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Results 5,8915,900 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.011 seconds)
textproc/bar-1.4 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Cat with ASCII progress bar
This is a small shell script intended to be used in portable Unix install scripts for showing progress bars. The overall goal is to write a minimally complex shell script (thus a program that needs no compilation) that is as robust as possible to work on as many Bourne shells and operating systems as possible, and that implements 'cat' with an ASCII progress bar and some other nifty features. This is pure Bourne shell code. (For sh, ash, ksh, zsh, bash, ...) The script is mainly indented to be used in portable install scripts, where you can use the body of the script.
textproc/XML-XQL-0.68 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Perl module for querying XML tree structures with XQL
This is a Perl extension to XML::Parser. It adds a new 'Style' to XML::Parser, called 'Dom', that allows XML::Parser to build an Object Oriented datastructure with a DOM Level 1 compliant interface. The XML::XQL module implements the XQL (XML Query Language) proposal submitted to the XSL Working Group in September 1998. The spec can be found at http://www.w3.org/TandS/QL/QL98/pp/xql.html Most of the contents related to the XQL syntax can also be found in the XML::XQL::Tutorial that comes with this distribution. Note that XQL is not the same as XML-QL!
www/boa-0.94.14.r21 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
High performance single-tasking web server
Boa is a single-tasking HTTP server. That means that unlike traditional web servers, it does not fork for each incoming connection, nor does it fork many copies of itself to handle multiple connections. It internally multiplexes all of the ongoing HTTP connections, and forks only for CGI programs (which must be separate processes.) Preliminary tests show boa is about twice as fast as Apache, and is capable of handling 50 hits per second on a 66 MHz '486. The primary design goals of Boa are speed and security. Security, in the sense of "can't be subverted by a malicious user", not "fine grained access control and encrypted communications".
www/Net-Async-HTTP-0.41 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Use HTTP with IO::Async
Net::Async::HTTP implements an asynchronous HTTP user agent. It sends requests to servers, returning Future instances to yield responses when they are received. The object supports multiple concurrent connections to servers, and allows multiple requests in the pipeline to any one connection. Normally, only one such object will be needed per program to support any number of requests. As well as using futures the module also supports a callback-based interface. Net::Async::HTTP optionally supports SSL connections, if IO::Async::SSL is installed. If so, SSL can be requested either by passing a URI with the https scheme, or by passing a true value as the SSL parameter.
www/django-reversion-1.6.1 (Score: 2.6239167E-4)
Provides comprehensive version control facilities to Django apps
django-reversion is an extension to the Django web framework that provides comprehensive version control facilities: - Roll back to any point in a model's history - an unlimited undo facility! - Recover deleted models - never lose data again! - Admin integration for maximum usability. - Group related changes into revisions that can be rolled back in a single transaction. - Automatically save a new version whenever your model changes using Django's flexible signalling framework. - Automate your revision management with easy-to-use middleware. django-reversion can be easily added to your existing Django project with an absolute minimum of code changes.
devel/dprog-0.3.1 (Score: 2.6121121E-4)
Language for specifying dynamic programming algorithms
Dynamic programming is a simple yet powerful technique for solving optimisation problems. When the problem at hand can be split in smaller problems, such that the smaller solutions of an optimal solution are themselves optimal, dynamic programming can be used to avoid re-calculating solutions to shared sub- problems. Simple problems are both easily specified and easily implemented, but for complex problems translating the specification of the problem into the implementation of the dynamic programming algorithm becomes tedious and error prone. The goal of DPROG is to alleviate this by automatically translating the specification of the problem into an implementation of the solution. The DPROG language is designed to be close to the ``mathematical'' notation used for expressing recurrences, thus making it easier to specify the problem. Using the DPROG compiler, the manual implementation step can be completely avoided.
devel/Async-MergePoint-0.04 (Score: 2.6121121E-4)
Perl modules that resynchronise diverged control flow
Often in program logic, multiple different steps need to be taken that are independent of each other, but their total result is needed before the next step can be taken. In synchonous code, the usual approach is to do them sequentially. An asynchronous or event-based program could do this, but if each step involves some IO idle time, better overall performance can often be gained by running the steps in parallel. A Async::MergePoint object can then be used to wait for all of the steps to complete, before passing the combined result of each step on to the next stage. This module was originally part of the IO::Async distribution, but was removed under the inspiration of Pedro Melo's Async::Hooks distribution, because it doesn't itself contain anything IO-specific.
editors/uemacs-4.0 (Score: 2.6121121E-4)
Full screen editor
MicroEMACS is a tool for creating and changing documents, programs, and other text files. It is both relatively easy for the novice to use, but also very powerful in the hands of an expert. MicroEMACS can be extensively customized for the needs of the individual user. MicroEMACS allows several files to be edited at the same time. The screen can be split into different windows and screens, and text may be moved freely from one window on any screen to the next. Depending on the type of file being edited, MicroEMACS can change how it behaves to make editing simple. Editing standard text files, program files and word processing documents are all possible at the same time. There are extensive capabilities to make word processing and editing easier. These include commands for string searching and replacing, paragraph reformatting and deleting, automatic word wrapping, word move and deletes, easy case controlling, and automatic word counts.
security/fwlogwatch-1.5 (Score: 2.6121121E-4)
Packet filter and firewall log analyzer
fwlogwatch is a packet filter and firewall log analyzer General features: - Can detect and process log entries in the following formats: - Linux ipchains, Linux netfilter/iptables, Solaris/BSD/Irix/HP-UX ipfilter, BSD ipfw, Cisco IOS, Cisco PIX / FWSM, NetScreen, Windows XP firewall, Elsa Lancom router, Snort IDS - Entries can be parsed from single, multiple and combined log files, the parsers to be used can be selected. - Gzip-compressed logs are supported transparently. - Can separate recent from old entries and detects timewarps in log files. - Can recognize 'last message repeated' entries concerning the firewall. - Integrated resolver for protocols, services and host names. - Can do lookups in the whois database. - Own DNS and whois information cache for faster lookups. - Hosts, networks, ports, chains and branches (targets) can be selected or excluded as needed. - Support for internationalization (available in english, german, portuguese, simplified and traditional chinese, swedish and japanese).
textproc/CSS-Minifier-0.01 (Score: 2.6121121E-4)
Perl extension for minifying CSS
CSS::Minifier removes unnecessary whitespace from CSS. The primary requirement developing this module is to not break working stylesheets: if working CSS is in input then working CSS is output. The Mac/Internet Explorer comment hack will be minimized but not stripped and so will continue to function. This module understands space, horizontal tab, new line, carriage return, and form feed characters to be whitespace. Any other characters that may be considered whitespace are not minimized. These other characters include paragraph separator and vertical tab. For static CSS files, it is recommended that you minify during the build stage of web deployment. If you minify on-the-fly then it might be a good idea to cache the minified file. Minifying static files on-the-fly repeatedly is wasteful.