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Results 541550 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.003 seconds)
Force number of words to singular or plural
This module extends the functionality of Lingua::EN::Inflect with three new functions available for export.
Perl extension to inflect short English Phrases
Inflect short English Phrases.
HTML::Entities::ImodePictogram - encode / decode i-mode pictogram
HTML::Entities::ImodePictogram handles HTML entities for i-mode pictogram (emoji), which are assigned in Shift_JIS private area. See http://www.nttdocomo.co.jp/i/tag/emoji/index.html for details about i-mode pictogram.
textproc/Lingua-EN-MatchNames-1.36 (Score: 0.068937615)
Smart matching for human names
You have two databases of person records that need to be synchronized or matched up, but they use different keys--maybe one uses SSN and the other uses employee id. The only fields you have to match on are first and last name. That's what this module is for. Just feed the first and last names to the name_eq() function, and it returns undef for no possible match, and a percentage of certainty (rank) otherwise. Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
textproc/HTML-Entities-Numbered-0.04 (Score: 0.068937615)
HTML::Entities::Numbered - Conversion of numbered HTML entities
HTML::Entities::Numbered is a content conversion filter for named HTML entities (symbols, mathematical symbols, Greek letters, Latin letters, etc.).
textproc/Lingua-EN-NameParse-1.34 (Score: 0.068937615)
Routines for manipulating a person's name
This module takes as input a person or persons name in free format text and attempts to parse it. If successful, the name is broken down into components and useful functions can be performed.
textproc/Lingua-EN-NamedEntity-1.93 (Score: 0.068937615)
Basic Named Entity Extraction algorithm
"Named entities" is the NLP jargon for proper nouns which represent people, places, organisations, and so on. This module provides a very simple way of extracting these from a text. If we run the "extract_entities" routine on a piece of news coverage of recent UK political events, we should expect to see it return a list of hash references looking like this: { entity => 'Mr Howard', class => 'person', scores => { ... }, }, { entity => 'Ministry of Defence', class => 'organisation', ... }, { entity => 'Oxfordshire', class => 'place', ... }, The additional "scores" hash reference in there breaks down the various possible classes for this entity in an open-ended scale.
Perl extension to detect if English number is ordinal or cardinal
This module will tell you if a number, either in words or as digits, is a cardinal or ordinal number. This is useful if you e.g. want to distinguish these types of numbers found with Lingua::EN::FindNumber and take different actions.
Perl module providing hash access to Lingua::EN::Numbers objects
Perl module Lingua::EN::Numbers::Easy provides hash access to Lingua::EN::Numbers objects.
textproc/Lingua-EN-Numbers-2.03 (Score: 0.068937615)
Converts numeric values into their English string equivalents
Lingua::EN::Numbers converts arbitrary numbers into human-oriented English text. Limited support is included for parsing standardly formatted numbers (i.e. '3,213.23'). But no attempt has been made to handle any complex formats. Support for multiple variants of English are supported. Currently only "American" formatting is supported.