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Results 5160 of 213 for %2Fnet-im%2F.(0.006 seconds)
net-im/libstrophe-0.9.1 (Score: 0.025865372)
Lightweight XMPP library
libstrophe is a minimal XMPP library written in C. It has almost no external dependencies, only an XML parsing library (expat or libxml are both supported).
net-im/ejabberd-16.08 (Score: 0.025865372)
Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant Jabber server
ejabberd is a high performance Free and Open Source distributed fault-tolerant instant messaging Jabber server. Key features include: - A web administration console and command line administration tools that ensure easy set up - Support for encrypted connections to ensure secure communications - Many built-in services, including Jabber User Directory and Multi-User Chat - Standard Jabber transport compliance to enable communication with other instant messaging networks - Automatic collection of statistics for reporting and system analysis - Virtual hosting, enabling ejabberd to run several virtual domains from a single ejabberd instance - Shared rosters, so that users can have predefined entries in their contacts lists - External storage support - Large numbers of supported protocols (see the supported protocols list for details) - Multi-lingual web administration interface - Full IPv6 support
polish/kadu-2.1 (Score: 0.025865372)
Internet communicator supporting Gadu-Gadu and Jabber/XMPP
Qt based internet communicator supporting Gadu-Gadu and Jabber/XMPP protocols for Unix-like and Windows systems. Gadu-Gadu is an ICQ-like messenger for polish language users.
net-im/centerim- (Score: 0.025311878)
Text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface
CenterIM is a fork of CenterICQ. CenterIM is a text mode menu- and window-driven IM interface that supports the ICQ2000, Yahoo!, MSN, AIM, Gadu-Gadu and IRC protocols as well as posting to LiveJournal aggregating RSS feeds. It allows you to send, receive, and forward messages, URLs, SMSes, contacts, and email express messages. It also lets you set your own and fetch others' away messages, and define external handlers for incoming events. You can mass message-send, search for users, view users' details, maintain your contact list directly from the program, view the message history, register a new UIN and update your details, be informed upon receipt of email messages, automatically set away after the defined period of inactivity, and have your own ignore, visible, and invisible lists. It can also associate events with sounds, make log of events, and allows arrangement of contacts into groups. WARNING: This is the development version of centerim. There's no proof that it will build and/or run properly on your system. But we will be happy to get some feedback if you experience any problems. For testing purposes, all available protocols are enabled in this port. If you don't agree to these facts, you should probable use net-im/centerim release version.
misc/pfm-2.12.3 (Score: 0.0250112)
Terminal (curses)-based file manager written in Perl
pfm is a terminal (curses)-based file manager written in Perl, based on the PFM.COM for MS-DOS (originally by Paul Culley and Henk de Heer). Permission to use the original name was kindly granted by the original authors. Some of its features: * Commands are invoked with only one or two keypresses * Colored filenames according to extension or type * Support for executing user-defined commands (including wildcards) with only two keystrokes * A single-file and multiple-file mode * Multilevel sorting * Use of oldmarks and newmarks for executing multiple commands on the same group of files * Supports bookmarks for directories * Highly configurable through its config file * Supports commandline history and completion through use of the GNU readline library * Integration with versioning tools like Subversion, CVS, Bazaar, Mercurial, and Git
net-im/empathy-3.12.11 (Score: 0.0250112)
GNOME IM client based around telepathy
Empathy consists of a rich set of reusable instant messaging widgets, and a GNOME client using those widgets. It uses Telepathy and Nokia's Mission Control, and reuses Gossip's UI. The main goal is to permit desktop integration by providing libempathy and libempathy-gtk libraries. libempathy-gtk is a set of powerful widgets that can be embeded into any GNOME application.
net-im/jitsi-2.8.5426 (Score: 0.0250112)
Open source IM and VoIP application
Jitsi (formerly SIP Communicator) is an audio/video and chat communicator that supports protocols such as SIP, XMPP/Jabber, AIM/ICQ, Windows Live, Yahoo! and many other useful features. Jitsi is Open Source / Free Software, and is available under the terms of the LGPL (version 2.1).
textproc/kmfl-sil-galatia-1.03 (Score: 0.0250112)
KMFL Unicode keyboard for typesetting Ancient Greek
This is a keyboard for typesetting Ancient Greek with precomposed Unicode characters. It is written in Keyman Keyboard Language by SIL Non-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI). This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM or IBus KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine, textproc/ibus-kmfl). The main purpose of the keyboards is to provide a wide range of keying options, so many characters can be entered in multiple ways. The features include: * preserving the context when deleting; * choosing the correct code for the sigma depending upon the encoding and the context (so the correct final form is used when appropriate); * understanding the context of gamma so that it can be typed as 'n' before kappa, xi or chi and as 'ng' before another gamma. * support for Greek punctuation.
textproc/kmfl-sil-ipa-unicode-1.2 (Score: 0.0250112)
IPA Unicode 5.1 mnemonic keyboard for KMFL IMEngine
This is mnemonic keyboard that covers entire IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) Unicode 5 range, written in Keyman keyboard language. The keyboard is developed by SIL Non-Roman Script Initiative (NRSI). This port installs the keyboard so that it can be used through SCIM or IBus KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine, textproc/ibus-kmfl). This keyboard is provided under SIL International X11-style License (http://scripts.sil.org/X11License).
www/junkbuster-2.0.2 (Score: 0.0250112)
HTTP proxy server that eliminates ads
This is a port of The Internet Junkbuster Proxy(TM). An excelent way to enhance your privacy while browsing the web. And it also happens to do a great job of filtering out all those annoying banner ads! This modified version allows one to specify appearance of blocked GIFs. It can automatically compress text/html and text/plain documents for clients which support Accept-Encoding: gzip (e.g. Netscape 4.7, Internet Explorer 5, Lynx 2.8.3) to save downstream modem/network bandwidth. It uses the zlib compression library to perform on-the-fly compression of HTML documents. Please note that this software does not support IPv6. See www/privoxy for a worth followup of this software.