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Results 701710 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.002 seconds)
textproc/Regexp-Log-Common-0.10 (Score: 0.068937615)
Regexp::Log::Common, a parser for the Common Log Format
Regexp::Log::Common uses Regexp::Log as a base class, to generate regular expressions for performing the usual data munging tasks on log files that cannot be simply split().
textproc/SGML-DTDParse-2.00 (Score: 0.068937615)
Parse an SGML or XML DTD
The DTDParse collection is a set of Perl modules and scripts for manipulating SGML an XML Document Type Definitions (DTDs). DTDParse is designed primarily to aid in the understanding and documentation of DTDs.
textproc/SGML-Parser-OpenSP-0.994 (Score: 0.068937615)
Parse SGML documents using OpenSP
SGML::Parser::OpenSP is an interface to the OpenSP parser. It allows for Perl scripts to parse an SGML document (including HTML) using the OpenSP parser.
textproc/SQL-Tokenizer-0.24 (Score: 0.068937615)
Simple regular expressions based SQL tokenizer
SQL::Tokenizer is a simple tokenizer for SQL queries. It does not claim to be a parser or query verifier. It just creates sane tokens from a valid SQL query.
textproc/opengrm-ngram-1.3.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Library for making n-gram language models encoded as weighted FSTs
The OpenGrm NGram library is used for making and modifying n-gram language models encoded as weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). It makes use of functionality in the OpenFst library to create, access and manipulate n-gram models. Operations for counting, smoothing, pruning, applying, and evaluating models as well as support for distributed computation are among those provided. It was developed by contributors from OHSU and Google Research.
textproc/SVG-Parser-1.03 (Score: 0.068937615)
XML Parser for SVG documents
SVG::Parser is an XML parser for SVG Documents. It takes XML as input and produces an SVG object as its output. SVG::Parser supports both XML::SAX and XML::Parser (Expat) parsers, with SAX preferred by default. Only one of these needs to be installed for SVG::Parser to function. A list of preferred parsers may be specified in the import list - SVG::Parser will use the first parser that successfully loads. Some basic measures are taken to provide cross-compatibility. Applications requiring more advanced parser features should use the relevant parser module directly; see SVG::Parser::Expat and SVG::Parser::SAX.
textproc/kdiff3-0.9.98 (Score: 0.068937615)
KDE4 graphical frontend for diff
KDiff3 is a program that: * compares or merges two or three text input files or directories, * shows the differences line by line and character by character (!), * provides an automatic merge-facility and * an integrated editor for comfortable solving of merge-conflicts, * supports KIO on KDE (allows accessing ftp, sftp, fish, smb etc.), * Printing of differences, * Manual alignment of lines, * Automatic merging of version control history (cvs Log keyword), * and has an intuitive graphical user interface.
textproc/Search-Estraier-0.09 (Score: 0.068937615)
Pure perl module to use Hyper Estraier search engine
This module is implementation of node API of Hyper Estraier. Since it's perl-only module with dependencies only on standard perl modules, it will run on all platforms on which perl runs. It doesn't require compilation or Hyper Estraier development files on target machine. It is implemented as multiple packages which closly resamble Ruby implementation. It also includes methods to manage nodes. There are few examples in scripts directory of this distribution.
textproc/Search-Odeum-0.02 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl interface to the Odeum inverted index API
Search::Odeum is an interface to the Odeum API. Odeum is the inverted index API which is a part of qdbm database library.
textproc/Search-QueryParser-SQL-0.010 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl module to turn free-text queries into SQL WHERE clauses
Turn free-text queries into SQL WHERE clauses. The idea is to allow you to treat your database like a free-text search index, when it really isn't.