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Results 6,1916,200 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.014 seconds)
net/opennx- (Score: 2.533303E-4)
Open source drop in replacement for NoMachine's NX client
OpenNX is an open source drop in replacement for NoMachine's NX client. It is compatible to the original client in that it uses the same syntax for the session configuration files (.nxs files). OpenNX is distributed under the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1. OpenNX is written in C++ and uses the excellent wxWidgets toolkit. Compared to the original client, it also adds some additional features which improve usability: - Ability to use the OpenSC framework to enable SmartCard based authentication for the initial SSH connection. - Ability to use a variety of different proxy types. - Ability to fetch session configuration files via http (read only) - Ability to disable configuration controls by providing a read only configuration file. - Dynamic use of libsmbclient, libcups, libopensc and pulseaudio (no static dependencies). - Uses libjpeg-turbo for speed improvement (if available).
textproc/bomstrip-9 (Score: 2.533303E-4)
Strip Byte-Order Marks (BOM) from UTF-8 text
Bomstrip is a very simple tool that removes BOM's (byte-order-marks) from utf-8 files. Actually, it is a set of tools that all do the same thing, but - for added entertainment value - in multiple programming languages (python, c, java, brainfuck, ook!, perl, sed, postscript, pascal, unlambda, limbo, haskell, ocaml, php, ruby). You want to always have this tool within hand-reach, no matter where you are and which compilers/interpreters you keep close to you. Each tool reads from stdin and writes to stdout. It accepts no options or arguments. It never writes into files directly. All files are public domain. It exists for the purpose of noting how stupid BOM's in utf-8 files are. Oh, in case you didn't know yet: utf-8 does not have byte-ordering issues, so there is absolutely no need to have three bytes (the utf-8-BOM) that do not say anything about the byte-order (since there is nothing to say).
www/mod_webauth-4.7.0 (Score: 2.5258682E-4)
Apache module for authenticating users with Kerberos v5
WebAuth is an authentication system for web pages and web applications. The first time a user attempts to access a web page protected by WebAuth, they will be sent to a central login server (weblogin.stanford.edu at Stanford) and prompted to authenticate. Normally, they will be asked for a username and password, although other authentication methods are possible. Once the user has logged in, the weblogin server will send their encrypted identity back to the original web page they were trying to access. Their identity will also be stored in a cookie set by the weblogin server and they will not need to authenticate again until their credentials expire, even if they visit multiple protected web sites. WebAuth works with any browser that supports cookies, requires no agents or other software installed on the client web browser systems, and works with an existing Kerberos v5 authentication realm. It can also be used as the SSO provider for a Shibboleth IdP and supports SPNEGO authentication as well as username/password over TLS/SSL. See the page on WebAuth features for more major features and a brief comparison with other web authentication systems.
archivers/archive-zip-0.8.0 (Score: 2.5241903E-4)
Provides interface to working with ZIP archives
The Archive::Zip library intends to provide a simple, yet complete and Ruby-esque, interface to working with ZIP archives. Basic archive creation and extraction can be handled using only a few methods. More complex operations involving the manipulation of existing archives in place (adding, removing, and modifying entries) are also possible with a little more work. Even adding advanced features such as new compression codecs are supported with a moderate amount of effort.
audio/icegenerator-0.5.5.p2 (Score: 2.5241903E-4)
Direct streaming generator for Icecast/Shoutcast
IceGenerator is a direct streaming generator for Icecast/Shoutcast. It runs as a daemon.Three child processes handle all the stuff. A fourth (optional) child cares about telnet communication. Main idea for this program is radio automation on a Icecast/Shoutcast server. If you have many server processes and CPU saving is your priority, u can use IceGenerator. Obviously mp3s/oggs will be already resampled to allow their streaming on your bandwidth capability. For more information see share/doc/icegenerator/README.
benchmarks/imb-3.0 (Score: 2.5241903E-4)
Intel MPI Benchmark
The idea of IMB is to provide a concise set of elementary MPI benchmark kernels. With one executable, all of the supported benchmarks, or a subset specified by the command line, can be run. The rules, such as time measurement (including a repetitive call of the kernels for better clock synchronization), message lengths, selection of communicators to run a particular benchmark (inside the group of all started processes) are program parameters.
databases/db48- (Score: 2.5241903E-4)
Berkeley DB package, revision 4.8
Oracle Berkeley DB is a family of open source embeddable databases that allows developers to incorporate within their applications a fast, scalable, transactional database engine with industrial grade reliability and availability. As a result, customers and end-users will experience an application that simply works, reliably manages data, can scale under extreme load, but requires no ongoing database administration. As a developer, you can focus on your application and be confident that Oracle Berkeley DB will manage your persistence needs.
databases/db5-5.3.28 (Score: 2.5241903E-4)
Oracle Berkeley DB, revision 5.3
Oracle Berkeley DB is a family of open source embeddable databases that allows developers to incorporate within their applications a fast, scalable, transactional database engine with industrial grade reliability and availability. As a result, customers and end-users will experience an application that simply works, reliably manages data, can scale under extreme load, but requires no ongoing database administration. As a developer, you can focus on your application and be confident that Oracle Berkeley DB will manage your persistence needs.
databases/SQL-Abstract-More-1.15 (Score: 2.5241903E-4)
Extension of SQL::Abstract with more constructs and more flexible API
Generates SQL from Perl datastructures. This is a subclass of SQL::Abstract, fully compatible with the parent class, but it handles a few additional SQL constructs, and provides a different API with named parameters instead of positional parameters, so that various SQL fragments are more easily identified. This module was designed for the specific needs of DBIx::DataModel, but is published as a standalone distribution, because it may possibly be useful for other needs.
devel/bzr-fastimport-0.13.0 (Score: 2.5241903E-4)
Provide fast loading of revision control data into bzr
Bazaar Fast Import is a plugin providing fast loading of revision control data into Bazaar. It is designed to be used in combination with front-end programs that generate a command/data stream for it to process. Front-ends are available for a wide range of foreign VCS tools including Subversion, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Darcs and Perforce. New front-ends are easy to develop in whatever programming language you prefer, making Bazaar Fast Import useful for teams needing a custom migration solution.