Ports 搜索

sysutils/zxfer-1.1.6 (Score: 0.0058154)
Easily and reliably transfer ZFS filesystems
Zxfer is a fork of zfs-replicate. It allows the easy and reliable backup, restore or transfer of ZFS filesystems, either locally or remotely. Some of the features zxfer has: * Written in sh with only one dependency, rsync. Rsync mode is not used in a typical restore, hence in that situation all you need is the zxfer script, your backup and an install CD/DVD. * Reliability is first priority - the only methods of transfer allowed are those that checksum/hash the transferred data. * Transfer to or from a remote host via ssh. * Recursive and incremental transfer of filesystems (via snapshots). * Transfer properties and sources of those properties (e.g. local or inherited). * Override properties in the transfer, e.g. for archival purposes it is useful to override "copies" and "compression". * Create all filesystems on the destination as necessary. * A comprehensive man page with examples. * Can be set to beep on error or when done, useful for long transfers. * Features an rsync mode for when two different snapshotting regimes are on source and destination, and zfs send/receive won't work. LICENSE: BSD
net/tcpcat-1.2.0 (Score: 0.0057976684)
Simple utility for sending/receiving data over a TCP or a Unix-domain socket
From the tcpcat README: Tcpcat is a simple program that is like `cat' but it works over TCP streams to allow you to cat from one host to another. The host common way to use this program whould be something like this: on host a: $ tcpcat -l 93255 | gzip -dc | tar xvf - on host b: $ tcpcat -h hosta:93255 file.tar.gz Another good use for this program is debugging network stuff. When debugging a newtork client or server you can pipe the output of tcpcat to a hex dump (I recomend xxd which comes with vim). Also it can act as a crude telnet server when invoded with --listen, --input, and --output, this mode is quite useful for network program debugging as well.
emulators/linux-f10-10 (Score: 0.005787014)
Meta-port for all things Fedora 10
Linux Fedora 10 metaport.
chinese/wordpress-4.5.3 (Score: 0.0057185823)
State-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform
WordPress is a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. More simply, Wordpress is what you use when you want to work with your blogging software, not fight it.
devel/IO-AIO-4.34 (Score: 0.005705901)
Asynchronous Input/Output
This module implements asynchronous I/O using whatever means your operating system supports. Asynchronous means that operations that can normally block your program (e.g. reading from disk) will be done asynchronously: the operation will still block, but you can do something else in the meantime. This is extremely useful for programs that need to stay interactive even when doing heavy I/O (GUI programs, high performance network servers etc.), but can also be used to easily do operations in parallel that are normally done sequentially, e.g. stat'ing many files, which is much faster on a RAID volume or over NFS when you do a number of stat operations concurrently. While most of this works on all types of file descriptors (for example sockets), using these functions on file descriptors that support nonblocking operation (again, sockets, pipes etc.) is very inefficient or might not work (aio_read fails on sockets/pipes/fifos). Use an event loop for that (such as the Event module): IO::AIO will naturally fit into such an event loop itself.
audio/xanalyser-1.32 (Score: 0.0055846493)
Spectrum analyser
XAnalyser is a program to analyse a stereo audio signal. It has two displays: Frequency Spectrum Using Fast Fourier Transform, the time domain of the signal is transformed into the frequency domain, i.e. the amplitude (in logarithmic scale) of the audio signal is plotted versus the frequency. Either the sum of the left and right channel of the audio signal can be shown or both channels simultaneously. XY Scope Roughly speaking, the audio signal of left channel deflects a point horizontally and the right channel vertically (just as the beam of a CRT would do). Thus, an audio signal only present on the left channel produces a horizontal line, whereas an audio signal only present on the right channel produces a vertical line. A mono signal produces a 45 degree line. A stereo signal creates a wilde pattern (if the phase is correct, predominately in the same direction as a mono signal) or may even fill the entire scope.
math/vowpal_wabbit-7.10 (Score: 0.005475823)
Fast out-of-core learning system
The Vowpal Wabbit (VW) project is a fast out-of-core learning system sponsored by Microsoft Research and (previously) Yahoo! Research. There are two ways to have a fast learning algorithm: (a) start with a slow algorithm and speed it up, or (b) build an intrinsically fast learning algorithm. This project is about approach (b), and it's reached a state where it may be useful to others as a platform for research and experimentation. There are several optimization algorithms available with the baseline being sparse gradient descent (GD) on a loss function (several are available).
misc/xless-1.7 (Score: 0.005470578)
X11-based viewer for text files
This is a port of xless (version 1.7), a handy text file viewer for X. Useful as a viewer tool for other apps (e.g., xfm, the X file manager), or as a standalone viewer. Presents a scrollable text window (both vertical and horizontal scrolling), with a number of clickable buttons. From the README file: FEATURES: Display either the file(s) specified on the command line or input from standard input, supplied by a pipe. File/pipe may be optionally monitored so that the display is continuously updated as new text is added. Display new files in the current window or by creating a new window. Reload or print the displayed file. Search the displayed file using either exact, case-insensitive, or regular expression patterns. Edit the displayed file with your favorite editor (as specified in the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variable)
databases/tarantool- (Score: 0.0054689655)
NoSQL database running in a Lua application server
Tarantool is an efficient NoSQL database and a Lua application server. Key features of the Lua application server: * 100% compatible drop-in replacement for Lua 5.1, based on LuaJIT 2.0. Simply use #!/usr/bin/tarantool instead of #!/usr/bin/lua in your script. * full support for Lua modules and a rich set of own modules, including cooperative multitasking, non-blocking I/O, access to external databases, etc. Key features of the database: * MsgPack data format and MsgPack based client-server protocol * two data engines: 100% in-memory with optional persistence and a 2-level disk-based B-tree, to use with large data sets * multiple index types: HASH, TREE, BITSET * asynchronous master-master replication * authentication and access control * the database is just a C extension to the app server and can be turned off
security/trinokiller-1.0 (Score: 0.0054538185)
Remotely kill trino nodes
This program remotely kills trino nodes on version 1.07b2+f3 and below. It abuses the careless coding in trinoo nodes and causes them to exit. It requires that you either know the node password or think it's the default password.