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Results 1,0011,010 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.011 seconds)
graphics/potrace-1.11 (Score: 0.005317103)
Transforms bitmaps into vector graphics
potrace is a Peter Selinger's GPLed utility for tracing bitmaps - converting them into smooth, scalable images. It accepts as input a bitmap B/W images (PBM, PGM, PPM and BMP formats), and returns encapsulated PostScript (EPS) as the default output. Other output format are available: PS, SVG, Xfig, PGM, PDF and experimental GimpPath. You can create scalable images from scans, such as logos, hand taken notes, etc. The resulting smooth images can then be rendered at any resolution.
security/ssss-0.5 (Score: 0.005317103)
Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
ssss is an implementation of Shamir's secret sharing scheme for UNIX/Linux machines. It is free software, the code is licensed under the GNU GPL. ssss does both: the generation of shares for a known secret and the reconstruction of a secret using user provided shares. The software was written in 2006 by B. Poettering, it links against the GNU libgmp multiprecision library (version 4.1.4 works well) and requires the /dev/random entropy source.
textproc/XML_Wddx-1.0.2 (Score: 0.005317103)
PEAR Wddx pretty serializer and deserializer
PEAR::XML_Wddx does 2 things: a) a drop in replacement for the XML_Wddx extension (if it's not built in) b) produce an editable wddx file (with indenting etc.) and uses CDATA, rather than char tags This package contains 2 static methods: XML_Wddx:serialize($value) XML_Wddx:deserialize($value) Should be 90% compatible with wddx_deserialize(), and the deserializer will use wddx_deserialize if it is built in. No support for recordsets is available at present in the PHP version of the deserializer.
converters/rencode-1.0.3 (Score: 0.005260776)
R-encoding and r-decoding implementation
The rencode module is similar to bencode from the BitTorrent project. For complex, heterogeneous data structures with many small elements, r-encodings take up significantly less space than b-encodings. This version of rencode is a complete rewrite in Cython to attempt to increase the performance over the pure Python module written by Petru Paler, Connelly Barnes et al. Later, it was forked, enhanced, and bundled with Deluge. Now, it is re-packaged and distributed by Xpra.
lang/mx-base-3.2.9 (Score: 0.005260776)
eGenix mx-Extension Series for Python
eGenix.com mx Extensions for Python The mx Extension Series(TM) is a collection of software packages which aims at providing professional quality add-ons for the Open Source Language Python (see http://www.python.org). It consists of the following packages: mxDateTime - Generic Date/Time Types mxTextTools - Fast Text Processing Tools mxStack - Fast and Memory-Efficient Stack Type mxTools - Collection of Additional Builtins mxProxy - Generic Proxy Wrapper Type mxBeeBase - On-disk B+Tree Based Database Kit
math/Statistics-LineFit-0.07 (Score: 0.005260776)
Least squares line fit, weighted or unweighted
The Statistics::LineFit module does weighted or unweighted least-squares line fitting to two-dimensional data (y = a + b * x). (This is also called linear regression.) In addition to the slope and y-intercept, the module can return the square of the correlation coefficient (R squared), the Durbin-Watson statistic, the mean squared error, sigma, the t statistics, the variance of the estimates of the slope and y-intercept, the predicted y values and the residuals of the y values.
misc/digitemp-3.6.0 (Score: 0.005260776)
Dallas Semiconductor 1-wire device reading console application
DigiTemp is a simple to use console application for reading values from Dallas Semiconductor 1-wire devices. Its main use is for reading temperature sensors, but it also reads counters and understands the 1-wire hubs with devices on different branches of the network. DigiTemp now supports the following 1-wire temperature sensors: DS18S20 (and DS1820), DS18B20, DS1822, the DS2438 Smart Battery Monitor, DS2422 and DS2423 Counters, DS2409 MicroLAN Coupler (used in 1-wire hubs) and the AAG TAI-8540 humidity sensor.
misc/inplace-1.2.3 (Score: 0.005260776)
Tool to edit files in-place through given filter commands
The inplace(1) command is a utility to edit files in-place through given filter commands preserving the original file attributes. Mode and ownership (user and group) are preserved by default, and time (access and modification) by choice. Examples: # Sort files in-place using sort(1): inplace sort file1 file2 file3 # Process image files preserving time and taking backup files: inplace -t -b.orig 'convert -rotate 270 -resize 50%% %1 %2' *.jpg
security/ike-scan-1.9 (Score: 0.005260776)
VPN scanner and identifier
ike-scan discovers IKE hosts and can also fingerprint them using the retransmission backoff pattern. ike-scan does two things: a) Discovery: Determine which hosts are running IKE. This is done by displaying those hosts which respond to the IKE requests sent by ike-scan. b) Fingerprinting: Determine which IKE implementation the hosts are using. This is done by recording the times of the IKE response packets from the target hosts and comparing the observed retransmission backoff pattern against known patterns.
graphics/libfpx- (Score: 0.0051786625)
Library routines for working with Flashpix images
This package is the Flashpix OpenSource Toolkit and is based on source code obtained from the Digital Imaging Group Inc. (currently known as International Imaging Industry Association or i3a). See the file AUTHORS for the origin of this package, the file COPYING for usage limitations, the file INSTALL for Unix installation instructions, and the file README.gcc for GNU make based build instructions.