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Extension to require core and ticket custom fields on status changes
RT::Extension::MandatoryOnTransition This RT extension enforces that certain fields have values before tickets are explicitly moved to or from specified statuses. If you list custom fields which must have a value before a ticket is resolved, those custom fields will automatically show up on the "Resolve" page. The reply/comment won't be allowed until a value is provided.
audio/Audio-FLAC-Header-2.4 (Score: 0.011419427)
Interface to FLAC header metadata
This module returns a hash containing basic information about a FLAC file, a representation of the embedded cue sheet if one exists, as well as tag information contained in the FLAC file's Vorbis tags. There is no complete list of tag keys for Vorbis tags, as they can be defined by the user; the basic set of tags used for FLAC files include: * ALBUM * ARTIST * TITLE * DATE * GENRE * TRACKNUMBER * COMMENT
editors/vigor-0.016 (Score: 0.011419427)
Vi clone inspired by the userfriendly comic strip
In a recent fit of madness, hacker Joel Holveck has released Vigor, a version of the popular Unix editor vi featuring the Vigor Assistant. Holveck declined to comment on his true motives for creating the program, although it has been confirmed that he was inspired by Pitr of User Friendly the Comic Strip. Holveck denies rumors that he created the program as part of a plot to encourage the use of Emacs.
devel/akismet-0.2.0 (Score: 0.00978808)
Python interface to the Akismet API
Akismet is a web service for recognising spam comments. It promises to be almost 100% effective at catching comment spam. They say that currently 81% of all comments submitted to them are spam. It's designed to work with the Wordpress Blog Tool, but it's not restricted to that - so this is a Python interface to the Akismet API. You'll need a Wordpress Key to use it. This script will allow you to plug akismet into any CGI script or web application, and there are full docs in the code. It's extremely easy to use, because the folks at akismet have implemented a nice and straightforward REST API.
graphics/jhead-3.00 (Score: 0.00978808)
EXIF JPEG header manipulation tool
Jhead is a command line driven program for manipulating the non-image parts of Exif flavour JPEG files that most digital cameras produce. It has the following features: - Extracting camera settings from Exif image files - Able to set and/or adjust the Exif time field - Manipulation (extract, replace, regenerate) of Exif integral thumbnails - Transplant Exif image header from one JPEG to another - Edit JPEG comment fields - Automatically rotate images upright (using jpegtran) according to "orientation" tag. - Manage running programs on large batches of Jpegs and restoring Exif header information afterwards. - Display embedded GPS info (if present)
www/fullblognotification-0.2.1 (Score: 0.00978808)
这个插件使用 FullBlogPlugin 的 blog 变更接口来发出下列电子邮件通知: * 新建文章 * 更新文章 * 回复文章 * 删除文章 电子邮件通知会发给做出该变更的人,也可以发给其他用户或者一个通过设定 smtp_always_cc 选项指定的分发列表。 这些发出的电子邮件是使用 Trac 的 ticket_notify_email 模版作为蓝本的 纯文本格式。 如果你正在使用 AnnouncerPlugin,你应该使用它的 FullBlogPlugin 而不是 FullBlogNotificationPlugin。
devel/true-0.18 (Score: 0.008156734)
Automatically return a true value when a file is required
Perl's require builtin (and its use wrapper) requires the files it loads to return a true value. This is usually accomplished by placing a single 1; statement at the end of included scripts or modules. It's not onerous to add but it's a speed bump on the Perl novice's road to enlightenment. In addition, it appears to be a non-sequitur to the uninitiated, leading some to attempt to mitigate its appearance with a comment: 1; # keep require happy or: 1; # Do not remove this line or even: 1; # Must end with this, because Perl is bogus. This module packages this "return true" behaviour so that it need not be written explicitly. It can be used directly, but it is intended to be invoked from the import method of a Modern::Perl-style module that enables modern Perl features and conveniences and cleans up legacy Perl warts.
net-mgmt/Cisco-Reconfig-0.911 (Score: 0.008156734)
Parse and generate Cisco configuration files
Cisco::Reconfig makes it easier to write programs to generate changes to Cisco configuration files. Cisco::Reconfig is a module that parses Cisco router configuration files. It doesn't have any real understanding of Cisco configurations so it might be useful for other similar configuration languages. It knows that nesting is shown by indentation. It knows that ! means a comment. It knows that no may proceed a line without changing where that line exists in the hierarchy. It doesn't know much else. Cisco::Reconfig can be used to modify configurations. The set() method will check the current configruation and return commands to change it if it is other than what is wanted (as passed to the set() method).
textproc/CSS-Minifier-0.01 (Score: 0.008156734)
Perl extension for minifying CSS
CSS::Minifier removes unnecessary whitespace from CSS. The primary requirement developing this module is to not break working stylesheets: if working CSS is in input then working CSS is output. The Mac/Internet Explorer comment hack will be minimized but not stripped and so will continue to function. This module understands space, horizontal tab, new line, carriage return, and form feed characters to be whitespace. Any other characters that may be considered whitespace are not minimized. These other characters include paragraph separator and vertical tab. For static CSS files, it is recommended that you minify during the build stage of web deployment. If you minify on-the-fly then it might be a good idea to cache the minified file. Minifying static files on-the-fly repeatedly is wasteful.
www/it_s_all_text-1.8.1 (Score: 0.008156734)
Edit textareas using an external editor
Ever started type into an edit box on some web page (such as to post a comment or describe why your scooter was defective and they should send you new one)? If so, then you need "It's All Text!" This miracle extension provides an edit button for any edit box[1] on any page or your money back[2]! At the bottom right corner of any edit box, a little edit button will appear. Click it. If this is the first time you've used "It's All Text!" then you will be asked to set your preferences, most importantly the editor. The web page will pop up in your selected editor. When you save it, it'll refresh in the web page. Wait for the magic yellow glow that means that the radiation has taken effect!