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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第721730项(搜索用时0.01秒)
Call HTML::Entities::encode_entities, via a hash, within a string
HTML::Entities::Interpolate is a pure Perl module to call HTML::Entities::encode_entities, via a hash, within a string.
devel/Chooser-2.0.0 (Score: 0.0021502003)
Takes a string composed of various tests, arguments, etc and returns a value
A system for choosing a value for something. Takes a string composed of various tests, arguements, and etc and returns a value based on it.
astro/mkgmap-r3598 (Score: 0.0021494175)
Convert OpenStreetMap data into a Garmin format
This program converts OpenStreetMap data into a map that can be loaded onto a Garmin GPS device. It does the conversion in one step without depending on any other program.
devel/Data-RoundRobin-0.03 (Score: 0.0021494175)
Serve data in a round robin manner
This module provides a round robin object implementation. It is similar to an iterator, only the internal counter is reset to the beginning whenever it reaches the end. It might also be considered as a circular iterator.
devel/Package-Constants-0.06 (Score: 0.0021494175)
List all constants declared in a package
Package::Constants lists all the constants defined in a certain package. This can be useful for, among others, setting up an auto-generated @EXPORT/@EXPORT_OK for a Constants.pm file.
devel/unicode-display_width-1.1.0 (Score: 0.0021494175)
Get the display size of a string
An early draft of a way to determine the size of the characters using EastAsianWidth.txt, based on the very early draft of a Ruby interface to UnicodeData.txt by runpaint.
dns/Net-DNS-Zone-Parser-0.02 (Score: 0.0021494175)
Perl5 preprocessor for normalising a zone file
The Net::DNS::Zone::Parser should be considered a preprocessor that "normalizes" a zonefile. It will read a zonefile in a format conforming to the relevant RFCs with the addition of BIND's GENERATE directive from disk and will write fully specified resource records (RRs) to a filehandle. Whereby: - All comments are stripped - There is one RR per line - Each RR is fully expanded i.e. all domain names are fully qualified (canonicalised) and the CLASS and TTLs are specified. - Some RRs may be 'stripped' from the source or otherwise processed. For details see the 'read' method. Note that this module does not have a notion of what constitutes a valid zone, it only parses. For example, the parser will happilly parse RRs with ownernames that are below in another zone because a NS RR elsewhere in the zone.
games/4stattack-2.1.4 (Score: 0.0021494175)
Connect four stones in a straight line
4st Attack is a game in which you have to try to out-smart your opponent. The goal of the game is to connect four of stones in a straight line. This can be horizontaly, vertically and even diagonnally.
games/el-193 (Score: 0.0021494175)
Eternal Lands is a free 3D MMORPG
Eternal Lands is a FREE 3D MMORPG (massive multiplay online role playing game) currently under development. There are 9 skills, total character development freedom, many quests, religion, a lot of NPCs, animals and monsters.
lang/Promises-0.94 (Score: 0.0021494175)
An implementation of the Promise/A+ pattern
This module is an implementation of the "Promise/A+" pattern for asynchronous programming. Promises are meant to be a way to better deal with the resulting callback spaghetti that can often result in asynchronous programs.