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Results 1,6311,640 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.01 seconds)
net/zsync-0.6.2 (Score: 0.006643436)
File transfer program
zsync is a file transfer program. It allows you to download a file from a remote web server, where you have a copy of an older version of the file on your computer already. zsync downloads only the new parts of the file. It uses the same algorithm as rsync. zsync does not require any special server software or a shell account on the remote system (rsync, in comparison, requires that you have an rsh or ssh account, or that the remote system runs rsyncd). Instead, it uses a control file - a .zsync file - that describes the file to be downloaded and enables zsync to work out which blocks it needs. This file can be created by the admin of the web server hosting the download, and placed alongside the file to download - it is generated once, then any downloaders with zsync can use it. Alternatively, anyone can download the file, make a .zsync and provide it to other users (this is what I am doing for the moment).
multimedia/vdr-plugin-markad-0.1.4 (Score: 0.0065201395)
Video Disk Recorder - MarkAd plugin
http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/Markad-plugin MarkAd marks advertisements in VDR recordings.
net/Net-SMS-PChome-0.11 (Score: 0.0065201395)
Send SMS messages via the sms.pchome.com.tw service
Net::SMS::PChome allows sending SMS messages via http://sms.pchome.com.tw/
www/WWW-Instapaper-Client-0.901 (Score: 0.0065201395)
Implementation of the Instapaper client API
An implementation of the Instapaper client API. (see http://www.instapaper.com/api)
www/WWW-Search-MSN-0.0202 (Score: 0.0065201395)
Backend for searching search.msn.com
This module provides a backend of WWW::Search to search using http://search.msn.com/.
net/freebsd-tftp-1.0 (Score: 0.006488934)
Upcoming replacement for tftp(1) and tftpd(8)
It all started when we got some new routers, which told me the following when trying to upload configuration or download images from it: The TFTP server doesn't support the blocksize option. My curiousity was triggered, it took me some reading of RFCs and other documentation to find out what was possible and what could be done. Was plain TFTP very simple in its handshake, TFTP with options was kind of messy because of its backwards capability: The first packet returned could either be an acknowledgement of options, or the first data packet. Going through the source code of src/libexec/tftpd and going through the code of src/usr.bin/tftp showed that there was a lot of duplicate code, and the addition of options would only increase the amount of duplicate code. After all, both the client and the server can act as a sender and receiver. At the end, it ended up with a nearly complete rewrite of the tftp client and server. It has been tested against the following TFTP clients and servers: - Itself (yay!) - The standard FreeBSD tftp client and server - The Fedora Core 6 tftp client and server - Cisco router tftp client - Extreme Networks tftp client It supports the following RFCs: RFC1350 - THE TFTP PROTOCOL (REVISION 2) RFC2347 - TFTP Option Extension RFC2348 - TFTP Blocksize Option RFC2349 - TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options RFC3617 - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Scheme and Applicability Statement for the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) It supports the following unofficial TFTP Options as described at http://www.compuphase.com/tftp.htm: blksize2 - Block size restricted to powers of 2, excluding protocol headers rollover - Block counter roll-over (roll back to zero or to one) From the tftp program point of view the following things are changed: - New commands: "blocksize", "blocksize2", "rollover" and "options" - Development features: "debug" and "packetdrop" If you try this tftp/tftpd implementation, please let me know if it works (or doesn't work) and against which implementaion so I can get a list of confirmed working systems.
news/nntp- (Score: 0.0064609363)
NNTP with NOV support
NNTP server daemon, and clients for transferring news articles.
www/seahub-6.0.0 (Score: 0.0064609363)
Web frontend for Seafile
Seahub is the web frontend for seafile-server.
audio/Audio-MPD-2.004 (Score: 0.0064261444)
Class to talk to MPD (Music Player Daemon) servers
Audio::MPD gives a clear object-oriented interface for talking to and controlling MPD (Music Player Daemon) servers. A connection to the MPD server is established as soon as a new Audio::MPD object is created. Note that the module will by default connect to mpd before sending any command, and will disconnect after the command has been issued. This scheme is far from optimal, but allows us not to care about timeout disconnections. /!\ Note that Audio::MPD is using high-level, blocking sockets. This means that if the mpd server is slow, or hangs for whatever reason, or even crash abruptly, the program will be hung forever in this sub. The POE::Component::Client::MPD module is way safer - you're advised to use it instead of Audio::MPD. Or you can try to set conntype to $REUSE (see Audio::MPD constructor for more details), but you would be then on your own to deal with disconnections.
games/znibbles-0.0.7 (Score: 0.0064261444)
Multi-player networked nibbles game
ZNibbles is a multi-player networked game. It is based on the old nibbles game: you've got a worm, eat nibbles and get your worm growing. Several players can play together, each of them controlling its own worm on its own computer. There is theoretically an unlimited number of simultaneous players, it's more a matter of network speed. It has been tested with more than 10 players and it was real fun :) ZNibbles is written for Unix. It has been tested under Linux, SunOS, Solaris and Irix. The game can run either directly on top of X11, use the GTK+ toolkit (get it on the GTK+ site) or use the Motif toolkit (get a good Motif free implementation called LessTif) Once compiled, you get the files: nibbles : the ZNibbles server gznibbles : the ZNibbles GTK+ client znibblesX : the ZNibbless X11-only client (poor) Run "nibbles" first as the ZNibbles server, and then run its clients to play.