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Results 411420 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.013 seconds)
games/four-in-a-row-3.18.2 (Score: 0.010993462)
Make lines of the same color
Gnome chess game with optional 3D graphics.
archivers/nulib-3.25 (Score: 0.010922522)
NuFX archive utility
Nulib is a shell-based NuFX archive utility, based loosely on ARC for the IBM PC and ar(1) under Unix. It allows you to perform certain operations on the same archives used by ShrinkIt, e.g. view archive contents, add to archive, extract from archive, and delete from archive. Additionally, it will list and unpack files from Binary II archives.
archivers/bz2-0.6.0 (Score: 0.010922522)
OCaml library to manipulate bz2 files
CamlBZ2 provides OCaml bindings for libbz2 (AKA bzip2), a popular compression library which typically compresses better (i.e., smaller resulting files) than gzip. Using CamlBZ2 you can read and write compressed "files", where files can be anything offering an in_channel/out_channel abstraction (files, sockets, ...). Also, with CamlBZ2 you can compress and decompress strings in memory using the bzip2 compression algorithm.
audio/fluid-soundfont-3.1 (Score: 0.010922522)
Fluid R3 sound fonts (GM/GS)
This is a Fluid (R3) General MIDI soundfonts, for use with any modern MIDI synthesizer: hardware (like the EMU10K1 sound card), or software (like e.g. FluidSynth). This package provides both the larger GM sound set and smaller GS sound set of Roland Sound Canvas extensions.
audio/ifp-line-0.3 (Score: 0.010922522)
Command line interface to iRiver music players
ifp-line is a simple command-line tool to provide basic functionality to manage files on iRiver music players which are using the "manager firmware". Using this tool, you can o add/remove files on the player o view information about the player, e.g. battery status o flash your firmware using an .hex file
benchmarks/netperfmeter-1.3.0 (Score: 0.010922522)
Network Performance Meter
NetPerfMeter is a network performance meter for the UDP, TCP, SCTP and DCCP transport protocols over IPv4 and IPv6. It simultaneously transmits bidirectional flows to an endpoint and measures the resulting flow bandwidths and QoS. The results are written as vector and scalar files. The vector files can e.g. be used to create plots of the results.
biology/velvet-1.2.10 (Score: 0.010922522)
Sequence assembler for very short reads
Velvet is a de novo genomic assembler specially designed for short read sequencing technologies, such as Solexa or 454, developed by Daniel Zerbino and Ewan Birney at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI). Citation: Velvet: algorithms for de novo short read assembly using de Bruijn graphs. D.R. Zerbino and E. Birney. Genome Research 18: 821-829 (2008)
cad/irsim-9.7.95 (Score: 0.010922522)
Event-driven logic-level simulator for MOS circuis
IRSIM is an event-driven logic-level simulator for MOS circuits. To run irsim, users should set CAD_HOME to the base installation directory where magic was installed, e.g. /usr/local. Alternatively, the system administrator can create a dummy user named 'cad' with its home directory set to the installation directory.
cad/magic-7.5.240 (Score: 0.010922522)
Interactive editor for VLSI layouts
Magic is an interactive editor for VLSI layouts that runs under BSD. To run magic, users should set CAD_HOME to the base installation directory where magic was installed, e.g. /usr/local. Alternatively, the system administrator can create a dummy user named 'cad' with its home directory set to the installation directory.
comms/libfap-1.5 (Score: 0.010922522)
C port for Ham::APRS::FAP Finnish APRS Parser Perl module
libfap is a quick and dirty C port of the Ham::APRS::FAP Finnish APRS Parser Perl module. As the original Perl code, libfap parses normal, mic-e and compressed location packets, NMEA location packets, objects, items, messages, telemetry and most weather packets. For more description, see the Perl module.