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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,3212,330项(搜索用时0.018秒)
mail/mutt- (Score: 0.0037523224)
The Mongrel of Mailers (part Elm, Pine, Mush, mh, etc.)
Mutt -- "The Mongrel of Mail User Agents" (part Elm, part Pine, part mh, part slrn, part everything else) is an interactive screen-oriented mailer program that supersedes Elm, Pine, mail and mailx. Features include color support, message threading, MIME support (including RFC1522 support for encoded headers), customizable key bindings, POP3, Delivery Status Notification (DSN) support, and PGP/MIME. Mutt User Information: http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/mutt/ -- David (obrien@cs.ucdavis.edu)
mail/Mail-SPF-2.9.0 (Score: 0.0037523224)
Object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Framework
Mail::SPF is an object-oriented Perl implementation of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) e-mail sender authentication system. This release of Mail::SPF fully conforms to RFC 4408 and passes the 2006.11 release of the official test-suite <http://www.openspf.org/Test_Suite>. The Mail::SPF source package includes the following additional tools: - spfquery: A command-line tool for performing SPF checks. - spfd: A daemon for services that perform SPF checks frequently.
mail/spamassassin-3.4.1 (Score: 0.0037523224)
Highly efficient mail filter for identifying spam
SpamAssassin is a mail filter which attempts to identify spam using text analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists. Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail headers and body text to identify "spam", also known as unsolicited commercial email. Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application. Additional drop-in rule sets are available at http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/CustomRulesets
math/asir-20140819 (Score: 0.0037523224)
General computer algebra system (Risa/Asir)
The system Risa/Asir is a general computer algebra system. It performs arithmetics in various rings and fields, factorization, and Groebner basis computations. It can call outer modules complient to the OpenXM protocols. The asir user language is like C. The most recent source distribution from Kobe University can be found at http://www.asir.org/ Risa/Asir was originally developed at Fujitsu Research Laboratory. Fujitsu Research Laboratory holds the copyright of Risa/Asir. See the COPYRIGHT file in the source distribution.
math/octave-forge-lssa-0.1.2 (Score: 0.0037523224)
Octave-forge package lssa
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is lssa. A package implementing tools to compute spectral decompositions of irregularly-spaced time series. Currently includes functions based off the Lomb-Scargle periodogram and Adolf Mathias' implementation for R and C (see http://www.jstatsoft.org/v11/i02).
net/liboauth-1.0.3 (Score: 0.0037523224)
C library implementing the OAuth Core standard
OAuth is an open protocol to allow secure API authorization in a simple and standard method from desktop and web applications. liboauth is a collection of POSIX-c functions implementing the OAuth Core RFC 5849 standard. liboauth provides functions to escape and encode parameters according to OAuth specification and offers high-level functionality to sign requests or verify OAuth signatures as well as perform HTTP requests.
net/scr_ipfm-0.64 (Score: 0.0037523224)
Use logs generated by ipfm to show data graphically
So scr_ipfm is a script written in php, used to graphically show amount of data downloaded by users in local network. To do that, it uses logs generated by ipfm program (ipfm is available at the address: http://robert.cheramy.net/ipfm/) scr_ipfm features: - sorting by field in, out, host and total - aggregated data of downloaded amount of data - daily, monthly, annually and global statistics
net/tcptrace-6.6.7 (Score: 0.0037523224)
TCP dump file analysis tool
tcptrace is a TCP connection analysis tool. It can tell you detailed information about TCP connections by sifting through dump files. The dump file formats supported are: Standard tcpdump format (you need the pcap library) Sun's snoop format Macintosh Etherpeek format HP/NetMetrix protocol analysis format NS simulator output format NetScout NLANR Tsh Format To see the graphs, you'll also need Tim Shepard's xplot program, available at http://www.xplot.org
textproc/ecromedos-2.1.0 (Score: 0.0037523224)
Document preparation system that allows concurrent publication
An integrated solution for XML-based publishing in print and web. It is specifically targeted at producing technical documentation in the field of computer science. Documents are written in an XML-based markup language and translated to different formats with XSL-transformations. At this time, eCromedos supports the target formats XHTML and LATEX. Where LATEX output can be further processed into high-quality printable formats by use of the TEX typesetting system (http://www.ctan.org).
www/rssowl-1.2.3 (Score: 0.0037523224)
Portable RSS, RDF, Atom Newsfeeds reader
RSSOwl is a free, opensource RSS / RDF / Atom Newsreader. Some special features are: - Export News to PDF, HTML, RTF, OPML - Import Favorites from OPML - Full text-search with syntax-highlight of the results - Powerful Newsfeed search-engine - View news in internal browser - Manage favorites in categories (Drag and Drop support) - Runs on Windows, Linux, Solaris and Mac For a complete list of features, see: http://www.rssowl.org/overview