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Results 16,50116,510 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.025 seconds)
games/tetrinet-x-1.13.16 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Addictive 6 player tetr*s game
TetriNET is an addictive 6 player tetr*s game What this program does is set up a TetriNET server that ordinary TetriNET clients can connect to. It attempts to fix some of the "glaring" holes in the TetriNET protocol that I discovered, and which I'm sure some people use as cheats, but I now see why it is nearly impossible to fix ;), without a modification to the client. I've kept the server as close to the same as the original TetriNET server, but I've added some extras that I've often wanted, such as the "/kick" and "/ban" keywords. Please note, this server in no way encompasses the whole game. The clients are the ones that do most of the work, with the server just passing suitable packets between each client, and of course adding some of it's own.
games/xoids-1.5 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
X Window Asteroids style game with full color pixmaps
Xoids is an asteroids-type game written for X in my (spare) time. The game was originally developed on a Sun4 system while on an oceanographic research cruise. It's by no means finished. While Xoids is strikingly similar to the original Asteroids game, there are some differences: o Full color pixmaps o One or Two Player (duel and cooperative) modes o Can bounce off asteroids instead of dying (if going slow) o Shots have relative speed, and impart intertia to the ship o Asteroids have appropriate "masses": realistic physics o The alien (called the Slurb) tracks players rather than flying around aimlessly o Thrusting and using hyperspace can overheat your engines (boom!) o Co-op mode links players together via a flexible space-cable
graphics/cfdg-2.2.2 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Context Free Design Grammar compiler
Context Free Design Grammar compiler. About CFDG: Chris Coyne created a small language for design grammars called CFDG. These grammars are sets of non-deterministic rules to produce images. The images are surprisingly beautiful, often from very simple grammars. Context Free is a full graphical environment for editing, rendering, and exploring CFDG design grammars. Features: * Simultaneously available for Macintosh, Windows and Posix/Unix. * Progressive image update: watch it generate * Save generated images in PNG or SVG format. * Produce animations * Edit grammars and re-render easily. * Render very large images (as large as 100 Mega-pixels). * Can handle generated images with millions of shapes. * Carefully tuned graphics rendering * Many built-in examples * Automatic checking for updates (Mac only). * It's free, as in beer and as in speech.
graphics/fujiplay-1.33 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Digital camera downloading tool for Fujifilm digital cameras
Fujiplay is a C program for Unix systems, to download pictures from some Fujifilm digital cameras, like the DS-7 and MX-700, using the serial link. * Tries to determine the maximum speed supported by the camera. * Detect all parity errors (not tested), improving the robustness of the one-byte xor checksum. * It will not overwrite picture files without your consent. * Detect disk full errors (not tested). * You cannot have a truncated image file. * The program can be gracefully interrupted with ^C (or whatever your interrupt character is). * Allows you to upload pictures to the camera, delete pictures from the camera, and to "press the shutter" remotely. You can also set the time/date and the "camera ID". * The source should be reasonably portable to other, non-POSIX systems. After installation with this port, you should be symlink /dev/fujifilm to your serial line device through which comunicate with your camera. For more detail infomation, see /usr/local/share/doc/fujiplay/README.
graphics/gmt-4.5.14 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Generic Mapping Tools - data processing and display software package
GMT is a collection of public-domain Unix tools that allows you to manipulate x,y and x,y,z data sets (filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and produce PostScript illustrations ranging from simple x-y plots, via contour maps, to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3-d perspective views in black/white or 24bit color. Linear, log10, and power scaling is supported in addition to 25 common map projections. The processing and display routines within GMT are completely general and will handle any (x,y) or (x,y,z) data as input. This port installs only the GMT manpages, there is a tutorial and documentation in .ps, .pdf and .html format on the ftp site, too. In case you look for data to plot, there is topological data at ftp://topex.ucsd.edu/pub/global_topo_2min/topo_8.2.img (140MB, covers nearly the whole earth)
graphics/gts-0.7.6 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
GNU Triangulated Surface Library
GTS stands for the GNU Triangulated Surface Library. It is an Open Source Free Software Library intended to provide a set of useful functions to deal with 3D surfaces meshed with interconnected triangles. A brief summary of its main features: - Simple object-oriented structure giving easy access to topological properties. - 2D dynamic Delaunay and constrained Delaunay triangulations. - Robust geometric predicates (orientation, in circle) using fast adaptive floating point arithmetic. - Robust set operations on surfaces (union, intersection, difference). - Surface refinement and coarsening (multiresolution models). - Dynamic view-independent continuous level-of-detail. - Preliminary support for view-dependent level-of-detail. - Bounding-boxes trees and Kd-trees for efficient point location and collision/intersection detection. - Graph operations: traversal, graph partitioning. - Metric operations (area, volume, curvature ...). - Triangle strips generation for fast rendering.
graphics/aview-1.3.0.r1 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Graphics viewer for viewing netpbm format on console or X using aalib
Aview is powerful graphics viewer which utilize the aalib API and allows viewing netpbm format (and others in the presence of netpbm or ImageMagick) on console (using slang) and X. There are three programs. aview: the main program which could used to view pnm, ppm, pgm and pbm files. It runs under X or slang. asciiview: a shell script wraps around aview to allow wider range of image formats to be viewed. Netpbm package is required for the conversion. aaflip: a program to view flip animation using ascii text. Works under X and slang. You could press h to get help. You may also save the pics in various text format. Thanks to aalib!
graphics/jpeg-turbo-1.4.2 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec library, provides libTurboJPEG
This is the libjpeg-turbo library. libjpeg-turbo is a high-speed version of libjpeg for x86 and x86-64 processors which uses SIMD instructions (MMX, SSE2, etc.) to accelerate baseline JPEG compression and decompression. libjpeg-turbo is generally 2-4x as fast as the unmodified version of libjpeg, all else being equal. libjpeg-turbo was originally based on libjpeg/SIMD by Miyasaka Masaru, but the TigerVNC and VirtualGL projects made numerous enhancements to the codec, including improved support for Mac OS X, 64-bit support, support for 32-bit and big endian pixel formats (RGBA, ABGR, etc.), accelerated Huffman encoding/decoding, and various bug fixes. The goal was to produce a fully open source codec that could replace the partially closed source TurboJPEG/IPP codec used by VirtualGL and TurboVNC. libjpeg-turbo generally achieves 80-120% of the performance of TurboJPEG/IPP. It is faster in some areas but slower in others.
graphics/tiled-0.17.0 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
General purpose tile map editor
Tiled is a general purpose tile map editor. It's built to be easy to use, yet flexible enough to work with varying game engines, whether your game is an RPG, platformer or Breakout clone. Tiled is free software and written in C++, using the Qt application framework. The main features in a nutshell: * General purpose tile map editor with XML-based map format * Supports orthogonal and isometric maps * Custom objects can be placed with pixel precision * Full undo/redo and copy/paste support * Add custom properties to tiles, layers, objects or the map * Automatically reloads tilesets when changed externally * Resize or offset your tile map later as needed * Efficient tile editing tools like stamp and fill brushes * Supports input/output plugins to open and save files in custom formats
graphics/pngcheck-2.3.0 (Score: 4.578865E-5)
Checks the integrity of PNG images
pngcheck verifies the integrity of PNG, JNG and MNG files (by checking the internal 32-bit CRCs [checksums] and decompressing the image data); it can optionally dump almost all of the chunk-level information in the image in human-readable form. For example, it can be used to print the basic statistics about an image (dimensions, bit depth, etc.); to list the color and transparency info in its palette (assuming it has one); or to extract the embedded text annotations. This is a command-line program with batch capabilities. pngsplit - break a PNG, MNG or JNG image into constituent chunks (numbered for easy reassembly) png-fix-IDAT-windowsize - fix minor zlib-header breakage caused by older libpng