Ports 搜索

www/amazon-ecs-2.4.0 (Score: 0.0475019)
Generic Amazon E-commerce REST API written in Ruby
A generic Amazon E-commerce REST API with configurable default options and method call options. It uses Hpricot to parse the XML output. Use Response and Element wrapper classes for easy access to the XML elements, and it supports ECS 4.0. It is generic, so you can extend Amazon::Ecs to support the other not- implemented operations easily; and the response object just wraps around Hpricot element object, instead of providing one-to-one object/attributes to XML elements map. With that, if in the future, there is a change in REST XML output structure, no changes will be required on amazon-ecs, instead you just need to change your element path.
mail/sylpheed-3.5.1 (Score: 0.04648518)
Lightweight, featureful, and fast GTK+ based e-mail client
Sylpheed is an e-mail client (and news reader) based on GTK+ 2, running on X Window System, and aiming for: * Quick response * Graceful, and sophisticated interface * Easy configuration, intuitive operation * Abundant features Currently, many features are supported including POP3, IMAP, NNTP, multiple accounts, threading, filtering, MIME attachments, APOP, SMTP AUTH, SSL, IPv6, GnuPG, internalization, and more.
lang/qscheme-0.5.1 (Score: 0.046422295)
Small and fast Scheme interpreter
QScheme is a fast and small implementation of Scheme written in C. QScheme is easy to interface and should be easy to use as an extension language. QScheme currently supports foreign function call and dynamic library. A perl like regular expression module is provided as example. QScheme is really fast: benchmarks (still a little old) shows that it is generaly between 2 and 70 times faster than other scheme interpreters. Documentation and GTK support has been disabled in this port.
mail/ifile-1.3.8 (Score: 0.04623273)
Application of machine learning to e-mail filtering
ifile is a general mail filtering system that works with a mail client to intelligently filter mail according to the way the user tends to organize mail. ifile uses the machine learning algorithm Naive Bayes to classify e-mail documents. ifile is different from other mail filtering programs in three major ways: 1.ifile does not require you to generate a set of rules in order to successfully filter mail 2.ifile uses the entire content of messages for filtering purposes 3.ifile learns as you move incorrectly filtered messages to new mailboxes ifile is not dependent upon any specific mail system and should be adaptable to any mail system which allows an outside program to perform mail filtering.
dns/idnkit-2.3 (Score: 0.045964155)
Internationalized Domain Name toolkit 2
Internationalized Domain Name toolkit 2 (idnkit-2) provides useful APIs (libraries) for application developers to make softwares IDNA2008-compliant, and also provides tools for system administrators to process IDNs appropriately according to IDNA2008 specification. The idnkit-2 is a toolkit revised by JPRS from the idnkit-1.0 developed by JPNIC, and it is released as an open source free software modified to comply with IDNA2008. idnkit-2 consists from its main part written in C and additional API packages for other languages (Java, Python, and Perl).
dns/idnkit-python-2.3 (Score: 0.045964155)
Python bindings for Internationalized Domain Name toolkit 2
Internationalized Domain Name toolkit 2 (idnkit-2) provides useful APIs (libraries) for application developers to make softwares IDNA2008-compliant, and also provides tools for system administrators to process IDNs appropriately according to IDNA2008 specification. The idnkit-2 is a toolkit revised by JPRS from the idnkit-1.0 developed by JPNIC, and it is released as an open source free software modified to comply with IDNA2008. idnkit-2 consists from its main part written in C and additional API packages for other languages (Java, Python, and Perl).
games/rnd_jue- (Score: 0.045772944)
Colorful Boulderdash'n'Emerald Mine'n'Sokoban'n'Stuff jue
"R'n'D jue" is an alternative version of Rocks'n'Diamonds, developed in cooperation with R&D author Holger Schemel. In contrast to the "rnd_jue -contribution package" (still available on Download page) it is a separate and independent program with the same source code as the original R'n'D but with a completely different appearance. This is based on the wide customizing features which have been developed recently while all the integrated games have been produced with the R'n'D Level Editor, which is actually a great "game creation tool" for non-programmers. So far "R'n'D jue" is also an example for what is possible with the old Rocks'n'Diamonds and should be an inspiration for potential level designers and game developers. Regarding the games and levels "R'n'D jue" is intended for players who have both an eye for an attractive design and a bent especially for "puzzle games". The user will also find "action" and many opportunities to test his manual-skill - nevertheless, the main feature of "R'n'D jue" is primarily to offer some (moderate) challenges for the brain.
games/macopix-1.7.4 (Score: 0.04568171)
Window sitter for X11
macopix - Mascot Constructive Pilot for X a window sitter program for X11
databases/rdbc1-001103 (Score: 0.045661833)
Ruby Database Connectivity
RDBC stands for Ruby Database Connectivity. RDBC provides a unified API to access RDBMS such as PostgreSQL and Oracle. The composition of RDBC is like that of JDBC. Almost all the names of the classes and the methods are mimicked.
comms/tkscanfax-1.1.8 (Score: 0.045628704)
Tcl/Tk frontend for fax scan/receive/send program (command is tkfax)
Tcl/Tk frontend for fax scan/receive/send program. Command is tkfax.