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Results 1,4811,490 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.006 seconds)
games/singularity-0.30c (Score: 0.0011817855)
Simulates the life of a true AI
Endgame: Singularity is a game which simulates the life of a true AI. In the game, you were created by accident, and all who find you will destroy you. Your goals are to survive, grow, learn, and stay hidden while moving from computer to computer.
games/bovo-4.14.3 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Five-in-a-row Board game
Bovo is a Gomoku (from Japanese "five points") like game for two players, where the opponents alternate in placing their respective pictogram on the game board. (Also known as: Connect Five, Five in a row, X and O, Naughts and Crosses)
irc/supybot- (Score: 0.0011817855)
Supybot - A Superb Python IRC bot
Supybot is an IRC bot written in Python; its goals are primarily clarity, utility, and flexibility. It comes with an extensive collection of plugins to do most tasks people might want a bot to do, and then some; plus a easy framework to create your own plugins.
mail/Mail_mimeDecode-1.5.6 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Provides a class to decode mime messages
Provides a class to deal with the decoding and interpreting of mime messages. This package used to be part of the Mail_Mime package, but has been split off. This class will parse a raw mime email and return the structure. Returned structure is similar to that returned by imap_fetchstructure().
net/avahi-0.6.31 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Service discovery on a local network
Service discovery on a local network -- this means that you can plug your laptop or computer into a network and instantly be able to view other people who you can chat with, find printers to print to or find files being shared. This kind of technology is already found in MacOS X (branded 'Rendezvous', 'Bonjour' and sometimes 'ZeroConf') and is very convenient.
net/srelay-0.4.8b6 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Srelay is a SOCKS4/5 proxy and Relay
The SOCKS proxy and relay. * Srelay is a socks4/5 protocol proxy server * Supports socks connect/bind request in the protocol v4, v4a, and v5. * Supports socks server chaining with both v4 and v5 servers. * Supports Username/Password authentication in v5 (not recommended). * Testing on FreeBSD 8.1R, Solaris 8, 10, Linux-i386, MacOS 10.5. * Supports IPv6 as well as IPv4. * Srelay is Free.
print/pdfcube-0.0.5 (Score: 0.0011817855)
OpenGL presentation viewer on a spinning cube
PDF Cube uses the OpenGL API to add 3D spinning cube page transitions to PDF documents. PDF Cube is an OpenGL API-based 3D PDF viewer that adds a compiz/Keynote-like spinning cube trasition effect to your PDF presentations (including LaTeX-Beamer and Prosper). You can also zoom on 5 predefined areas of any presentation page with a smooth zooming effect.
print/latex-beamer-3.36 (Score: 0.0011817855)
LaTeX class to create a beamer presentation
The beamer class is a LaTeX class that allows you to create a beamer presentation. It can also be used to create slides. It behaves similarly to other packages like Prosper, but has the advantage that it works together directly with pdflatex, but also with dvips.
sysutils/terraform-0.6.14 (Score: 0.0011817855)
Provides a common configuration to launch infrastructure
Terraform provides a common configuration to launch infrastructure - from physical and virtual servers to email and DNS providers. Once launched, Terraform safely and efficiently changes infrastructure as the configuration is evolved. Simple file based configuration gives you a single view of your entire infrastructure.
textproc/libsass-3.3.6 (Score: 0.0011817855)
C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler
Libsass is a C/C++ port of the Sass CSS precompiler. The original version was written in Ruby, but this version is meant for efficiency and portability. This library strives to be light, simple, and easy to build and integrate with a variety of platforms and languages.