform automatic recovery after system or application crash, you should not worry about it. The only thing you can have to do manually is stopping all database application if one of them is crashed leaving database blocked.
databases/DBIx-Class-0.082840 (Score: 0.0044419467)
Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
This is an SQL to OO mapper with an object API inspired by Class::DBI (with a compatibility layer as a springboard for porting) and a resultset API that allows abstract encapsulation of database operations. It aims to make representing queries in your code as perl-ish as possible while still providing access to as many of the capabilities of the database as possible, including retrieving related records from multiple tables in a single query, JOIN, LEFT JOIN, COUNT, DISTINCT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY and HAVING support. DBIx::Class can handle multi-column primary and foreign keys, complex queries and database-level paging, and does its best to only query the database in order to return something you've directly asked for. If a resultset is used as an iterator it only fetches rows off the statement handle as requested in order to minimise memory usage. It has auto-increment support for SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server and DB2 and is known to be used in production on at least the first four, and is fork- and thread-safe out of the box (although your DBD may not be). This project is still under rapid development, so large new features may be marked EXPERIMENTAL - such APIs are still usable but may have edge bugs. Failing test cases are *always* welcome and point releases are put out rapidly as bugs are found and fixed.
devel/Parse-Pidl-4.3.11 (Score: 0.0044419467)
IDL compiler written in Perl
Pidl is an IDL compiler written in Perl that aims to be somewhat compatible with the midl compiler. IDL stands for "Interface Definition Language". Pidl can generate stubs for DCE/RPC server code, DCE/RPC client code and ethereal dissectors for DCE/RPC traffic. IDL compilers like pidl take a description of an interface as their input and use it to generate C (though support for other languages may be added later) code that can use these interfaces, pretty print data sent using these interfaces, or even generate ethereal dissectors that can parse data sent over the wire by these interfaces. Pidl takes IDL files in the same format as is used by midl, converts it to a .pidl file (which contains pidl's internal representation of the interface) and can then generate whatever output you need. .pidl files should be used for debugging purposes only. Write your interface definitions in .idl format. The goal of pidl is to implement a IDL compiler that can be used while developing the RPC subsystem in Samba (for both marshalling/unmarshalling and debugging purposes).
devel/pycerberus-0.6 (Score: 0.0044419467)
Highly flexible, no magic input validation library
Pycerberus is a framework to check user data thoroughly so that you can protect your application from malicious (or just garbled) input data. * Remove stupid code which converts input values: After values are validated, you can work with real Python types instead of strings - e.g. 42 instead of '42', convert database IDs to model objects transparently. * Implement custom validation rules: Writing custom validators is straightforward, everything is well documented and pycerberus only uses very little Python magic. * Focus on your value-adding application code: Save time by implementing every input validation rule only once, but 100% right instead of implementing a dozen different half-baked solutions. * Ready for global business: i18n support (based on GNU gettext) is built in, adding custom translations is easy. * Tune it for your needs: You can implement custom behavior in your validators, e.g. fetch translations from a database instead of using gettext or define custom translations for built-in validators. * Use it wherever you like: pycerberus is used in a SMTP server, trac macros as well as web applications - there are no dependecies on a specific context like web development.
german/unix-connect-0.95 (Score: 0.0044419467)
Unix-Connect - mail+news-gateway for Zconnect (tm)
English abstract: It is a German communication protocol used over modem lines, a mail and news gateway compliant with the German "GATEBAU" regulations. It is the native protocol for z-netz newsgroups. UNIX-Connect kann sehr vielseitig eingesetzt werden. Entwickelt wurde es, um ein Unix-System als Server im Z-NETZ (im alten Sinne) einsetzen zu koennen. Nebeneffekt ist die Gateway-Funktion. Gerade die Gateway-Routinen sind relativ gut portabel (ANSI-C ohne wesentliche UNIX-Einfluesse), und daher bereits auf anderen Computertypen realisiert worden. Bei den Online-Routinen ist das schwieriger, aber nicht unmoeglich. UNIX-Connect kann auch als Point benutzt werden - also um am heimischen Linux-System die Nachrichten aus der Z-NETZ MailBox vor Ort im ELM oder NN zu lesen. Dieser Einsatzmoeglichkeit widmet die Dokumentation ein eigenes Kapitel, da hierbei sehr viele Konfigurationsprobleme von vornherein vermieden werden koennen. LICENSE: GPL2 or later LICENSE: BSD (rsmtp) FTP: ftp://unix-connect.sf.net/pub/unix-connect/ FTP: ftp://ftp.dinoex.org/pub/unix-connect/
graphics/gnash-0.8.10 (Score: 0.0044419467)
GNU Flash movie player
Gnash is a GNU Flash movie player. Previously, it was only possible to play flash movies with proprietary software. While there are some other free flash players, none support anything beyond SWF v4. Gnash is based on GameSWF, and supports many SWF v7 features. - Runs standalone Gnash can run standalone to play flash movies. - Browser plugin Gnash can also run as a plugin from within most Mozilla derived browsers, such as Firefox. Gnash also has support for Konqueror. - SWF v7+ compliant Gnash can play many current flash movies. - Streaming Video Gnash supports the viewing of streaming video from popular video sharing sites like Lulu.tv or YouTube.com. - XML Message server Gnash also supports an XML based message system as documented in the Flash Format specification. - High Quality Output Gnash uses OpenGL for rendering the graphics on the desktop, and AntiGrain (AGG) for embedded framebuffer only devices. - Free Software Gnash is 100% free software. For more information on the GPL, go to the Free Software Foundation web site. - Better Security Gnash pays extra attention to all network connections, and allows the user to control access. - Extensible Gnash supports extending ActionScript by creating your own. You can write wrappers for any development library, and import them into the player.
graphics/Image-Size-3.232 (Score: 0.0044419467)
Perl5 module to determine the size of images in several common formats
Image::Size is a library based on the image-sizing code in the wwwimagesize script, a tool that analyzes HTML files and adds HEIGHT and WIDTH tags to IMG directives. Image::Size has generalized that code to return a raw (X, Y) pair, and included wrappers to pre-format that output into either HTML or a set of attribute pairs suitable for the CGI.pm library by Lincoln Stein. Currently, Image::Size can size images in XPM, XBM, GIF, JPEG and PNG formats. I did this because my WWW server generates a lot of documents on demand rather than keeping them in static files. These documents not only use directional icons and buttons, but other graphics to annotate and highlight sections of the text. Without size attributes, browsers cannot render the text of a page until the image data is loaded and the size known for layout. This library enables scripts to size their images at run-time and include that as part of the generated HTML. Or for any other utility that uses and manipulates graphics. The idea of the basic interface + wrappers is to not limit the programmer to a certain data format.
net/freenet6-6.0.1 (Score: 0.0044419467)
Hexago Freenet6 Tunnel Setup Protocol Client - Free IPv6 tunnel
Freenet6 is an IPv6 access service offered for free to the community. This service enables thousands of people from all over the world to experience the best solution for a smooth and incremental deployment of IPv6. Freenet6 users can get IPv6 connectivity from anywhere, including from behind any NAT device or from outside of their home network. On Freenet6, a single, permanent IPv6 address and a DNS name are assigned to each user, making their PC reachable from anywhere on the IPv6 internet. A full /48 prefix may also be assigned to a router, enabling the distribution of IPv6 connectivity to an entire network. Freenet 6 - Get Connected For Free! Instead of a Web interface, which is usually offered by traditional tunnel brokers, Freenet6 uses an innovative model based on a client/server architecture. The Gateway6 Client is software that usually runs on a PC and that implements the Tunnel Setup Protocol (TSP). The Gateway6 Client is used to automatically negotiate a configured tunnel between a PC or router and the Freenet6 tunnel broker, making IPv6 easy to install and maintain. The Gateway6 Client source code is licensed under the GPL. A commercial license is also available.