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Results 371380 of 417 for /lang/.(0.003 seconds)
textproc/htmlrepair-1.0.1 (Score: 0.096696876)
Ruby library to repair unclosed tags in an HTML document
This is htmlrepair.rb, a Ruby library to repair unclosed tags in an HTML document. It is used with htmlsplit.rb and adds a method "repair" to the HTMLSplit class.
databases/pure-sql3-0.5 (Score: 0.080580726)
Pure language binding to the SQLite3 library
Sql3 is an interface to the popular Sqlite3 database. The module provides a minimal wrapper around Sqlite3's C interface which is designed to give the developer access to all of Sqlite3's features in a way that is convenient for Pure programmers.
databases/cdb-0.5a (Score: 0.080580726)
Ruby interface to D. J. Bernstein's cdb (constant database) library
This module provides Ruby interface to D. J. Bernstein's cdb (constant database) library.
databases/o_dbm-0.5.1 (Score: 0.080580726)
OODB-like DBM module for Ruby
ObjectDBM (o_dbm) is an OODB-like DBM module for Ruby.
databases/sybct-0.2.12 (Score: 0.080580726)
Ruby module for accessing Sybase databases
This module is the Sybase extensions to Ruby.
devel/mph-1.2 (Score: 0.080580726)
Minimal perfect hashing code generator
The program mph tries to generate an order preserving minimal perfect hashing (MPH) function for the set of keys, one per line, on stdin. Each key can be at most 4095 characters long (see keys.h to increase this limit), and the keys must be unique. If mph terminates, it emits a language independent binary or text representation of the MPH function on stdout. To generate a usable hash function, this output should be fed to a language dependent filter, like emitc.
devel/pure-ffi-0.14 (Score: 0.080580726)
Pure language interface to libffi
This module provides an interface to libffi which enables you to call C functions from Pure and vice versa. It extends and complements Pure's built-in C interface in that it also handles C structs and makes Pure functions callable from C without writing a single line of C code.
devel/pure-readline-0.3 (Score: 0.080580726)
Readline interface for the Pure language
Pure's interface to C++ vectors, specialized to hold pointers to arbitrary Pure expressions, and the C++ Standard Template Library algorithms that act on them.
devel/pure-stldict-0.8 (Score: 0.080580726)
Pure interface to C++ STL map/unordered_map
This package provides a light-weight, no frills interface to the C++ dictionary containers map and unordered_map. The stldict module makes these data structures available in Pure land and equips them with a (more or less) idiomatic Pure container interface.
devel/pure-stllib-0.6 (Score: 0.080580726)
Pure interface to C++ STL map and vectors
pure-stllib is an "umbrella" package that contains a pair of Pure addons, pure-stlvec and pure-stlmap. These addons provide Pure interfaces to a selection of containers provided by the C++ Standard Library, specialized to hold pointers to arbitrary Pure expressions.