CLucene is a C++ port of Lucene: the high-performance,
full-featured text search engine written in Java.
CLucene is faster than lucene as it is written in C++.
Ferret is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine
library written for Ruby. It is a full port of the
Apache Lucene Java project.
There is a pure Ruby version included.
Xalan-Java is an XSLT processor for transforming XML documents into HTML, text,
or other XML document types. It implements the W3C Recommendations for XSL
Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.0 and the XML Path Language (XPath) Version
1.0. It can be used from the command line, in an applet or a servlet, or as a
module in other program.
Xalan-Java recasts Xalan as an implementation of the Transformation API for XML
(TrAX) interfaces, part of the Java API for XML Processing 1.2. TrAX provides a
modular framework and a standard API for performing XML transformations, and it
utilizes system properties to determine which Transformer and which XML parser
to use.
Xalan-Java also builds on SAX 2 and DOM level 2.
This is a HTML-generating package for making graphical user interfaces
via a web browser using a "Layout Manager" paradigm such as in Tcl/Tk
or Java. It includes a component hierarchy for making new "widgets".
"A Java based HTTP/HTTPS proxy for assessing web application
vulnerability. It supports editing/viewing HTTP messages on-the-fly.
Other featuers include spiders, client certificate, proxy-chaining,
intelligent scanning for XSS and SQL injections etc."
Terminus TTF is a TrueType version of the great Terminus Font, a
fixed-width bitmap font optimized for long work with computers.
It is useful for applications that don't support bitmap fonts
e.g. Java applications.
SQL Workbench/J is a free, DBMS-independent, cross-platform SQL
query tool. It is written in Java and should run on any operating
system that provides a Java Runtime Environment.
Its main focus is on running SQL scripts (either interactively or
as a batch) and export/import features. Graphical query building
or more advanced DBA tasks are not the focus and are not planned.
iReport is a powerful, intuitive and easy to use visual report builder/designer
for JasperReports written in 100% pure java. This tool allows users to visually
edit complex reports with charts, images, subreports,... iReport is integrated
with JFreeChart, one of the most diffused OpenSource chart library for java.
The data to print can be retrieved through several ways including multiple JDBC
connections, TableModels, JavaBeans, XML, etc.
What is it?
NAnt is a .NET-based build tool. In theory it is kind of like make without
make's wrinkles. In practice it's a lot like Ant.
If you are not familiar with Jakarta Ant, you can get more information at the
Ant project web site (
Why NAnt?
Because Ant was too Java-specific.
Because Ant needed the Java runtime. NAnt only needs the .NET or Mono runtime.
This project provides the Java-based implementation of the
Simple API for Binary REpresentations (SABRE). The library
defines observer-pattern interfaces for processing hierarchically
structured, binary-oriented documents, comparable to the Simple
API for XML (SAX). Processing can be modularized into a streaming
pipeline composed of separate stages, enabling the parsing,
transformation and serialization of large binary documents.
UDFLib is a Java-based implementation for creating UDF filesystem
images for DVDs according to ISO 13346, also known as ECMA-167.