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chinese/fcitx- (Score: 0.028879654)
一个简单而快速的 GBK 中文 XIM 服务器
一个简单而快速的 GBK 中文 XIM 服务器
chinese/fcitx-googlepinyin-0.1.6 (Score: 0.028879654)
Libgooglepinyin support for Fcitx
fcitx-googlepinyin provides libgooglepinyin, a fork of Google Pinyin IME on Android, as a back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.
textproc/fcitx-m17n-0.2.3 (Score: 0.028879654)
Multilingualization support for Fcitx
fcitx-m17n provides the libm17n, a multilingual input method engine, as a back-end to the Fcitx IM framework.
net-im/vacuum-1.2.5 (Score: 0.02729955)
Crossplatform Jabber client
Vacuum IM - modular, crossplatform Jabber client The core program is just a plugin loader - all functionality is made available via plugins. This enforces modularity and ensures well defined component interaction via interfaces.
cad/jspice3-2.5.110615 (Score: 0.02678002)
Adaptation of the Berkeley Spice3f4 with superconductivity
Jspice3 is a circuit simulator developed to meet the needs of researchers working with superconducting Josephson junction circuits, yet the program has the flexibility and power to meet the needs of other technologies. Jspice3 is an adaptation of the Berkeley Spice3f4 program, with added features. One added feature is a built-in graphical input front end for schematic capture. While displayed, simulations can be run and data plotted through this graphical interface. While not as powerful or as pretty as the Xic graphical interface, it holds its own in functionality. A significantly enhanced output plotting capability is provided, and Jspice3 has enhanced script interpretation capability.
net-im/convey-0.3 (Score: 0.02642918)
Instant Message (IM) program using the Jabber protocol
Convey allows people across the globe to collaboratively draw images while chatting online. Using pictures in addition to words makes communicating online fun and easy. Convey is an Instant Message (IM) program. You can send an message to a friend, but unlike email, the message instantly appears on your friend's screen if they are online. Otherwise, the message is delivered to your friend when they log onto the Internet. Convey uses the Jabber protocol to send its messages. A protocol consists of the rules by which a computer communicates with another computer. Using Jabber, Convey provides users connections to other popular IM programs, such as AOL Instant Messenger, ICQ, MSN Instant Messenger, and Yahoo! Messenger.
sysutils/wtail-0.2.2 (Score: 0.025870752)
Wtail does the equivalent of tail -f on several files at once
wtail does the equivalent of tail -f on several files at once. The screen is split into as many parts as there are files to watch.
net-im/profanity-0.5.0 (Score: 0.025865372)
Console based XMPP client
Profanity is a console based XMPP client written in C using ncurses and libstrophe, inspired by Irssi
net-im/prosody-0.9.10 (Score: 0.025865372)
Simple extensible XMPP server written in Lua
Prosody is a flexible communications server for Jabber/XMPP written in Lua. It aims to be easy to use, and light on resources. For developers it aims to be easy to extend and give a flexible system on which to rapidly develop added functionality, or prototype new protocols.
net-im/psi-0.15 (Score: 0.025865372)
Qt 4 based Jabber client
Psi is a client for the Jabber system. Written in C++ and based on the Qt library, there are versions available for Linux, FreeBSD (and other flavors of Unix/X11), Microsoft Windows, and Apple MacOS X. It does not require KDE to run.