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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第2130项(搜索用时0.011秒)
mail/Email-Filter-1.03.3 (Score: 0.12242288)
Library for creating easy email filters
This is another module produced by the "Perl Email Project", a reaction against the complexity and increasing bugginess of the "Mail::*" modules. It replaces Mail::Audit, and allows you to write programs describing how your mail should be filtered.
textproc/XML-Filter-XInclude-1.0 (Score: 0.120426975)
XInclude as a SAX Filter
This module implements a simple SAX filter that provides XInclude support. It does NOT support XPointer.
security/POE-Filter-SSL-0.29.1 (Score: 0.11742201)
Esiest and flexiblest way to SSL in POEIntegrate SSL into POE
This module allows to secure connections of POE::Wheel::ReadWrite with OpenSSL by a POE::Filter object, and behaves (beside of SSLing) as POE::Filter::Stream.
textproc/XML-Filter-Reindent-0.03 (Score: 0.11450046)
Reformats whitespace for pretty printing XML
XML::Filter::Reindent can be used as a PerlSAX filter to reformat an XML document before sending it to a PerlSAX handler that prints it (like XML::Handler::Composer.)
irc/POE-Filter-IRCD-2.44 (Score: 0.11231578)
POE-based parser for the IRC protocol
POE::Filter::IRCD is a POE-based parser for the IRC protocol. It provides a convenient way of parsing and creating IRC protocol lines.
textproc/XML-Filter-SAX1toSAX2-0.03 (Score: 0.11022291)
Convert SAX1 events to SAX2
This module is a very simple module for creating SAX2 events from SAX1 events. It is useful in the case where you have a SAX1 parser but want to use a SAX2 handler or filter of some sort.
Base Class for SAX Filters parsing WellBallanced Chunks
XML::Filter::GenericChunk is a base class for SAX filters that are able to parse wellballanced chunks from SAX events and transforms this chunk into a sequence of SAX events.
Converts account names to email address based on a flat-file database
This module is a filter for SVN::Notify that translates user account names (e.g. "user1") into email addresses. It does this based on a colon-separated file, like a UNIX passwd file (or more usefully) the AuthUserFile used by Apache. The file path is specified via the --account_file option to the svnnotify script, and the index (zero-based) of the email field is specified via the --account_field option.
Determines Subversion accounts to receive email via the authz file
This module is a filter for SVN::Notify, intended to assist with the maintenance of access control lists with Subversion repositories. This module removes the need to maintain a separate list of people to send email notification messages to (via svnnotify --to arguments), from the AuthZSVNAccessFile.
Horde Text Filter CSS optimization class
The Horde_Text_Filter_Csstidy:: class provides the PHP-based library needed to perform optimization/compression on CSS code. It is provided in a separate package as the code is under the GPLv2 license instead of the LGPLv2 license used for the Text_Filter class.