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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第1,1011,110项(搜索用时0.007秒)
net/rdapper-20150326 (Score: 0.010914899)
Command-line Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) client
rdapper is a command-line client for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP), as described in the RDAP RFCs (7480 - 7485). This tool will send an RDAP query to an RDAP server over HTTP or HTTPS, parse the JSON response, and display it in human-readable form.
sysutils/moosefs2-2.0.89 (Score: 0.010914899)
MooseFS CGI webserver
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out, network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity servers, which are visible to the user as one resource. For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system. This port provides: Simple CGI-capable HTTP server to run MooseFS CGI monitor.
sysutils/moosefs3-3.0.81 (Score: 0.010914899)
MooseFS CGI webserver
MooseFS is a Fault tolerant, High Available, Highly Performing, Scale-Out, network distributed file system. It spreads data over several physical commodity servers, which are visible to the user as one resource. For standard file operations MooseFS acts like any other Unix-like file system. This port provides: Simple CGI-capable HTTP server to run MooseFS CGI monitor.
www/dhttpd-1.02a (Score: 0.010914899)
Minimal secure webserver. Fast and efficient, no cgi-bin support
dhttpd is a secure and efficient personal HTTP server. It does not need a permanent IP address and can be run from a user account on high ports. Among its features, dhttpd supports caching, customized error messages, low profile memory usage, little hard disk space, highly portable code, and easy setup. dhttpd is the perfect solution for the minimalist in all of us.
www/caldav-0.4.0 (Score: 0.010914899)
CalDAV (RFC4791) client library
CalDAV (RFC4791) client library for Python. Calendaring extensions to WebDAV, or CalDAV, is an Internet standard allowing a client to access scheduling information on a remote server. It extends WebDAV (HTTP-based protocol for data manipulation) specification and uses iCalendar format for the data.
comms/comserv-1.4.4 (Score: 0.010902883)
Access local serial ports via network connections
The comservd program provides a facility to access network terminal server serial ports, such as those available on Xyplex terminal server models, via /dev device file entries. This allows programs such as tip(1) to access devices connected to the terminal server serial ports. Additionally, comservd can serve up local serial ports to remote systems, effectively turning the system running comservd into a terminal server with respect to its own local serial ports.
net-im/pidgin-sipe-1.21.1 (Score: 0.010902883)
Plugin for Pidgin to provide LCS/OCS connectivity
Pidgin Plug-in for OCS/LCS (Live Communication Server). SIP/Simple protocol implementation for connect to LCS/OCS.
net/ldap-stats-5.2 (Score: 0.010902883)
Program to generate OpenLDAP statistics reports
This program produces numerous reports from OpenLDAP 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 slapd logfiles to allow OpenLDAP administrator to analyze server's performance.
textproc/Solr-0.03 (Score: 0.010902883)
Perl extension for interfacing with Solr
This module provides a set of methods for adding (updating) and deleting entries in an existing solr server.
www/Nginx-ReadBody-0.07 (Score: 0.010902883)
Nginx embeded perl module to read and evaluate a request body
Nginx::ReadBody is a nginx web server embeded perl module to read and evaluate a request body.