Ports 搜索

japanese/libslang-1.4.5.j2 (Score: 0.0012121316)
Library permits a programmer to develop software
S-Lang is an interpreted language that was designed from the start to be easily embedded into a program to provide it with a powerful extension language. S-Lang is also a programmer's library that permits a programmer to develop sophisticated platform-independent software. Takashi Mega mega@minz.org
Strip the attachments from a mail
Given a Email::MIME object, detach all attachments from the message.
misc/deco-3.9 (Score: 0.0012121316)
Demos Commander, a free Norton Commander clone
A clone of Norton Commander for Unix. Text-based, full featured file manager intuitive interface.
GStreamer library for building a RTSP server
gst-rtsp-server is a library on top of GStreamer for building an RTSP server
sysutils/gnome-schedule-2.1.5 (Score: 0.0012121316)
配置用户的 crontab 的 GNOME 图形用户界面(GUI)
配置用户的 Vixie cron 或者类似的 crontab 的 GNOME 图形用户界面(GUI)。
sysutils/modules-3.2.10 (Score: 0.0012121316)
Dynamic modification of a user environment
The Environment Modules package provides for the dynamic modification of a user's environment via modulefiles.
Parse XML to a simple tree
This module provides an XML::Parser style for generating a simple tree out of XML.
textproc/aiksaurus-1.2.1 (Score: 0.0012121316)
GTK+2 front-end for Aiksaurus, a thesaurus
A GTK+2 front-end for Aiksaurus, see more detail in textproc/aiksaurus/pkg-descr.
Store your sessions in a database
This storage module will store session data in a database using DBI.
www/anyterm-1.1.29 (Score: 0.0012121316)
Terminal emulator on a Web page
Anyterm provides a terminal emulator on a Web page using Javascript and a server daemon. The daemon typically runs behind an HTTP proxy; it forks a shell and communicates with the script using XMLHTTP on port 80 or securely using SSL. This provides you with shell access to your machine from almost any Web browser, even when firewalls are in the way.