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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第1,6211,630项(搜索用时0.009秒)
mail/Net-SenderBase-1.02 (Score: 0.006674937)
Query the SenderBase service
This module is an interface to the SenderBase query service at http://www.senderbase.org/.
net/nos-ttb-0.9.5 (Score: 0.006674937)
NOS teletekst browser
ttb is a program to browse Teletekstpages from http://teletekst.nos.nl/
net/Net-Delicious-1.1.4 (Score: 0.006674937)
OOP for managing posts on del.icio.us
Net::Delicious provides an object oriented interface for managing your posts on http://del.icio.us.
net/Net-GitHub-0.83 (Score: 0.006674937)
Perl interface to github.com
Net::GitHub - Perl Interface for github.com http://github.com is a popular git host.
net/Net-Todoist-0.06 (Score: 0.006674937)
Todoist API
Todoist API. Read http://todoist.com/API/help for more details.
net/WebService-Prowl-0.08 (Score: 0.006674937)
Perl interface to Prowl Public API
Perl interface to Prowl Public API documented at http://www.prowlapp.com/
net/prosearch-0.19.4 (Score: 0.006674937)
Powerful file search
File search and navigation system RU: http://pro.setun.net/search/
textproc/CSS-Packer-2.02 (Score: 0.006674937)
Another CSS minifier
CSS::Packer is another CSS minifier. http://github.com/nevesenin/css-packer-perl
www/Services_Digg-0.4.7 (Score: 0.006674937)
PHP interface to Digg's API
An interface for accessing Digg's web services API at http://services.digg.com.
net-mgmt/nsca-ng-1.4 (Score: 0.006643436)
Nagios Service Check Acceptor
NSCA-ng provides a client-server pair which makes the Nagios command file accessible to remote systems. This allows for submitting passive check results, downtimes, and many other commands to Nagios or compatible monitoring solutions. The submitted data is queued by the NSCA-ng server if Nagios goes down. Multiple check results or commands can be submitted in one go, and multiline plugin output is fully supported. NSCA-ng uses TLS encryption and shared-secret authentication with per-client passwords, as well as fine-grained authorization control. This package contains the NSCA-ng server, which is written in C and uses an event-driven architecture. Disk I/O is avoided unless the data cannot be submitted in one go due to its size (on Linux, the threshold is 4kB). In this case, the data is handed over to Nagios via asynchronously written files. NSCA clients cannot talk to NSCA-ng servers (nor vice versa), but NSCA and NSCA-ng servers can happily run side by side.