Ports 搜索

www/snap-core- (Score: 0.009196129)
Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (core interfaces and types)
Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. This library contains the core definitions and types for the Snap framework, including: 1. Primitive types and functions for HTTP (requests, responses, cookies, post/query parameters, etc). 2. Type aliases and helper functions for Iteratee I/O. 3. A monad for programming web handlers called "Snap", inspired by happstack's, which allows: - Stateful access to the HTTP request and response objects. - Monadic failure (i.e. MonadPlus/Alternative instances) for declining to handle requests and chaining handlers together. - Early termination of the computation if you know early what you want to return and want to prevent further monadic processing.
comms/efax-0.9a-001114a7 (Score: 0.009164276)
Fax send/receive program
Efax can send and receive FAX via FAX modem. Enhanced from mgetty+sendfax program, this program can handle `CLASS1' modems.
print/mp-a4-3.0.1 (Score: 0.009164276)
PostScript printing util for ASCII files
security/trinokiller-1.0 (Score: 0.009068686)
Remotely kill trino nodes
This program remotely kills trino nodes on version 1.07b2+f3 and below. It abuses the careless coding in trinoo nodes and causes them to exit. It requires that you either know the node password or think it's the default password.
security/stegdetect-0.6 (Score: 0.009068686)
Automated tool for detecting steganographic content in JPEGs
Stegdetect is an automated tool for detecting steganographic content in images. It is capable of detecting several different steganographic methods to embed hidden information in JPEG images. Currently, the detectable schemes are: * jsteg * jphide (Unix and Windows) * invisible secrets * outguess 01.3b * F5 * appendX and camouflage
french/med-3.0.8 (Score: 0.009048282)
Modelisation et Echanges de Donnees
MED stands for "Mod�lisation et �changes de Donn�es", i.e. Data Modelization and Exchanges. MED ��fichier��, c'est�: * Un mod�le d'�change de donn�es commun centr� sur les notions de maillage et de r�sultat. Ce mod�le d�crit quelles sont les donn�es export�es et �chang�es entre les codes. * Une API (Application Programming Interface) d'acc�s aux donn�es qui se pr�sente sous la forme d'une biblioth�que informatique �crite en C et FORTRAN 77. Cette biblioth�que est distribu�e sous licence GNU LGPL. * Des donn�es �chang�es et stock�es dans des fichiers au format HDF (Hierarchical Data Format).
Per user sessions (instead of per browser sessions)
This plugin allows you to write e.g. shopping cart code which should behave well for guests as well as permanent users. The basic idea is both logged in and not logged in users can get the same benefits from sessions where it doesn't matter, but that logged in users can keep their sessions accross logins, and will even get the data they added/changed assimilated to their permanent account if they made the changes as guests and then logged in. This is probably most useful for e-commerce sites, where the shopping cart is typically used before login, and should be equally accessible to both guests and logged in users.
audio/amb-plugins-0.8.1 (Score: 0.009018473)
Ambisonics plugins, mainly to be used within Ardour
A set of ambisonics plugins, mainly to be used within Ardour. Mono and stereo to B-format panning, horizontal rotator, square, hexagon and cube decoders.
math/libtsnnls-2.3.3 (Score: 0.009018473)
Fast Sparse Nonnegative Least Squares Solver
libtsnnls is a fast solver for least-squares problems in the form Ax = b under the constraint that all entries in the solution vector x are non-negative.
japanese/kappa20-0.396 (Score: 0.008987241)
20-dot Kanji font Kappa20
Japanese 20 dot fonts(`Kappa20dot'). You can use: k20[mb] mincho/gothic (JIS X 0208) ('m' for medium mincho, 'b' for bold mincho) 10x20[mb] ascii (ISO-8859-1(Latin 1)) 10x20rk[mb] kana (JIS X 0201) 10x20L[239][mb] ISO 8859-[239] (Latin [239]) ipa-10x20[mb] Mule IPA fonts vk20[mb] k20[mb] modified for vertical writings Italic(slanted) fonts are available with 'i' postfix. An example usage: % kterm -fn a20m -fb a20b -fr r10m -frb a20b -fk k20m -fkb k20b -lsp 3 or in your Xresources file: KTerm*VT100*fontList: -kappa-fixed-medium-r-normal--20-* KTerm*VT100*boldFontList: -kappa-fixed-bold-r-normal--20-*