Ports 搜索

mail/qmail-auditor-0.47 (Score: 0.050725974)
Selective e-mail auditing for qmail by means of qmail-queue wrapping
This software provides an easy and functional way to audit incoming and outgoing e-mails from a qmail server. It works by means of qmail-queue wrapping. It has a control file which allows selective auditing of sender or recipient, as well as whom the messages should be forwarded to. This control file allows regular expressions, what increases its flexibility of use.
mail/dispmua-1.6.9 (Score: 0.050618682)
Displays the icon of the application with which the e-mail was written
DispMUA adds an image on the right side of the "header view" which displays the icon of the application with which the selected mail was written. So if the person who sent the mail used e.g. mozilla to send the mail, a mozilla icon will be displayed.
devel/B-Hooks-OP-Annotation-0.44 (Score: 0.0503093)
Annotate and delegate hooked OPs
B::Hooks::OP::Annotation provides a way for XS code that hijacks OP op_ppaddr functions to delegate to (or restore) the previous functions, whether assigned by perl or by another module. Typically this should be used in conjunction with B::Hooks::OP::Check.
misc/birthday-1.5 (Score: 0.049723808)
Outputs reminders for upcoming events (e.g. birthdays)
Birthday displays a list of events which are coming up in the near future, based on a config file (~/.birthdays) in the user's home directory. Used in a user's .profile or crontab it can save the day for many a terminally disorganised soul...
graphics/Chart-PNGgraph-1.21 (Score: 0.049717333)
Perl module for generating presentation graphics (i.e., charts)
Chart::PNGgraph is a perl5 module to create and display PNG output for a graph. The following classes for graphs with axes are defined: Chart::PNGgraph::lines Create a line chart. Chart::PNGgraph::bars Create a bar chart. Chart::PNGgraph::points Create an chart, displaying the data as points. Chart::PNGgraph::linespoints Combination of lines and points. Chart::PNGgraph::area Create a graph, representing the data as areas under a line. Chart::PNGgraph::mixed Create a mixed type graph, any combination of the above. At the moment this is fairly limited. Some of the options that can be used with some of the individual graph types won't work very well. Multiple bar graphs in a mixed graph won't display very nicely. Chart::PNGgraph::pie Create a pie chart.
textproc/EBook-Tools-0.5.4 (Score: 0.04969346)
Object class for manipulating and generating E-books
EBook-Tools contains a library and a command-line tool for unpacking, creating, correcting, and repacking electronic books. Current unpacking support is limited to PalmDoc and Mobipocket and generation is limited to EPub. The metadata correction tools are quite extensive, however. For more details, see the POD information on EBook::Tools and EBook::Tools::Unpack.
www/ilias-5.1.9 (Score: 0.049684957)
Powerful, dynamic, PHP and MySQL based e-learning platform
ILIAS is a powerful web-based learning management system that allows users to create, edit and publish learning and teaching material in an integrated system with their normal web browsers.
x11-wm/genmenu-1.0.7 (Score: 0.049675148)
Generating menus for Bbox, Fbox, Obox, WM and E
Genmenu is a script capable of generating menus for Blackbox, Fluxbox, Openbox, WindowMaker and Enlightenment. It works by checking the current user's $PATH for a predefined list of binaries and adding them to menu if they are found. The following options can be configured during runtime: * Default font to use in all X terminals * Default X terminal (will be used to launch all console apps in the menu) * Default size of all web browser windows * Include menu for starting other window managers (yes|no)
irc/epic4-2.10.5 (Score: 0.04966553)
The (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient
EPIC4 is a new direction in ircII development. No longer is EPIC 100% backwards compatible with ircII, but instead those things where compatibility is undesirable have been found and fixed. No gratuitous incompatibilities have been added, but lots of new code has been added to make EPIC the best ircII client available. EPIC no longer shares any file names with ircII, so they should happily co-exist.
converters/fix-mime-charset-0.5.3 (Score: 0.0496202)
Fix incorrect Content-Type MIME headers of e-mail messages
Fix-mime-charset automatically detects character sets of email message and modifies the Content-Type header appropriately. It can be used as mail filter in mailing lists where users often set the charset of their messages incorrectly. It processes messages fast and accurately, ignoring attachments, and correctly interprets transfer-encodings. None but the Content-Type header is changed.