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devel/conditional-1.0 (Score: 0.0024554734)
Conditionally enter a context manager
The conditional context manager comes handy when you always want to execute a with-block but only conditionally want to apply its context manager.
sysutils/setcdboot-1.0 (Score: 0.0024546287)
Mark a file bootable within a DEC Alpha ISO-9660 image
`setcdboot' is used on the DEC Alpha platform to mark a file bootable within an Alpha ISO-9660 image bootable. First create an ISO-9660 image using `mkisofs', and then run setcdboot <name_of_iso_image> <boot_path_within_image> Once a bootable file image has been marked with `setcdboot', burn the image to CDROM media in the usual manner. To boot the resulting CDROM, simply specify the CDROM device as the boot device and the Alpha will boot as if from hard disk.
sysutils/pstree-2.39 (Score: 0.002447514)
List processes as a tree
This is pstree. It is a small program that shows the ps listing as a tree (as the name implies...). It has several options to make selection criteria and to change the output style. For that it uses the output of /bin/ps.
sysutils/vimpager-2.06 (Score: 0.002447514)
Use ViM as a pager
Use ViM as a more(1)/less(1) pager replacement. To set as your default pager, export PAGER=vimpager in your shell's rcfile. See the manpage for various options. Of note, some options in your .vimrc can cause strange behaviour. Creating ~/.vimpagerrc will give you a clean ViM environment.
textproc/Text-Unaccent-1.08 (Score: 0.002447514)
Remove accents from a string
Text::Unaccent is a module that remove accents from a string. unac_string converts the input string from the specified charset to UTF-16 and call unac_string_utf16 to return the unaccented equivalent. The conversion from and to UTF-16 is done with iconv(1).
x11-wm/tvtwm-pl11 (Score: 0.002447514)
Twm with a virtual desktop
tvtwm is a version of twm which incorporates virtual desktops, similar to vtwm and swm. It is nearly identical to twm until you specify a virtual desktop size in your .[tv]twmrc file, which is when you start getting the benefits of this window manager.
emulators/xen-4.7.0 (Score: 0.0024368276)
Hypervisor using a microkernel design
The Xen Project hypervisor is an open-source type-1 or baremetal hypervisor, which makes it possible to run many instances of an operating system or indeed different operating systems in parallel on a single machine (or host). The Xen Project hypervisor is the only type-1 hypervisor that is available as open source. It is used as the basis for a number of different commercial and open source applications, such as: server virtualization, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), desktop virtualization, security applications, embedded and hardware appliances
sysutils/djmount-0.71 (Score: 0.0024368276)
Mount UPnP A/V Media
djmount is a UPnP AV client. It mounts as a Linux filesystem the media content of compatible UPnP AV devices. Djmount discovers automatically all UPnP AV Media Servers on the network, and make the content available in a directory tree. All shared files (e.g. Audio or Video files) are directly visible and can be played using your favorite media player. djmount is written in C for the Linux operating system. It is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).
x11/grabc-1.1 (Score: 0.0024368276)
Grab a color from screen
grabc is s simple but very useful program to determine the color string in hex (or RGB components) by clicking on a pixel on the screen. While web browsing, lots of time you find a nice color and wonder what color is that! Well just use grabc! When this program is run, the mouse pointer is grabbed and changed to a cross hair and when the mouse is clicked, the color of the clicked pixel is written to stdout in hex prefixed with #. It will the R, G, B component also in the stderr.
japanese/vftool-1.2 (Score: 0.0024345857)
Virtual font kit (n2a,a2n,a2bk,p2pn)
This kit is for making virtual font using in dvi2ps, dvipsk or dvi2dvi. This port provides virtual fonts with tartget of following 4 targets(n2a, a2n, a2bk, p2pn): n2a virtual font for transform from dvi file of NTT JTeX to ASCII Japanese TeX. a2n virtual font for transform from dvi file of ASCII Japanese TeX to NTT JTeX. a2bk virtual font for transform from dvi file of ASCII Japanese TeX to dvi file using printer-builtin mono space Kanji fonts. p2pn virtual font for transform from dvi file of pTeX to NTT JTeX. If you make use of Japanese "Takegaki" style in pTeX or pLaTeX2e, you must be installed this port before installing dvi2ps.