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Results 881890 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.006 seconds)
textproc/HTML-Truncate-0.20 (Score: 0.006893632)
Truncate HTML by character count while preserving well-formedness
When working with text it is convenient and common to want to truncate strings to make them fit a desired context. E.g., you might have a menu that is only 100px wide and prefer text doesn't wrap so you'd truncate it around 15-30 characters, depending on preference and typeface size. This is trivial with plain text and substr but with HTML it is somewhat difficult because whitespace has fluid significance and open tags that are not properly closed destroy well-formedness and can wreck an entire layout. HTML::Truncate attempts to account for those two problems by padding truncation for spacing and entities and closing any tags that remain open at the point of truncation.
textproc/Text-SimpleTemplate-0.36 (Score: 0.006893632)
Yet another Perl module for template processing
This is yet another library for template-based text generation. Template-based text generation is a way to separate program code and data, so non-programmer can control final result (like HTML) as desired without tweaking the program code itself. By doing so, jobs like website maintenance is much easier because you can leave program code unchanged even if page redesign was needed. The idea is simple. Whenever a block of text surrounded by '<%' and '%>' (or any pair of delimiters you specify) is found, it will be taken as Perl expression, and will be replaced by its evaluated result. Major goal of this library is simplicity and speed. While there're many modules for template processing, this module has near raw Perl-code (i.e., "s|xxx|xxx|ge") speed, while providing simple-to-use objective interface.
www/mod_auth_kerb-5.4 (Score: 0.006893632)
Apache module for authenticating users with Kerberos v5
mod_auth_kerb is an Apache module for authenticating Web clients in a Kerberos v5 realm. Authentication may be performed via the Kerberos principal/password; it may also be done securely using SPNEGO (HTTP Negotiate auth protocol) to perform a GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication from the user's browser and Kerberos credentials directly to the server Kerberos credentials 'HTTP/host@REALM'. Because the Kerberos password is transmitted in plain text in the former mode, when using mod_auth_kerb for naive HTTP Basic (password-based) authentication, this module MUST be used in conjunction with an encryption-capable Web server (e.g. Apache) to keep that exchange private. There is no documentation provided; see the Web site for more details.
sysutils/qchroot-0.1 (Score: 0.00687697)
Utility for deployment of chroot environments
qchroot is a csh script for simplified administration of chroots on a host system. This is a viable alternate to jail(8) when jail(8) is too restrictive. This runs on RELEASE-9.3 and all newer RELEASES. The chroot filesystem shares a single copy of the system binaries which is mounted nullfs "read only" to the named chroot container filesystem. This provides 2 levels of security protection which is better than chroot by its self.
x11-wm/dwm-6.1 (Score: 0.0068760403)
Dynamic, small, fast and simple window manager
dwm is a minimalistic window manager. It manages windows in tiling and floating modes, much like ion, larswm and wmii. dwm however is much smaller, faster and simpler. It consists of a single binary, configuration is done at compile-time by a single config.h file. dwm reads from standard input to print arbitrary status text such as the date and/or system load.
x11/dmenu-4.6 (Score: 0.0068648243)
X11 menu application designed for the dwm window manager
dmenu is a minimalistic X11 menu. It reads a newline separated list of items from stdin and shows them as a menu on the top of the screen. When the user selects one item or types any text and presses Enter, his choice is printed to stdout. dmenu was developed as an addition to the dynamic window manager (dwm), but can be used in any X11-environment.
security/silktools- (Score: 0.0068595754)
Tools for large-scale network capture analysis
SiLK, the System for Internet-Level Knowledge, is a collection of netflow tools developed by the CERT/NetSA (Network Situational Awareness) Team to facilitate security analysis in large networks. SiLK consists of a suite of tools which collect and examine netflow data, allowing analysts to rapidly query large sets of data.
sysutils/qjail-2.2 (Score: 0.0068548433)
Utility to quickly deploy and manage jails
This is the last version that handles both the 8.x and 9.x install media formats. Qjail [ q = quick ] is a 4th generation wrapper for the basic chroot jail system that includes security and performance enhancements. Plus a new level of "user friendliness" enhancements dealing with deploying just a few jails or large jail environments consisting of 100's of jails. Qjail requires no knowledge of the jail command usage. It uses "nullfs" for read-only system binaries, sharing one copy of them with all the jails. Uses "mdconfig" to create sparse image jails. Sparse image jails provide a method to limit the total disk space a jail can consume, while only occupying the physical disk space of the sum size of the files in the image jail. Ability to assign ip address with their network device name, so aliases are auto created on jail start and auto removed on jail stop. Ability to create "ZONE"s of identical qjail systems, each with their own group of jails. Ability to designate a portion of the jail name as a group prefix so the command being executed will apply to only those jail names matching that prefix.
sysutils/qjail-4.9 (Score: 0.006854306)
Utility to quickly deploy and manage jails
This qjail version only supports the RELEASE-10.x series of releases. Qjail [ q = quick ] is a 4th generation wrapper for the basic chroot jail system that includes security and performance enhancements. Plus a new level of "user friendliness" enhancements dealing with deploying just a few jails or large scale jail environments consisting of 100's of jails. Qjail uses the jail(8) jail.conf method. This provides the ability to enable the following options on a per-jail basis. exec.fib, securelevel, allow.sysvipc, devfs_rulesets, allow.raw_sockets, allow.quotas, allow.mount.nullfs, allow.mount.tmpfs, allow.mount.zfs, vnet.interface, and vnet. The vnet option gives a jail its own network stack using the experimental vimage kernel module. The vnet option has only been tested on i386 and amd64 equipment. Qjail requires no knowledge of the jail command usage. It uses "nullfs" for read-only system executables, sharing one copy of them with all the jails. Uses "mdconfig" to create sparse image jails. Sparse image jails provide a method to limit the total disk space a jail can consume, while only occupying the physical disk space of the sum size of the files in the image jail. Ability to assign ip address with their network device name, so aliases are auto created on jail start and auto removed on jail stop. Ability to create "ZONE"s of identical qjail systems, each with their own group of jails. Ability to designate a portion of the jail name as a group prefix so the command being executed will apply to only those jail names matching that prefix. Qjail has been incorporated into the Finch open source project, see http://dreamcat4.github.io/finch/ for details.
sysutils/qjail-5.0 (Score: 0.006854306)
Utility to quickly deploy and manage jails
This qjail version only supports RELEASE-11.0 and newer. Qjail [ q = quick ] is a 4th generation wrapper for the basic chroot jail system that includes security and performance enhancements. Plus a new level of "user friendliness" enhancements dealing with deploying just a few jails or large scale jail environments consisting of 100's of jails. Qjail uses the jail(8) jail.conf method. This provides the ability to enable the following options on a per-jail basis. exec.fib, securelevel, allow.sysvipc, devfs_rulesets, allow.raw_sockets, allow.quotas, allow.mount.nullfs, allow.mount.tmpfs, allow.mount.zfs, vnet.interface, and vnet. The vnet option gives a jail its own network stack using the experimental vimage kernel module. The vnet option has only been tested on i386 and amd64 equipment. Qjail requires no knowledge of the jail command usage. It uses "nullfs" for read-only system executables, sharing one copy of them with all the jails. Uses "mdconfig" to create sparse image jails. Sparse image jails provide a method to limit the total disk space a jail can consume, while only occupying the physical disk space of the sum size of the files in the image jail. Ability to assign ip address with their network device name, so aliases are auto created on jail start and auto removed on jail stop. Ability to create "ZONE"s of identical qjail systems, each with their own group of jails. Ability to designate a portion of the jail name as a group prefix so the command being executed will apply to only those jail names matching that prefix. Qjail has been incorporated into the Finch open source project, see http://dreamcat4.github.io/finch/ for details.