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Results 1,3111,320 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.003 seconds)
textproc/snowballstemmer-1.2.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Snowball stemming library collection for Python
This is a pure Python stemming library. If PyStemmer is available, this module uses it to accelerate.
textproc/sparqlwrapper-1.7.6 (Score: 0.068937615)
SPARQL endpoint interface to Python
This is a wrapper around a SPARQL service. It helps in creating the query URI and, possibly, convert the result into a more manageable format.
textproc/sphinx-intl-0.9.5 (Score: 0.068937615)
Sphinx-intl translation features
Sphinx-intl is a utility tool that provides several features that makes it easy to translate and to apply translation to Sphinx generated document.
textproc/sphinx-me-0.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Wrap README-only projects in a dynamic Sphinx shell
Do you have smaller Python projects that only need a README file for documentation? Want to host your README on Read The Docs? sphinx-me is a BSD licensed tool that will create a Sphinx documentation shell for your project and include the README file as the documentation index. It handles extracting the required meta data such as the project name, author and version from your project for use in your Sphinx docs. Once you use sphinx-me to build your Sphinx docs, you can then add your project to the Read The Docs site and have your project's README hosted with an attractive Sphinx documentation theme. Your README file should be in a reStructuredText compatible format.
textproc/clucene-5.6.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Qt bindings for the CLucene full-text search library
textproc/syck-0.61.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
Python binding for Syck, a YAML parser and emitter
Python binding for Syck, which, according is, according to the web site: Syck is an extension for reading and writing YAML swiftly in popular scripting languages. As Syck loads the YAML, it stores the data directly in your language's symbol table. This means speed. This means power. This means Do not disturb Syck because it is so focused on the task at hand that it will slay you mortally if you get in its way.
textproc/sphinx_numfig-r13 (Score: 0.068937615)
Autonumbering figures in Sphinx
This is a Sphinx package for autonumbering figures. With numfig you can have numbered figures in your Sphinx documents and refer to them by number.
textproc/sphinx_rtd_theme-0.1.9 (Score: 0.068937615)
Mobile-friendly py-sphinx theme
Prototype mobile-friendly Read the Docs Sphinx theme.
textproc/sphinx_wikipedia-20150903 (Score: 0.068937615)
Sphinx extension which adds role to create links to Wikipedia articles
This is a Sphinx extension for linking to wikipedia articles.
textproc/sphinxcontrib-adadomain-0.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Sphinx Adadomain Extension
This module contains the AdaDomain Sphinx extension which was created by Tero Koskinen.