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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第1,3511,360项(搜索用时0.007秒)
net/JavaScript-RPC-0.3 (Score: 0.0082535725)
Remote procedure calls from JavaScript
JavaScript::RPC::Server::CGI is a CGI-based server library for use with Brent Ashley's JavaScript Remote Scripting (JSRS) client library. It works asynchronously and uses DHTML to deal with the payload. In order to add your custom meothds, this module should be subclassed. The most current version (as of the release of this module) of the client library as well as a demo application have been included in this distribution.
net/Net-ext-1.011 (Score: 0.0082535725)
Perl modules for using sockets
Various modules for use Sockets with a TIESCALAR interface for really simple socket communications. Net::Gen - generic sockets interface handling Net::Inet - Internet socket interface module Net::TCP - TCP sockets interface module Net::TCP::Server - TCP sockets interface module for listeners and servers Net::UDP - UDP sockets interface module Net::UNIX - UNIX-domain sockets interface module Net::UNIX::Server - UNIX-domain sockets interface module for listeners
net/Net-XWhois-0.90 (Score: 0.0082535725)
Whois Client Interface for Perl5
The Net::XWhois class provides a generic client framework for doing Whois queries and parsing server response. One of the more important features of this module is to enable the design of consistent and predictable interfaces to incompatible whois response formats. The Whois RFC (954) does not define a template for presenting server data; consequently there is a large variation in layout styles as well as content served across servers.
sysutils/logstalgia-1.0.3 (Score: 0.0082535725)
Website access log visualization tool
Logstalgia is a website traffic visualization that replays or streams web-server access logs as a pong-like battle between the web server and an never ending torrent of requests. Requests appear as colored balls which travel across the screen to arrive at the requested location. Successful requests are hit by the paddle while unsuccessful ones (eg. 404 - File Not Found) are missed and pass through.
net/simplesoap-1.10 (Score: 0.008159916)
Python Simple SOAP Library
PySimpleSOAP (Python Simple SOAP) library for client and server webservices interfaces, aimed to be as small and easy as possible, supporting most common functionality. Initially it was inspired by PHP Soap Extension (mimicking it functionality, simplicity and ease of use), with many advanced features added. Goals: - Simple: less than 200LOC client/server concrete implementation for easy maintainability and enhancments. - Flexible: adapted to several SOAP dialects (Java Axis, .Net, JBoss), with the posibility of fine-tuning XML request and responses - Pythonic: no artifacts, no class generation, no special types, RPC calls parameters and return values are simple python structures (dicts, list, etc.) - Dynamic: no definition (WSDL) required, dynamic generation and parsing supported (cached in a pickle file for performance, supporting fixing broken WSDL) - Easy: simple xml manipulation, including basic serialization and raw object-like access to SOAP messages - Extensible: supports several HTTP wrappers (httplib2, pycurl, urllib2) for special transport needs over SSL and proxy (ISA)
www/WWW-OpenSearch-0.17 (Score: 0.008111475)
Search A9 OpenSearch compatible engines
engines. See http://opensearch.a9.com/ for details.
dns/unbound-1.5.9 (Score: 0.008072098)
Validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolver
Unbound is designed as a set of modular components, so that also DNSSEC (secure DNS) validation and stub-resolvers (that do not run as a server, but are linked into an application) are easily possible. Goals: * A validating recursive DNS resolver. * Code diversity in the DNS resolver monoculture. * Drop-in replacement for BIND apart from config. * DNSSEC support. * Fully RFC compliant. * High performance, even with validation enabled. * Used as: stub resolver, full caching name server, resolver library. * Elegant design of validator, resolver, cache modules. o provide the ability to pick and choose modules. * Robust. * In C, open source: The BSD license. * Smallest as possible component that does the job. * Stub-zones can be configured (local data or AS112 zones). Non-goals: * An authoritative name server. * Too many Features.
ftp/paraget-0.3.0 (Score: 0.008072098)
Parallel ftp-fetching program
Paraget implements getting a single file in parallel from different mirror sites. Given that there are mirror-sites for the file one is downloading, one can in principle accomplish a much greater bandwidth by downloading from all the sites in parallel . This is accomplished by dividing the file being fetched into several pieces, and by getting each piece from a different server, and then re-assembling them. If there are enough mirror sites, this partitioning makes it so that the bottleneck is now placed at the client end, maxing the client's connection. Paraget is designed to not only do basic n -equal-piece partitioning of a file and sending requests out to n servers for data, but to also be dynamic during the downloading process. For example if one server is too slow, and paraget was done with faster server downloading its piece
games/jaymod-2.1.7 (Score: 0.008072098)
Jaymod - An Enemy Territory Modification
Jaymod is an add-on modification to RTCW: Enemy Territory. The idea for Jaymod came from the main features of Shrubmod. Shrubmod has long been out of date and unsupported, and with the instability issues that come with Shrubmod, something had to be done to get a Shrub-like server-side mod that would provide most of Shrub's features, be stable, and be supported. This mod has, obviously, outgrown the original objective of being server-side only. Some of the ideas I wanted to implement could not be done with server code only, so the decision was made to start working on the client end as well. I wanted this to be as easy as possible for end users, and now only one pak needs to be downloaded (on the fly) to be able to play this mod.
games/jaymod-2.2.0 (Score: 0.008072098)
Jaymod - An Enemy Territory Modification
Jaymod is an add-on modification to RTCW: Enemy Territory. The idea for Jaymod came from the main features of Shrubmod. Shrubmod has long been out of date and unsupported, and with the instability issues that come with Shrubmod, something had to be done to get a Shrub-like server-side mod that would provide most of Shrub's features, be stable, and be supported. This mod has, obviously, outgrown the original objective of being server-side only. Some of the ideas I wanted to implement could not be done with server code only, so the decision was made to start working on the client end as well. I wanted this to be as easy as possible for end users, and now only one pak needs to be downloaded (on the fly) to be able to play this mod.