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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第4150项(搜索用时0.006秒)
mail/bsfilter-1.0.19 (Score: 0.07287045)
Bayesian spam filter written in Ruby
bsfilter is a spam filter using Bayesian(statistical) algorithm. - a filter which distinguishes spam and non-spam mail - support mails written in English and Japanese language - written in Ruby - support 3 methods for access -- traditional Unix-style filter. study and judge local files or pipe -- IMAP. study and judge mails in an IMAP server. IMAP over SSL supported -- POP proxy. run between POP server and MUA. POP over SSL supported - distributed under GPL
mail/qsf-1.2.7 (Score: 0.0701248)
Small fast spam filter intended to be used with procmail
Quick Spam Filter (qsf) is a small, fast spam filter that works by learning to recognise the words that are more likely to appear in spam than non-spam. It is intended to be used in a procmail recipe to mark email as being possible spam.
misc/hulgalugha-1.0 (Score: 0.06963968)
Very jerky text filter
A filter, makes text somewhat more jerky.
mail/spambayes-1.1b2 (Score: 0.06761813)
Bayesian anti-spam filter written in Python
SpamBayes is a tool used to segregate unwanted mail (spam) from the mail you want (ham). Before SpamBayes can be your spam filter of choice you need to train it on representative samples of email you receive. After it's been trained, you use SpamBayes to classify new mail according to its spamminess and hamminess qualities.
mail/spamassassin-3.4.1 (Score: 0.06748736)
Highly efficient mail filter for identifying spam
SpamAssassin is a mail filter which attempts to identify spam using text analysis and several internet-based realtime blacklists. Using its rule base, it uses a wide range of heuristic tests on mail headers and body text to identify "spam", also known as unsolicited commercial email. Once identified, the mail can then be optionally tagged as spam for later filtering using the user's own mail user-agent application. Additional drop-in rule sets are available at http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/CustomRulesets
textproc/l2a-1.2 (Score: 0.0655385)
L2a - LaTeX to ASCII converter
L2A is a simple filter to remove most LaTeX commands from marked-up documents, leaving only the body of text.
textproc/Filter-Simple-0.91 (Score: 0.064772174)
Simplified source filtering
Filter::Simple - Simplified source filtering Source filtering is an immensely powerful feature of recent versions of Perl. It allows one to extend the language itself (e.g. the Switch module), to simplify the language (e.g. Language::Pythonesque), or to completely recast the language (e.g. Lingua::Romana::Perligata). Effec- tively, it allows one to use the full power of Perl as its own, recur- sively applied, macro language.
mail/bayespam-0.9.2 (Score: 0.064726114)
Qmail spam filter written in Perl using Bayesian classification
Bayespam is a qmail spam filter written in Perl, using Bayesian classification to filter out unsolicited commercial email. It is written with ease of installation and use in mind, and it is encouraged that you give it a try. Bayespam actually learns as you give it more spam to process, so it should become better and better the longer you use it. Bayespam is based on a paper written by Paul Graham called A Plan for Spam. In this paper, Mr. Graham talked about a spam filter he is working on that used Bayesian classification to determine if a particular piece of email is spam or not.
devel/DirectoryScanner-1.2.0 (Score: 0.06415578)
Recursive directory scanner and filter
A recursive directory scanner and filter.
textproc/XML-Atom-Filter-0.07 (Score: 0.061543066)
Easy creation of command line Atom processing tools
XML::Atom::Filter supports creation of command line tools to filter and process Atom feeds.