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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第5160项(搜索用时0.023秒)
devel/htmlpurifier-4.6.0 (Score: 0.0610502)
PHP HTML filter library
HTML Purifier is a standards-compliant HTML filter library written in PHP.
sysutils/hf-1.5 (Score: 0.0610502)
Address to hostname filter
hf is a filter that reads files or stdin and replaces internet addresses with hostnames.
mail/lens-0.2 (Score: 0.060614996)
Mail filter written in Ruby
Lens is a mail filter written in Ruby. Lens can filter an incoming mail when it is received and filter mails in a Maildir.
textproc/Horde_Text_Filter-2.3.5 (Score: 0.060453575)
Horde Text Filter API
The Horde_Text_Filter library provides common methods for fitering and converting text.
mail/spamilter-0.60 (Score: 0.06002626)
Sendmail LibMilter filter to block spam
Spamilter is a Sendmail milter written entierly in C, and therefore is faster and less cpu intensive than other interperative based solutions. It blocks spam using the following methods; * Configurable Realtime DNS Blacklists * Sender Address verification * Configurable Black and White lists * Invalid MTA hostname verfication * Basic Virus/Worm file attachment rejection for files ending in .pif, .scr, etc.. via MsExtChk filter * SPF via libspf * Realtime firewall blocking of MTA hosts with invalid host names via MtaHostIpfw filter * Realtime rate limited connection blocking via firewall rule injection All actions are logged via syslog with both the sender and the recipient. From this, report generation and notification to recipients showing activity becomes extremely simple. LICENSE: BSD 4-clause Copyright 2003 - Neal Horman. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by Neal Horman.
mail/spamass-milter-0.4.0 (Score: 0.058674097)
Sendmail Milter (mail filter) plugin for SpamAssassin
spamass-milter is a plugin for the Sendmail Milter (Mail Filter) library that pipes all incoming mail (including things received by rmail/UUCP) through the SpamAssassin, a highly customizable spam filter.
mail/filtermail-0.8.3 (Score: 0.058189236)
Filter mail on a POP3 server: saves downloading spam
This is mail/filtermail, a port of mailfilter, renamed because another mailfilter exists in the ports tree. It filters mail on a pop3 server, allowing junk to be deleted on the server rather than after it has been downloaded, and integrates with other programs such as fetchmail.
news/cleanfeed-20110224 (Score: 0.0579467)
Spam filter for Usenet news servers
This is a new release of the popular cleanfeed usenet spam filter written by Jeremy Nixon. I will continue releasing new versions until I get tired or somebody else will step forward. There is no real documentation, so if you never used cleanfeed please download the original package from and enjoy trying to understand what changed. If you already have an existing cleanfeed installation please double check your cleanfeed.local, because it may not be compatibile with this release. cleanfeed.conf does not exist anymore, the bad_cancel_paths config option is now read from a configuration file and most local_* functions changed their name. Please read the CHANGES file for details about these and other things. When in doubt, check the source code.
mail/spamoracle-1.4 (Score: 0.05665406)
procmail spam filter written in ML using Bayesian classification
[ excerpt from developer's site ] SpamOracle, a.k.a. "Saint Peter", is a tool to help detect and filter away "spam" (unsolicited commercial e-mail). It proceeds by statistical analysis of the words that appear in the e-mail, comparing the frequencies of words with those found in a user-provided corpus of known spam and known legitimate e-mail. The classification algorithm is based on Bayes' formula, and is described in Paul Graham's paper, A plan for spam. This program is designed to work in conjunction with procmail. The result of the analysis is output as an additional message header X-Spam:, followed by yes, no or unknown, plus additional details. A procmail rule can then test this X-Spam: header and deliver the e-mail to the appropriate mailbox.
Emoticon filter of GoogleTalk
Text::Emoticon::GoogleTalk is a text filter that replace text emoticons like ":-)", "<3", etc. with the icons of Google Talk (or Gmail Chat), detailed in http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=34056