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graphics/cairocffi-0.7.2 (Score: 0.104941554)
Cairo cffi-based cairo bindings for Python
cairocffi cairocffi is a CFFI-based drop-in replacement for Pycairo, a set of Python bindings and object-oriented API for cairo. Cairo is a 2D vector graphics library with support for multiple backends including image buffers, PNG, PostScript, PDF, and SVG file output.
graphics/toyplot-0.9.0 (Score: 0.104941554)
Modern plotting toolkit supporting electronic publishing
Toyplot is a kid-sized plotting toolkit for Python with grownup-sized goals: * Develop beautiful interactive, animated plots that embrace the unique capabilities of electronic publishing and support repoducibility. * Create the best possible data graphics out-of-the-box, maximizing data ink and minimizing chartjunk. * Provide a clean, minimalist interface that scientists and engineers will love.
math/libR-3.3.1 (Score: 0.10471007)
Language for statistical computing and graphics
This is the static libR library from R -- a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. See ports/math/R.
x11-toolkits/OpenGL- (Score: 0.10316847)
Binding for the OpenGL graphics system
A Haskell binding for the OpenGL graphics system (GL, version 4.5) and its accompanying utility library (GLU, version 1.3). OpenGL is the industry's most widely used and supported 2D and 3D graphics application programming interface (API), incorporating a broad set of rendering, texture mapping, special effects, and other powerful visualization functions.
graphics/jpeg-turbo-1.4.2 (Score: 0.10285492)
SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec which replaces libjpeg
This is a drop-in replacement for the graphics/jpeg library. It does not include libturbojpeg.so (see graphics/libjpeg-turbo). libjpeg-turbo is a high-speed version of libjpeg for x86 and x86-64 processors which uses SIMD instructions (MMX, SSE2, etc.) to accelerate baseline JPEG compression and decompression. libjpeg-turbo is generally 2-4x as fast as the unmodified version of libjpeg, all else being equal. libjpeg-turbo was originally based on libjpeg/SIMD by Miyasaka Masaru, but the TigerVNC and VirtualGL projects made numerous enhancements to the codec, including improved support for Mac OS X, 64-bit support, support for 32-bit and big endian pixel formats (RGBA, ABGR, etc.), accelerated Huffman encoding/decoding, and various bug fixes. The goal was to produce a fully open source codec that could replace the partially closed source TurboJPEG/IPP codec used by VirtualGL and TurboVNC. libjpeg-turbo generally achieves 80-120% of the performance of TurboJPEG/IPP. It is faster in some areas but slower in others.
graphics/SVGFig-1.1.6 (Score: 0.10285492)
Draw mathematical figures in SVG using Python
The SVGFig package lets you draw mathematical figures in Scalable Vector Graphics format (SVG), using the Python language. As a tool, its usefulness lies somewhere between freehand drawing programs, which don't give you quantitative control over your figures, and traditional plotting packages, which fit your data into a prescribed template. SVGFig allows you to draw anything you can express in Python. SVGFig is particularly suited to handle non-linear geometries. All lines, including the coordinate axis, curve if passed through a non-linear coordinate transformation, and coordinate systems can be nested in trees. This generalizes all the tools necessary for making plots, so it is easy to create polar plots of radial data, Hammer-Aitoff projections of the sky, translations in hyperbolic spaces, or experiment with new representations. SVGFig also maintains a convenient representation of SVG images as Python constructs, so you can load graphics from SVG files, dissect them, manipulate them with an automated script, and save them in batch.
graphics/embree-2.10.0 (Score: 0.102695286)
Collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels
Embree is a collection of high-performance ray tracing kernels developed at Intel. The target users of Embree are graphics application engineers that want to improve the performance of their application by leveraging the optimized ray tracing kernels of Embree. These kernels are optimized for photo-realistic rendering on the latest Intel processors with support for SSE, AVX, AVX2, AVX512, and the 16-wide Intel Xeon Phi coprocessor vector instructions.
graphics/gif2png-2.5.9 (Score: 0.102695286)
Converts GIF images to a PNG format
The gif2png program converts files from the obsolescent Graphic Interchange Format to Portable Network Graphics. The conversion preserves all graphic information, including transparency, perfectly. The gif2png program can even recover data from corrupted GIFs. The distribution also includes a Python script, web2png, that will convert entire web hierarchies (images and HTML or PHP pages). The script requires Python 1.5.2. Original author: Alexander Lehmann
graphics/gle-3.1.0 (Score: 0.102695286)
GL Tubing and Extrusion Library
The GLE Tubing and Extrusion Library is a graphics application programming interface (API). The library consists of a number of "C" language subroutines for drawing tubing and extrusions. The library is distributed in source code form, in a package that includes documentation, a VRML proposal, Makefiles, and full source code and header files. It uses the OpenGL (TM) programming API to perform the actual drawing of the tubing and extrusions. http://sourceforge.net/projects/gle/
graphics/jogl-1.1.1 (Score: 0.102695286)
Java bindings for OpenGL
The JOGL project hosts the development version of the Java Binding for the OpenGL API (JSR-231), and is designed to provide hardware- supported 3D graphics to applications written in Java. JOGL provides full access to the APIs in the OpenGL 2.0 specification as well as nearly all vendor extensions, and integrates with the AWT and Swing widget sets. It is part of a suite of open-source technologies initiated by the Game Technology Group at Sun Microsystems.