Ports 搜索

sysutils/timelimit-1.8.1 (Score: 0.078945376)
Limit the absolute execution time of a process
timelimit executes a command and terminates the spawned process after a given time with a given signal. A 'warning' signal is sent first, then, after a timeout, a 'kill' signal, similar to the way init(8) operates on shutdown.
textproc/confget-2.0.0 (Score: 0.078945376)
Read variables from INI-style configuration files
The confget utility examines a INI-style configuration file and retrieves the value of the specified variables from the specified section. Its intended use is to let shell scripts use the same INI-style configuration files as other programs, to avoid duplication of data. The confget utility may retrieve the values of one or more variables, list all the variables in a specified section, list only those whose names or values match a specified pattern (shell glob or regular expression), or check if a variable is present in the file at all. It has a "shell-quoting" output mode that quotes the variable values in a way suitable for passing them directly to a Bourne-style shell.
x11-wm/wmanager-addons-0.02 (Score: 0.078945376)
Helper scripts and documentation for the X11 window manager selector
The wmanager-addons package contains a couple of helper shell scripts and manual pages for the x11/wmanager window manager selector. They were originally part of the Debian wmanager package, but have later been ported to other operating systems.
devel/namespace-clean-xs-0.07 (Score: 0.07707341)
Keep imports and functions out of your namespace, in XS
This module does the same thing as devel/p5-namespace-clean, but in XS and with no dependencies.
devel/fam-1.1.1 (Score: 0.07707341)
Python Interface to the File Alteration Monitor
Python FAM provides a Python module to use the File Alteration Monitor(ports/devel/fam) in Python.
devel/buildbot-slave-0.8.12 (Score: 0.07070792)
Continuous Integration Framework (Slave)
This port is the slave part of BuildBot. For the buildmaster, install the devel/buildbot port For more information, please see: http://buildbot.net/trac
devel/dev86-0.16.20 (Score: 0.07070792)
8086 development tools
This is port of Robert de Bath's 8086 Linux development environment. It is an extension to Bruce Evan's C compiler (devel/bcc port).
devel/lfcbase-1.8.10 (Score: 0.07070792)
Collection of basic c++ classes, used for databases/cego
This is a collection of basic c++ classes, used for devel/lfcxml and databases/cego and probably other applications. Many more details are available at:
devel/omniORB-4.1.7 (Score: 0.06852363)
Robust high performance CORBA ORB for C++ and Python
omniORB is a robust high performance CORBA ORB for C++ and Python. It is freely available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (for the libraries), and GNU General Public License (for the tools). omniORB is largely CORBA 2.6 compliant. It offers mainly the same features as the port devel/omniORB, but this legacy version is compatible with devel/omniNotify.
databases/fdb-1.6 (Score: 0.065787815)
Firebird RDBMS bindings for Python
Firebird RDBMS bindings for Python. fdb package is a set of Firebird RDBMS bindings for python. It works on Python 2.6+ and Python 3.x