Ports 搜索

www/kannel-sqlbox-1.0 (Score: 0.04711325)
Add-on module for www/kannel (svn rev.55)
Sqlbox is a special Kannel box that sits between bearerbox and smsbox and uses a database queue to store and forward messages. Sqlbox behaves similar to other Kannel boxes and share a compatible configuration file format and command line options.
www/ParallelUA-2.57 (Score: 0.04711325)
Perl5 Parallel LWP User Agent for WWW access
ParallelUserAgent allows you to connect to multiple sites _in parallel_! You can register a number of requests, then call the 'wait' method and see how the requests come in as each server responds. ParallelUserAgent is basically an extension of the current UserAgent and RobotUA modules that come with libwww5. It installs into the ::Parallel subtree under the standard LWP directory that ships with libwww5.
www/mechanize-2.7.4 (Score: 0.04711325)
WWW::Mechanize, a handy web browsing ruby object
The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects, can follow links, and submit forms. Form fields can be populated and submitted. Mechanize also keeps track of the sites that you have visited as a history.
www/mechanize-2.6.0 (Score: 0.04711325)
WWW::Mechanize, a handy web browsing ruby object
The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize automatically stores and sends cookies, follows redirects, can follow links, and submit forms. Form fields can be populated and submitted. Mechanize also keeps track of the sites that you have visited as a history.
www/tengine-2.0.3 (Score: 0.04711325)
Robust and small WWW server forked from Nginx
Tengine is a web server originated by Taobao, the largest e-commerce website in Asia. It is based on the Nginx HTTP server and has many advanced features. Tengine has proven to be very stable and efficient on some of the top 100 websites in the world, including taobao.com and tmall.com.
www/httptunnel-3.3 (Score: 0.046250947)
通过一个 http/tcp/ip 连接建立一个 tcp/ip 隧道连接
httptunnel 通过 HTTP 隧道请求创建一个双向的虚拟数据路径。如果有需要的话, 请求也可以通过 HTTP 代理来发送。 这对被限制在防火墙后面的用户很有用。如果 WWW 访问允许通过一个 HTTP 代理 进行,就能使用 httptunnel,并且 say、telnet 或者 PPP 连接到防火墙外部的 计算机。 如果你还不明白这是怎么一回事,你可以从 FAQ 文件里找到一些有用的信息。 这个程序主要是面向技术型用户。他们应该知道怎么做。 httptunnel 是一个自由软件。请参阅 COPYING 里的条款。 如果你喜欢这个软件,可以发送一张明信片给我,我会很感激的,地址如下: Lars Brinkhoff Kopmansgatan 2 411 13 Goteborg Sweden
textproc/htdig-3.2.0.b6 (Score: 0.04334727)
WWW indexing and searching system
The ht://Dig system is a complete world wide web indexing and searching system for a domain or intranet. This system is not meant to replace the need for powerful internet-wide search systems like Yahoo! or Google. Instead it is meant to cover the needs for a single company, campus, or even a sub section of a web site. As opposed to some WAIS-based or web-server based search engines, ht://Dig can span many web servers as long as they all understand the HTTP 1.0 protocol.
textproc/WWW-Google-SiteMap-1.10 (Score: 0.042346094)
Perl extension for managing Google SiteMaps
The Sitemap Protocol allows you to inform search engine crawlers about URLs on your Web sites that are available for crawling. A Sitemap consists of a list of URLs and may also contain additional information about those URLs, such as when they were last modified, how frequently they change, etc.
textproc/WWW-Wordnik-API-0.0.5 (Score: 0.042346094)
Wordnik API implementation
Perl module which implements version 4.0 of the Wordnik API and provides a simple object-oriented interface with methods named after the REST ones provided by Wordnik.
comms/SMS-Send-TW-ShareSMS-0.02 (Score: 0.04126183)
SMS::Send driver for www.ShareSMS.com
SMS::Send::TW::ShareSMS is a SMS::Send driver which allows you to send messages through http://www.sharesms.com/