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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,0912,100项(搜索用时0.008秒)
security/Authen-PAAS-1.1.1 (Score: 0.0044419467)
Perl Authentication & Authorization Service
The Authen::PAAS distribution provides a Perl API for authenticating and authorizing users of computing services. Its design is inspired by existing pluggable authentication services such as PAM and Java's JAAS, so people familiar with those two services should be comfortable with the concepts in Authen::PAAS. At its heart, Authen::PAAS provides a login service, with pluggable modules for performing different authentication schemes. The pluggable framework enables the system administrator, rather than the application developer to define what method is used to authentication with a particular application. One might ask, why not just use PAM directly via the existing Authen::PAM Perl bindings. While this works well for applications which wish to authenticate against real UNIX user accounts (eg FTP, Telnet, SSH), it is not particularly well suited to applications with 'virtualized' user accounts. For example, a web application may maintain a set of virtual user accounts in a database, or a chat server, may maintain a set of user accounts in a text configuration file. Since it merely delegates through to the underlying C libraries, the Authen::PAM module does not provide a convenient means to write new authentication schemes in Perl. Thus the Authen::PAAS distribution provides a pure Perl API for authentication.
security/sst-1.0 (Score: 0.0044419467)
Simple SSL tunneling tool (uses netcat)
Sst can be used to connect to SSL-encrypted network ser- vices or it can be used as an SSL front-end to network servers. Sst can be used interactively, or in an inetd setting, or it can be embedded inside other programs (eg. Amanda). One of the main goals of sst is to be as basic as possible so in most non-embedded cases sst uses netcat to setup the networking I/O. Sst uses a socketpair(2) pipe to stay in contact with its netcat child process. In this way sst only has to concern itself with file descriptors. In the embedded mode sst expects the parent program to set up the networking I/O and to provide the appropriate file descriptors. In embedded client mode ("-c"), clear data is read from (or written to) stdin (fildes 0) and SSL- encrypted data is read from (or written to) stdout (fildes 1). In embedded server mode ("-s"), SSL-encrypted data is read from (or written to) stdin and clear data read from (or written to) stdout.
textproc/nux-1.6 (Score: 0.0044419467)
Small open-source XQuery extension of the XOM library
Nux is a small, straightforward, and surprisingly effective open-source extension of the XOM XML library. Nux is geared towards versatile embedded integration and interchange, in particular for high-throughput server container environments (e.g. large-scale Peer-to-Peer messaging network infrastructures over high-bandwidth networks, scalable MOMs, etc). But its simplicity also makes it useful for client side XML query/transformation workflow pipelines. Features include: - Seamless W3C XQuery support for XOM. - Efficient and flexible pools and factories for XQueries, XSL Transforms, as well as Builders that validate against various schema languages, including W3C XML Schemas, DTDs, RELAX NG, Schematron, etc. - For simple and complex continuous queries and/or transformations over very large or infinitely long XML input, a convenient streaming path filter API combines full XQuery support with straightforward filtering. - Glue for integration with JAXB and for queries over ill-formed HTML. - All this is rock-solid, dependable, well documented, and ships in a jar file that weighs just 60 KB.
www/Apache-SessionX-2.01 (Score: 0.0044419467)
Extented persistence framework for session data
Apache::SessionX extents Apache::Session. It was initialy written to use Apache::Session from inside of HTML::Embperl, but is seems to be usefull outside of Embperl as well, so here is it as standalone module. Apache::Session is a persistence framework which is particularly useful for tracking session data between httpd requests. Apache::Session is designed to work with Apache and mod_perl, but it should work under CGI and other web servers, and it also works outside of a web server altogether. Apache::Session consists of five components: the interface, the object store, the lock manager, the ID generator, and the serializer. The interface is defined in SessionX.pm, which is meant to be easily subclassed. The object store can be the filesystem, a Berkeley DB, a MySQL DB, an Oracle DB, or a Postgres DB. Locking is done by lock files, semaphores, or the locking capabilities of MySQL and Postgres. Serialization is done via Storable, and optionally ASCII-fied via MIME or pack(). ID numbers are generated via MD5. The reader is encouraged to extend these capabilities to meet his own requirements.
audio/Net-DAAP-Client-0.42 (Score: 0.004365333)
Client for Apple iTunes DAAP service
dapple is a DAAP library for Perl. DAAP is the protocol built on top of HTTP that Apple's iTunes 4 uses to share music. Most responses to DAAP requests contain a binary DMAP structure.
databases/db-1.14 (Score: 0.004365333)
Manipulate db(3)'s btree(3) and hash(3) databases - NetBSD port
db allows manipulation of btree(3) and hash(3) (db(3)) databases. See NetBSD Problem Report #39254 (http://www.netbsd.org/cgi-bin/query-pr-single.pl?number=39254) for the issues with the version 1.15 and higher.
databases/Class-DBI-Plugin-Senna-0.01 (Score: 0.004365333)
Add Instant Fulltext Search Capability With Senna to Class::DBI
Class::DBI::Plugin::Senna harnesses the power of Senna (http://b.razil.jp/project/senna) with Class::DBI. This module installs hooks in your Class::DBI package that automatically creates and updates a Senna index.
dns/Net-Amazon-Route53-0.122310 (Score: 0.004365333)
Manage your DNS entries on Amazon's Route53 service
The Net::Amazon::Route53 Perl module allows you to manage DNS records for your domains via Amazon's Route 53 service. For more information, visit http://aws.amazon.com/route53/
Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Cardstream
This is Business::OnlinePayment::Cardstream, an Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Cardstream. For information on obtaining a merchant account please visit http://www.cardstream.com or e-mail sales@cardstream.com.
Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Vital VirtualNet
This is Business::OnlinePayment::VirtualNet, an Business::OnlinePayment backend module for Vital VirtualNet. It is only useful if you have a merchant account with Vital VirtualNet: http://www.vitalps.com/sections/merch/mer_ps_VNET_info.html