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Results 641650 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.006 seconds)
dns/mydns-1.1.0 (Score: 0.02642896)
DNS server designed to utilize the MySQL database
MyDNS is a free DNS server for UNIX implemented from scratch and designed to utilize the MySQL database for data storage. Its primary objectives are stability, security, interoperability, and speed, though not necessarily in that order. MyDNS does not include recursive name service, nor a resolver library. It is primarily designed for organizations with many zones and/or resource records who desire the ability to perform real-time dynamic updates on their DNS data via MySQL.
net-mgmt/zabbix3-3.0.4 (Score: 0.02642896)
Enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring (server) LTS
Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution. Zabbix is software that monitors numerous parameters of a network and the health and integrity of servers. Zabbix uses a flexible notification mechanism that allows users to configure e-mail based alerts for virtually any event. This allows a fast reaction to server problems. Zabbix offers excellent reporting and data visualisation features based on the stored data. This makes Zabbix ideal for capacity planning.
www/sitebar-3.3.9 (Score: 0.02642896)
The Bookmark Server for Personal and Team Use
SiteBar is a multi-user, multi-group bookmark server that lets users view, add, import, and maintain bookmarks from anywhere. It offers enterprise- quality access rights and granular permissions. Corporations can use it as a complete intranet bookmark solution, and end-users can use it to access their bookmark collection from anywhere, and share it with friends. It is intended for use in a browser's sidebar, and offers a clean, easy to use interface.
mail/masqmail-0.3.5 (Score: 0.02616528)
Mail server for hosts, not permanently connected to the internet
MasqMail is a mail server designed for hosts that do not have a permanent internet connection eg. a home network or a single host at home. It has special support for connections to different ISPs. It replaces sendmail or other MTAs such as qmail or exim. Features * Delivers only when online to a destination 'outside' your LAN * Support for multiple Providers (ie. Mail Servers, or direct delivery) * Rewriting of Return addresses (Return-Path:, From:, Reply-To:), configurable for each Provider separately * can also be used as a Mail Server on a LAN * alias support * delivery to pipes * delivery to MDAs (eg. procmail) * Maildir support (version >= 0.2.5) * routing depending on sender * AUTH (RFC 2554) support (as client, since version 0.1.0) * SMTP-after-POP * POP3 client * POP3 client daemon (fetch mail in regular intervals if online)
audio/trackstat-2.11.3435 (Score: 0.026146268)
Squeezebox Server plugin to store ratings and statistics about songs
This is a statistic plugin for Squeezebox Server. Squeezebox Server normally stores statistics about the last time a track was played, when a specific track was added to the library and how many times a track has been played. The problem is that all of these statistics are cleared every time you perform a full rescan of Squeezebox Server. The TrackStat plugin solves this problem by making sure that the statistics survive a rescan. Besides this TrackStat also extends the statistics a bit, one example is that it doesn't count a track as played just because you listen to the first 2 seconds of it, you will have to play a certain amount of the track until it is played. TrackStat also makes it possible to put a rating on all your tracks by holding a number between 1-5 down on the now playing screen. The other main functionality the TrackStat plugins provides is various ways to browse your music based on the statistic information. The standard Squeezebox Server only makes it possible to show most played tracks. The TrackStat plugin makes it possible to show the statistics in a lot more ways. The purpose is simply to give you another way to select which music you like to play, for example like: * Find tracks you haven't played for a long time * Find tracks you have recently added to the library * Find top rated tracks * Find least played tracks * And a lot more...
games/r1q2-8012 (Score: 0.026146268)
Enhanced Quake II client/server focusing on stability
R1Q2 is an enhanced client/server for Quake II. Based on the id Software 3.21 source, rather than concentrate on fancy graphics, embedded MP3 players and other "gimmick" features, R1Q2 is focused on providing stability, security and speed whilst remaining fully compatible with existing mods and other clients.
textproc/templates_parser-17.0.0 (Score: 0.026146268)
Web page template engine module for the Ada Web Server
This is the template engine for the Ada Web Server. It is modular and therefore can be split out of AWS and used on its own. As it was designed for generating web pages, it's function is to parse a page template and replace tokens with specified values. This template engine is amazingly fast due to its concurrent cached compiled templates support.
www/POEx-Role-PSGIServer-1.110670 (Score: 0.026146268)
Perl extension for encapsulated PSGI server behaviors for POE
POEx::Role::PSGIServer encapsulates the core PSGI server behaviors into an easy to consume and extend role. It is based on previous POEx work such as POEx::Role::TCPServer which provides basic TCP socket multiplexing via POE::Wheel::SocketFactory and POE::Wheel::ReadWrite, and POEx::Role::SessionInstantiation which transforms plain Moose objects into POE sessions.
Plack middleware to show server status like Apache mod_status
Plack::Middleware::ServerStatus::Lite is a middleware that display server status in multiprocess Plack servers such as Starman and Starlet. This middleware changes status only before and after executing the application. so cannot monitor keepalive session and network i/o wait.
benchmarks/autobench-2.1.2 (Score: 0.026119364)
Automating the process of benchmarking a web server
Autobench is a simple Perl script for automating the process of benchmarking a web server (or for conducting a comparative test of two different web servers). The script is a wrapper around httperf. Autobench runs httperf a number of times against each host, increasing the number of requested connections per second on each iteration, and extracts the significant data from the httperf output, delivering a CSV or TSV format file which can be imported directly into a spreadsheet for analysis/graphing.