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Results 8,3318,340 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.01 seconds)
sysutils/cdrtools-3.02a06 (Score: 7.9308265E-5)
CD/DVD/BluRay and ISO-9660 image creation and extraction tools
The cdrtools software includes tools to create and/or extract ISO-9660 filesystems, verify their integrity, and write them to disc. This package contains the following programs: - btcflash (a firmware flash utility for BTC DRW1008 DVD+/-RW recorder) - cdda2wav (a digital CD audio extraction program) - cdrecord (a CD/DVD/BluRay recording program) - devdump (dump a device or file in hex) - isodebug (show debug info contained in an ISO-9660 image) - isodump (dump a device or file based on ISO-9660) - isoinfo (analyze or list an ISO-9660 image) - isovfy (verify an ISO-9660 image) - mkisofs (an ISO-9660 filesystem image creator) - mkhybrid (an ISO-9660/HFS filesystem image creator) Link to mkisofs. - readcd (a data CD reading and recording program) May be used to write to DVD-RAM and to copy Solaris boot CD's. - scgcheck (checks and validates the ABI of libscg) - rscsi (daemon providing access to local SCSI-devices over the network)
sysutils/safecat-1.13 (Score: 7.9308265E-5)
Safely write data to maildir directory
From the safecat README: safecat is an implementation of D. J. Bernstein's maildir algorithm. It can be used to write mail messages to a qmail-style maildir, or to write data to a "spool" directory reliably. There are no lockfiles with safecat, and nothing is left to chance. If safecat returns a successful exit status, then you can be (practically) 100% sure your data is safely committed to disk. Further, if data is written to a directory using safecat (or other implementations of the maildir algorithm), then every file in that directory is guaranteed to be complete. If safecat fails to write all of the data, there will be no file at all in the destination directory. Of course, you know that such a thing cannot be: between UNIX and the different hardware options available, a 100% guarantee is not possible. However, safecat takes every precaution possible in writing your data.
textproc/enchant-1.6.0 (Score: 7.9308265E-5)
Dictionary/spellchecking framework
On the surface, Enchant appears to be a generic spell checking library. You can request dictionaries from it, ask if a word is correctly spelled, get corrections for a misspelled word, etc... Beneath the surface, Enchant is a whole lot more - and less - than that. You'll see that Enchant isn't really a spell checking library at all. "What's that?" you ask. Well, Enchant doesn't try to do any of the work itself. It's lazy, and requires backends to do most of its dirty work. Looking closer, you'll see the Enchant is more-or-less a fancy wrapper around the dlopen() system call. Enchant steps in to provide uniformity and conformity on top of these libraries, and implement certain features that may be lacking in any individual provider library. Everything should "just work" for any and every definition of "just working."
textproc/gmetadom-0.2.6 (Score: 7.9308265E-5)
Collection of DOM Implementations
GMetaDOM is a collection of librares, each library providing a DOM implementation. Currently available bindings are for C++ (smart pointers) and Objective Caml. The basic idea is that, given the availability of DOM implementations for the C programming language (like Gdome2), and given the uniformity of the DOM interfaces, bindings for various programming languages based on the C implementation can be built automatically, providing a small number of hand- coded classes and a set of scripts for the automatic generation of the remaining ones. The advantages of such approach should be evident. In particular, for languages like C++ where a number of different alternative DOM implementations are feasible, each with different characteristics like easiness of use, runtime flexibility, resource requirements, the approach of automatic generation permits to create a set of coherent implementations addressing such issues separately, ultimately allowing the developer to choose the library which fits best her needs.
textproc/libyaml-0.1.6 (Score: 7.9308265E-5)
YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
LibYAML is a YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C. LibYAML covers presenting and parsing processes. Thus LibYAML defines the following two processors: * Parser, which takes an input stream of bytes and produces a sequence of parsing events. * Emitter, which takes a sequence of events and produces a stream of bytes. The processes of parsing and presenting are inverse to each other. Any sequence of events produced by parsing a well-formed YAML document should be acceptable by the Emitter, which should produce an equivalent document. Similarly, any document produced by emitting a sequence of events should be acceptable for the Parser, which should produce an equivalent sequence of events. The job of resolving implicit tags, composing and serializing representation trees, as well as constructing and representing native objects is left to applications and bindings. Although some of these processes may be covered in the latter releases, they are not in the scope of the initial release of LibYAML.
textproc/MKDoc-XML-0.75 (Score: 7.9308265E-5)
The MKDoc XML Toolkit
MKDoc is a web content management system written in Perl which focuses on standards compliance, accessiblity and usability issues, and multi-lingual websites. At MKDoc Ltd we have decided to gradually break up our existing commercial software into a collection of completely independent, well-documented, well-tested open-source CPAN modules. Ultimately we want MKDoc code to be a coherent collection of module distributions, yet each distribution should be usable and useful in itself. MKDoc::XML is part of this effort. You could help us and turn some of MKDoc's code into a CPAN module. You can take a look at the existing code at http://download.mkdoc.org/. If you are interested in some functionality which you would like to see as a standalone CPAN module, send an email to <mkdoc-modules@lists.webarch.co.uk>
textproc/Pod-Abstract-0.20 (Score: 7.9308265E-5)
Abstract document tree for Perl POD documents
POD::Abstract provides a means to load a POD (or POD compatible) document without direct reference to it's syntax, and perform manipulations on the abstract syntax tree. This can be used to support additional features for POD, to format output, to compile into alternative formats, etc. While Pod looks like a simple format, the specification calls for a number of special cases to be handled, and that makes any software that works on Pod as text more complex than it needs to be. In addition to this, Pod does not lend itself to a natural structured model. This makes it difficult to manipulate without damaging the validity of the document. Pod::Abstract solves these problems by loading the document into a structured tree, and providing consistent traversal, searching, manpulation and re-serialisation. Pod related utilities are easy to write using Pod::Abstract.
textproc/extract_url-1.5.8 (Score: 7.9308265E-5)
Perl script that extracts URLs from email in MIME or plain text format
This is a Perl script that extracts URLs from correctly-encoded MIME email messages or plain text. This can be used either as a pre-parser for urlview, or to replace urlview entirely. This is designed primarily for use with the mutt emailer. The idea is that if you want to access a URL in an email, you pipe the email to a URL extractor (like this one) which then lets you select a URL to view in some third program (such as Firefox). An alternative design is to access URLs from within mutt's pager by defining macros and tagging the URLs in the display to indicate which macro to use. A script you can use to do that is tagurl.pl. Main features: - Configurable - Handles URLs that have been broken over several lines in format=flowed delsp=yes email messages - Handles quoted-printable email messages - Sanitizes URLs so that they can't break out of the command shell
textproc/Text-Tmpl-0.33 (Score: 7.9308265E-5)
Templating system perl library
Text::Tmpl is a module for very fast templating. There are dozens of templating modules on CPAN, each only a tiny bit different from the others. This one is no different - what sets it aside is speed. The entire module is implemented as a C library, with only a thin XS/Perl layer to make the calls available from Perl. The same templates, then, can be used from either Perl or C/C++ programs. This was originally designed to completely isolate HTML programmers from module/CGI programmers, or at least completely separate logic from content in dynamic web applications. It is syntactically based on a similar system written by a friend of mine, Neil Mix, which was proprietary and exclusively written in Perl. It shares no code in common with this system, or any other. -Anton <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
textproc/unroff-1.0.2 (Score: 7.9308265E-5)
Programmable troff translator with backend for HTML
Unroff is a Scheme-based, programmable, extensible troff translator with a back-end for the Hypertext Markup Language. Unroff reads and parses UNIX troff documents and translates the embedded markup into a different format. Neither the actual output format nor any knowledge about particular troff macro sets (-man, -ms, etc.) are hard-wired into unroff. Instead, the translation process is controlled by a set of user-supplied procedures written in the Scheme programming language. Translation rules for new output formats and troff macro packages can be added easily by providing a corresponding set of Scheme procedures (a `back-end'). Version 1.0 of unroff includes back-ends for translating documents using the `man' and `ms' macros into the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) version 2.0. Additional requests facilitate use of arbitrary hypertext links in troff documents.