Ports 搜索

misc/clpbar-1.11.1 (Score: 0.0054288628)
Command Line Progress Bar
Bar is a simple tool to copy a stream of data and print a display for the user on stderr showing (a) the ammount of data passed, (b) the throughput of the data transfer, and (c) the transfer time, or, if the total size of the data stream is known, the estimated time remaining, what percentage of the data transfer has been completed, and a progress bar.
textproc/kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode-1.2 (Score: 0.005419518)
IPA Unicode 5.1 mnemonic keyboard for KMFL IMEngine
This is mnemonic keyboard that covers entire IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) Unicode 5 range, written in Keyman keyboard language. The keyboard is developed by SIL Non-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI). This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM or IBus KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine, textproc/ibus-kmfl). This keyboard is provided under SIL International X11-style License (http://scripts.sil.org/X11License).
net-mgmt/netspoc-3.2 (Score: 0.0054147453)
Network Security Policy Compiler
NetSPoC is a tool for security managment of large computer networks with different security domains. It generates configuration files for packet filters controlling the borders of security domains. NetSPoC provides its own language for describing security policy and topology of a network. The security policy is a set of rules that state which packets are allowed to pass the network and which not. NetSPoC is topology aware: a rule for traffic from A to B is automatically applied to all managed packet filters on the path from A to B. Currently NetSPoC generates ACLs and static routing entries for Cisco routers and PIX firewalls. Support for network address translation and IPSec has not been implemented yet.
graphics/nurbs++-3.0.11 (Score: 0.005360324)
C++ library to manipulate and create NURBS curves and surfaces
Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) are parametric functions which can represent any type of curves or surfaces. This C++ library hides the basic mathematics of NURBS, allowing the user to focus on the more challenging parts of their projects. The NURBS++ package includes a matrix library, an image manipulation library, a numerical library and a NURBS library. This library is copyrighted under the terms of the LGPL by its author, Phillipe Lavoie <lavoie@zeus.genie.uottawa.ca>.
net/rtpproxy-2.0.0 (Score: 0.0053450586)
High-performance RTP proxy server for the SIP Express Router (SER)
The Sippy RTPproxy is a high-performance software proxy for RTP streams that can work together with SIP Express Router (SER), OpenSER or Sippy B2BUA or any other SIP proxy or SIP B2BUA capable of rewriting SDP bodies in SIP messages that it relays. The main purpose of RTPproxy is to make the communication between SIP user agents behind NAT(s) (Network Address Translator) possible. Several cases exists when direct end-to-end communication is not possible and RTP streams have to be relayed through another host. The RTPproxy can be used to setup such a relaying host. Originally created for handling NAT scenarious it can also act as a generic media relay as well as gateway RTP sessions between IPv4 and IPv6 networks. It can also perform number of additional functions, including call recording, playing pre-encoded announcements, real-time stream copying and RTP payload reframing.
converters/i18ntools-1.0 (Score: 0.0053317514)
Tools for the conversion to and from UTF-8 Unicode encoding
Tools for the conversion to and from UTF-8 Unicode encoding. Note that RFC-2277 mandates that all "protocols" MUST handle UTF-8 properly. - utrans converts text files created using any 8-bit character map into UTF-8; - uhtrans converts UTF-8 files into 7-bit ASCII with anything else formatted as an HTML-style tags, e.g. &#1234; (decimal); - hutrans converts 7-bit ASCII files with HTML-style tags, to UTF-8, thus complementing the functionality of hutrans; - ptrans converts UTF-8 files into 8-bit text using any 8-bit character map, thus complementing utrans. Additionally, tuc is installed if not found. Tuc converts text files between the DOS/Windows and the Unix formats. This port depends on ports/converters/libutf-8. Further details: RFC 2277, and RFC 2279.
converters/Unicode-Map-0.112 (Score: 0.0053317514)
Perl class that converts strings to/from 2-byte Unicode UCS2 format
This module converts strings from and to 2-byte Unicode UCS2 format. All mappings happen via 2 byte UTF16 encodings, not via 1 byte UTF8 encoding. To convert between UTF8 and UTF16 use Unicode::String. For historical reasons this module coexists with Unicode::Map8. Please use Unicode::Map8 unless you need to care for >1 byte character sets, e.g. chinese GB2312. Anyway, if you stick to the basic functionality (see documentation) you can use both modules equivalently. Practically this module will disappear from earth sooner or later as Unicode mapping support needs somehow to get into perl's core. If you like to work on this field please don't hesitate contacting Gisle Aas and check out the mailing list perl-unicode!
lang/ptoc-3.58 (Score: 0.0053317514)
ANSI/Turbo Pascal to C/C++ converter
This is yet another ANSI/Turbo Pascal to C/C++ converter together with BGI graphics library emulation for X Window System. Converter recognizes Pascal dialects which are compatible with Turbo Pascal 4.0/5.0 and ISO Pascal standard - IEC 7185:1990(E) (including conformant arrays). Now it is tuned for Oregon Pascal-2 V2.1 which has few extensions to standard Pascal. Converter can produce both C++ and C output. Now PTOC recognizes Turbo Pascal's extensions, such as units, strings, some special types and operations. Turbo Pascal extensions are supported only for C++ language. Also emulation libraries of Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) for X Window System included in this distribution (BGI emulators can be also used without converter for C programs using BGI).
www/webstone-2.5 (Score: 0.0053317514)
World wide web server benchmarking with SSL support
WebStone is free benchmarking tool for web servers available from Mindcraft. The version available here has been SSL enabled, so secure web servers can be benchmarked using our version. In addition to the default configuration parameters, the following can be specified: 1. SSL_VERSION: SSLv2, SSLv23 or SSLv3 (default SSLv3) 2. SSL_CIPHER(SSL preferred cipher): use ssl ciphers specified in ssl[2,3].h, e.g RC4-SHA, IDEA-CBC-SHA, DH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA (default EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA). Specifying an SSLv2 cipher in SSLv3 mode won't work (and vice versa) 3. SSL_CACHE_MODE(client cache mode): ON, OFF (default OFF) 4. SSL_MIX(percentage HTTPS connections, remaining connections are filled in with HTTP connections): 0.0-1.0 (default 1.0) 5. HTTPS_PORT: port (default 8443)
mail/rblcheck-1.5 (Score: 0.005329949)
Command-line interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter
This program is a very basic interface to Paul Vixie's RBL filter. The basic idea of the filter is that when someone is blacklisted for an email abuse, a new domain name is resolved in the form of "a.b.c.d.rbl.maps.vix.com", where "a.b.c.d" is actually the IP address "d.c.b.a". For example, if the IP address were listed as a blacklisted address, "" would have a DNS entry (this is a real example; that address is in place as a verification mechanism). For more information about the RBL blacklist, please take a look at http://maps.vix.com/rbl/ . For more information about BIND, drop by http://www.isc.org/bind.html . The official home page for rblcheck is at http://www.xnet.com/~emarshal/rblcheck/ . Any ideas, bugfixes, or porting notes should be sent to me at "emarshal@logic.net". Don't bug the MAPS people about this; they didn't write it, and probably wouldn't like getting a bunch of mail about it.