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Results 721730 of 1,309 for /graphics/.(0.002 seconds)
graphics/Color-Scheme-1.05 (Score: 0.08697138)
Generate pleasant color schemes
This module is a Perl implementation of Color Schemes 2 (http://wellstyled.com/tools/colorscheme2/), a color scheme generator. Start by visiting the Color Schemes 2 web site and playing with the colors. When you want to generate those schemes on the fly, begin using this module.
graphics/Convert-Color-0.11 (Score: 0.08697138)
Perl extension for color space conversions and named lookups
This module provides conversions between commonly used ways to express colors. It provides conversions between color spaces such as RGB and HSV, and it provides ways to look up colors by a name. This class provides a base for subclasses which represent particular color values in particular spaces. The base class provides methods to represent the color in a few convenient forms, though subclasses may provide more specific details for the space in question.
Perl helper class for the Google Chart Tools Datasource Protocol
Perl helper class for implementing the Google Chart Tools Datasource Protocol. The Google Visualization API is a nifty bit of kit for generating pretty pictures from your data. By design it has a fair amount of Google-cruft, such as non-standard JSON and stuffing configuration options in to a single CGI query parameter. Data::Google::Visualization::DataTable takes care of preparing data for the API.
Easily create Google DataTable objects for the Google Visulization API
Easily create Google DataTable objects for the Google Visulization API. This module is attempts to hide the gory details of preparing your data before sending it to a JSON serializer - more specifically, hiding some of the hoops that have to be jump through for making sure your data serializes to the right data types.
graphics/GD-Arrow-0.01 (Score: 0.08697138)
Draw arrows using GD
This is a subclass of GD::Polygon used to draw an arrow between two vertices. GD::Arrow::Full draws a full arrow between two verticies. |\ +----------------------+ \ (X2, Y2) * * (X1, Y1) +----------------------+ / |/ GD::Arrow::RightHalf draws a half arrow between two verticies. (X2, Y2) *-------------------------* (X1, Y1) +----------------------+ / |/ GD::Arrow::LeftHalf draws a half arrow between two verticies. |\ +----------------------+ \ (X2, Y2) *-------------------------* (X1, Y1)
graphics/GD-Barcode-1.15 (Score: 0.08697138)
GD::Barcode - Create barcode image with GD
GD::Barcode is a subclass of GD and allows you to create barcode image with GD. This module based on "Generate Barcode Ver 1.02 By Shisei Hanai 97/08/22".
graphics/GD-Graph-histogram-1.1 (Score: 0.08697138)
Histogram plotting module for perl5
GD::Graph::histogram extends the GD::Graph module to create histograms. The module allow creation of count or percentage histograms.
graphics/GD-Graph-ohlc-0.9703 (Score: 0.08697138)
Create charts displaying the open, high, low, and close
GD::Graph type that shows open, high, low and close as ticks on little sticks
graphics/GD-Graph-1.52 (Score: 0.08697138)
Graph plotting module for perl5
GD::Graph is a perl5 module to create charts using the GD module.
graphics/GD-Graph3d-0.63 (Score: 0.08697138)
Creates 3D charts with GD::Graph and GD
GD-Graph3d extensions module provides 3D graphs for the GD::Graph module.