Ports 搜索

graphics/rawtherapee-4.2 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Powerful RAW image processing application
RawTherapee is a powerful RAW image processing appliction. It features: High Image Quality - Various demosaicing algorithms: AMaZE, DCB, fast, AHD, EAHD, HPHD & VNG4. - Advanced color handling, including color management. - Enhanced exposure and tonality tools - Multiple denoising methods and several tools to enhance details. Efficiency - Multi-threaded algorithms for high performance - Batch processing: convert all the developed images at once without not loading the processor while you work. - Basic tools immediately at your hands. - Parallel editing of multiple images. - An optional secondary display can be used. Versatility - Wide variety of supported cameras - Advanced control over the algorithms with many fine-tuning parameters. - Command line usage besides the normal graphical interface. - Various layouts: single/multiple/vertical tab, with/without filmstrip.
irc/libircclient-1.7 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
IRC library to create IRC clients
libircclient is a small but powerful library, which implements client-server IRC protocol. It is designed to be small, fast, portable and compatible to RFC standards, and most IRC clients. libircclient features include: * Full multi-threading support. * Single threads handles all the IRC processing. * Support for single-threaded applications, and socket-based applications, which use select() * Synchronous and asynchronous interfaces. * CTCP support with optional build-in reply code. * Flexible DCC support, including both DCC chat, and DCC file transfer. * Can both initiate and react to initiated DCC. * Can accept or decline DCC sessions asynchronously. * Plain C interface and implementation (possible to use from C++ code, obviously) * Compatible with RFC 1459 and most IRC clients. * Free, licensed under LGPL license. * Good documentation and examples available.
java/jgrapht-0.7.3 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Java package for mathematical graph-theory objects and algorithms
JGraphT is a free Java graph library that provides mathematical graph-theory objects and algorithms. JGraphT supports various types of graphs including: * directed and undirected graphs. * graphs with weighted / unweighted / labeled or any user-defined edges. * various edge multiplicity options, including: simple-graphs, multigraphs, pseudographs. * unmodifiable graphs - allow modules to provide "read-only" access to internal graphs. * listenable graphs - allow external listeners to track modification events. * subgraphs graphs that are auto-updating subgraph views on other graphs. * all compositions of above graphs. Although powerful, JGraphT is designed to be simple. For example, graph vertices can be of any objects. You can create graphs based on: Strings, URLs, XML documents, etc; you can even create graphs of graphs!
mail/isoqlog-2.2.1 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Qmail, postfix, sendmail, exim MTA log analysis program
Isoqlog is an MTA log analysis program written in C.It designed to scan qmail, postfix, sendmail logfile and produce usage statistics in HTML format for viewing through a browser.It produces Top domains output according to Incoming, Outgoing, total mails and bytes, it keeps your main domain mail statistics with Days Top Domain, Top Users values for per day, per month, and years. Features: -------- * Multi MTA support(qmail (multilog and syslog), postfix, sendmail, exim) * Multi-domain support: Shows quite detailed statistics for not only your main domain, but also, any domain you want. * Displays statistics for common mail delivery errors. * For each domain you specify; displays Top incoming, outgoing, total and byte based statistics for users. * Displays server's activity based on incoming, outgoing, total mails and size of incoming mail, for domain and its users. * All days', all months', all years' activities ( above ones ) are stored for future inspection. * Multi-language Support (17 languages supported as of isoqlog 2.1.1!)
mail/spamilter-0.60 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Sendmail LibMilter filter to block spam
Spamilter is a Sendmail milter written entierly in C, and therefore is faster and less cpu intensive than other interperative based solutions. It blocks spam using the following methods; * Configurable Realtime DNS Blacklists * Sender Address verification * Configurable Black and White lists * Invalid MTA hostname verfication * Basic Virus/Worm file attachment rejection for files ending in .pif, .scr, etc.. via MsExtChk filter * SPF via libspf * Realtime firewall blocking of MTA hosts with invalid host names via MtaHostIpfw filter * Realtime rate limited connection blocking via firewall rule injection All actions are logged via syslog with both the sender and the recipient. From this, report generation and notification to recipients showing activity becomes extremely simple. LICENSE: BSD 4-clause Copyright 2003 - Neal Horman. All rights reserved. This product includes software developed by Neal Horman.
math/blocksolve95-3.0 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Software for the efficient solution of large, sparse linear systems
BlockSolve95 is a scalable parallel software library primarily intended for the solution of sparse linear systems that arise from physical models, especially problems involving multiple degrees of freedom at each node. For example, when the finite element method is used to solve practical problems in structural engineering, each node typically has two to five degrees of freedom; BlockSolve95 is designed to take advantage of problems with this type of local structure. BlockSolve95 is also reasonably efficient for problems that have only one degree of freedom associated with each node, such as the three- dimensional Poisson problem. BlockSolve95 is general purpose; we do not require that the matrices have any particular structure other than being sparse and being symmetric in structure (but not necessarily in value).
math/octave-forge-queueing-1.2.4 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Octave-forge package queueing
The octave-forge package is the result of The GNU Octave Repositry project, which is intended to be a central location for custom scripts, functions and extensions for GNU Octave. contains the source for all the functions plus build and install scripts. This is queueing. The queueing toolbox provides functions for queueing networks and Markov chains analysis. This package can be used to compute steady-state performance measures for open, closed and mixed networks with single or multiple job classes. Mean Valud Analysis (MVA), convolution and various bounding techniques are implemented. Various transient and steady-state performance measures for Markov chains can als be computed (including state occupancy probabilities, mean time to absorption, time-averaged sojourn times), both for continuous-time and discrete-time chains.
math/fityk-1.3.0 (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Free peak fitting software
Fityk is a program for nonlinear fitting of analytical functions (especially peak-shaped) to data (usually experimental data). There are also people using it only to display data or to remove baseline from data. It is reported to be used in crystallography, chromatography, photoluminescence, infrared and Raman spectroscopy and other fields. Fityk knows about common peak-shaped functions (Gaussian, Lorentzian, Voigt, Pearson VII, bifurcated Gaussian, EMG, Doniach-Sunjic, etc.) and polynomials. It also supports user-defined functions. Fityk offers intuitive graphical interface (and also command line interface), variouse optimization methods (standard Marquardt least-square algorithm, Genetic Algorithms, Nelder-Mead simplex), equality constraints, modelling error of x coordinate of points (eg. zero-shift of instrument), handling series of datasets, automation of common tasks with scripts, and more.
math/RcppEigen- (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Rcpp integration for the Eigen templated linear algebra library
R and Eigen integration using Rcpp. Eigen is a C++ template library for linear algebra: matrices, vectors, numerical solvers and related algorithms. It supports dense and sparse matrices on integer, floating point and complex numbers, decompositions of such matrices, and solutions of linear systems. Its performance on many algorithms is comparable with some of the best implementations based on Lapack and level-3 BLAS. The RcppEigen package includes the header files from the Eigen C++ template library (currently version 3.2.2). Thus users do not need to install Eigen itself in order to use RcppEigen. Since version 3.1.1, Eigen is licensed under the Mozilla Public License (version 2); earlier version were licensed under the GNU LGPL version 3 or later. RcppEigen (the Rcpp bindings/bridge to Eigen) is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later, as is the rest of Rcpp.
math/giacxcas- (Score: 3.2377462E-5)
Computer algebra system
General purpose computer algebra system released under GPLv3. French documentation by Renee De Graeve is for non-commercial use only. The package consists of: - C++ library (libgiac). It is build on C and C++ libraries: PARI, NTL (arithmetic), CoCoA (Groebner basis), GSL (numerics), GMP (big integers), MPFR (bigfloats) and provides algorithms for basic polynomial operations (product, GCD) and symbolic computations (simplifications, limits/series, symbolic integration, summation, ...). The library can be configured to accept Maple or TI syntax to ease the transition for users of these systems. - Command line interpreter (icas or giac). It can be called from texmacs. - FLTK-based GUI (xcas). It is a GUI for symbolic computation with several modules added: 2-d and 3-d graphics, dynamic 2-d and 3-d geometry (exact or numeric), spreadsheet, programming environment.