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Results 1,1311,140 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.003 seconds)
textproc/Numbers_Roman-1.0.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
PEAR methods for converting to and from Roman Numerals
PEAR::Numbers_Roman provides static methods for converting to and from Roman numerals. It supports Roman numerals in both uppercase and lowercase styles and conversion for and to numbers up to 5 999 999.
textproc/File_Fortune-1.0.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
Interface for reading from and writing to fortune files
File_Fortune provides a PHP interface to reading fortune files. With it, you may retrieve a single fortune, a random fortune, or all fortunes in the file. Additionally, it offers the ability to access fortune files as if they were a native array, including updating and deleting items. All write operations will produce a binary header file to allow compatibility with the fortune and fortune-mod programs (as well as other fortune interfaces).
textproc/Horde_JavascriptMinify-1.1.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Horde Javascript Minification
Horde abstracted interface to various javascript minification backends.
textproc/Horde_Pdf-2.0.7 (Score: 0.068937615)
Horde PDF library
This Horde package provides PDF generation using only PHP, without requiring any external libraries.
textproc/Horde_SpellChecker-2.1.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Horde Spellcheck API
Horde unified spellchecking API.
textproc/Horde_Text_Diff-2.1.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
Horde engine for performing and rendering text diffs
This Horde package provides a text-based diff engine and renderers for multiple diff output formats.
textproc/Horde_Text_Filter-2.3.5 (Score: 0.068937615)
Horde Text Filter API
The Horde_Text_Filter library provides common methods for fitering and converting text.
textproc/xdiff-1.5.2 (Score: 0.068937615)
PECL extension to create/apply binary and text patches
pecl-xdiff is a php extension that creates and applies patches to both text and binary files.
textproc/Horde_Text_Flowed-2.0.3 (Score: 0.068937615)
Horde API for flowed text as per RFC 3676
The Horde_Text_Flowed:: class provides common methods for manipulating text using the encoding described in RFC 3676 ('flowed' text).
textproc/YAML-1.0.6 (Score: 0.068937615)
The Symfony YAML Component
Symfony YAML is a PHP library that parses YAML strings and converts them to PHP arrays. It can also converts PHP arrays to YAML strings.