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Results 8190 of 17,660 for descr%3A%22spam filter%22.(0.252 seconds)
japanese/kcc-1.0 (Score: 0.044103183)
Kanji code conversion Filter
Kcc is a yet another kanji code converter. It converts input kanji code (you need not specify the kanji code) to designated kanji code such as 7-bit JIS, MS-kanji (shifted-JIS) or EUC
mail/qmail-rblchk-2.4.1 (Score: 0.044103183)
Qmail RBL filter
A fast rbl lookup implementation for qmail, typically used as part of .qmail command processing. It has the same function as rblsmtpd, but the messages are checked at local delivery time.
print/epsonepl-0.2.2 (Score: 0.043736357)
Printer filter for EPSON EPL-5700L etc
This is a printer filter for the EPSON EPL-5700L, EPL-5800L and EPL-5900L budget models of EPSON's laser printers. This port also provides a driver for apsfilter.
TT plugin to filter HTML against XSS
Template::Plugin::StripScripts is a Template::Toolkit plugin to filter HTML and strip scripting snipets which can cause XSS. Additionally, due to some nice features from HTML::StripScripts, this module can work really flexibly on treating HTML.
mail/t-prot-2.101 (Score: 0.043532368)
TOFU Protection - Display Filter for RFC822 messages
This program is a filter which shall improve the readability for messages (emails and posts) by *hiding* some annoying parts, including: - mailing list footers - excessive quoting - overlong signatures - Outlook-style "TOFU" (text above - full quote below) - squeeze sequences of blank lines or punctuation Its primary mode of operation is a display filter in MUA (it has special support for Mutt), but it can also be used in MTA/MDA - e.g. for immediately bouncing "improper" messages.
textproc/Text-Pipe-0.10 (Score: 0.041722275)
Perl extension for common text filter API
This class is a factory for text pipes. A pipe has a filter() method through which input can pass. The input can be a string or a reference to an array of strings. Pipes can be stacked together using Text::Pipe::Stackable.
security/clamassassin-1.2.4 (Score: 0.041492905)
Simple virus filter wrapper for ClamAV
Clamassassin is a simple virus filter wrapper for ClamAV for use in procmail filters and similiar applications. Clamassassin's interface is similiar to that of spamassassin, making it easy to implement for those familiar with that tool. Clamassassin is designed with an emphasis on security, robustness and simplicity.
security/samba-virusfilter-0.1.3 (Score: 0.041492905)
On-access anti-virus filter for Samba
This is a set of various Samba VFS modules to scan and filter virus files on Samba file services with an anti-virus scanner. Supported Anti-Virus engines: - ClamAV (clamd daemon) - F-Secure Anti-Virus (fsavd daemon) - Sophos Anti-Virus (savdid daemon)
www/ufdbGuard-1.31 (Score: 0.041492905)
URL filter for the Squid web proxy
ufdbGuard is a URL filter for the Squid web proxy. Besides blocking access from PCs and smartphones to undesired websites, ufdbGuard has safety features to make browsing safer and to block remote access. ufdbGuard supports configuration of groups with different web access policies, SafeSearch enforcement, SSH tunnel detection, safer HTTPS traffic, time-based access rules and much more.
mail/junkfilter-20030115 (Score: 0.041072316)
Spam filtering software for procmail
junkfilter is a set of interlaced procmail scripts whose purpose is to filter spam, or junk email. It requires nothing other than procmail, and takes no overt action upon classifying a message. All action is left up to the user, although examples are provided. Modules include: numerous header checks a phrase checker for the message body an address filter a dialup filter a domain filter an IP filter -Greg <gsutter@zer0.org>