Ports 搜索

graphics/fpc-3.0.0 (Score: 0.15176706)
Free Pascal interface to libgd for producing graphics files
graphics/fpc-3.0.0 (Score: 0.15176706)
Free Pascal interface to the SVGA graphics library
graphics/Chart-PNGgraph-1.21 (Score: 0.15176706)
Perl module for generating presentation graphics (i.e., charts)
Chart::PNGgraph is a perl5 module to create and display PNG output for a graph. The following classes for graphs with axes are defined: Chart::PNGgraph::lines Create a line chart. Chart::PNGgraph::bars Create a bar chart. Chart::PNGgraph::points Create an chart, displaying the data as points. Chart::PNGgraph::linespoints Combination of lines and points. Chart::PNGgraph::area Create a graph, representing the data as areas under a line. Chart::PNGgraph::mixed Create a mixed type graph, any combination of the above. At the moment this is fairly limited. Some of the options that can be used with some of the individual graph types won't work very well. Multiple bar graphs in a mixed graph won't display very nicely. Chart::PNGgraph::pie Create a pie chart.
graphics/SVG-Graph-0.04 (Score: 0.15176706)
Visualize your data in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format
SVG::Graph is a suite of perl modules for plotting data. SVG::Graph currently supports plots of one-, two- and three-dimensional data, as well as N-ary rooted trees. SVG::Graph 0.01 is a pre-alpha release. Keep in mind that many of the glyphs are not very robust.
graphics/pixen-0.1 (Score: 0.15176706)
Graphics editing software for small-scale pictures for GNUstep
Port of the MacOSX pixel-art software to GNUstep LICENSE: MIT
graphics/sdl2_gfx-1.0.1 (Score: 0.15176706)
SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions
The SDL_gfx library evolved out of the SDL_gfxPrimitives code which provided basic drawing routines such as lines, circles or polygons and SDL_rotozoom which implemented a interpolating rotozoomer for SDL surfaces. The current components of the SDL_gfx library are: - Graphic Primitives (SDL_gfxPrimitves.h) - Rotozoomer (SDL_rotozoom.h) - Framerate control (SDL_framerate.h) - MMX image filters (SDL_imageFilter.h)
graphics/sdl_gfx-2.0.25 (Score: 0.15176706)
SDL graphics drawing primitives and other support functions
The SDL_gfx library evolved out of the SDL_gfxPrimitives code which provided basic drawing routines such as lines, circles or polygons and SDL_rotozoom which implemented a interpolating rotozoomer for SDL surfaces. The current components of the SDL_gfx library are: - Graphic Primitives (SDL_gfxPrimitves.h) - Rotozoomer (SDL_rotozoom.h) - Framerate control (SDL_framerate.h) - MMX image filters (SDL_imageFilter.h)
graphics/aview-1.3.0.r1 (Score: 0.15003929)
Graphics viewer for viewing netpbm format on console or X using aalib
Aview is powerful graphics viewer which utilize the aalib API and allows viewing netpbm format (and others in the presence of netpbm or ImageMagick) on console (using slang) and X. There are three programs. aview: the main program which could used to view pnm, ppm, pgm and pbm files. It runs under X or slang. asciiview: a shell script wraps around aview to allow wider range of image formats to be viewed. Netpbm package is required for the conversion. aaflip: a program to view flip animation using ascii text. Works under X and slang. You could press h to get help. You may also save the pics in various text format. Thanks to aalib!
graphics/poppler-0.12.1 (Score: 0.149867)
Python bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library
Python bindings for graphics/poppler.
archivers/mtf-0.2.1 (Score: 0.14383805)
Unix reader for the Microsoft Tape Format used by NT Backup
This is the port of the Microsoft Tape Format / NT Backup reader. It is in a "work for me" state.