Ports Search

Results 16 of 6 for descr%3Aspam.(0.002 seconds)
audio/libcddb-doc-1.3.0 (Score: 0.037385702)
Libcddb documentation
Libcddb documentation [For more info about libcddb see audio/libcddb/pkg-descr]
japanese/edict-utf-8-20100420 (Score: 0.037385702)
Japanese-English edict UTF-8 dictionaries
UTF-8 version of edict's dictionary files see japanese/edict/pkg-descr for more information
textproc/aiksaurus-1.2.1 (Score: 0.037385702)
GTK+2 front-end for Aiksaurus, a thesaurus
A GTK+2 front-end for Aiksaurus, see more detail in textproc/aiksaurus/pkg-descr.
ports-mgmt/portell-0.2 (Score: 0.026435683)
Quick display of FreeBSD port descriptions
portell is a program that allows FreeBSD users to view the description as given in its pkg-descr file for a specific port. If you want to know what the program "Foo" is, then you can type "portell foo" and portell will find its pkg-descr file and dump it on your display.
ports-mgmt/psearch-2.0.2 (Score: 0.023366064)
Utility for searching the FreeBSD Ports Collection
psearch is an utility for searching the FreeBSD Ports Collection. It allows you to use regular expressions, and has support for searching the long description (pkg-descr files), as well as inverse matches that allow filtering of ports.
devel/cvsgraph-1.7.0 (Score: 0.018692851)
Graph the life story of a file under CVS or RCS
This program generates a graph (in PNG format) showing the revisions, tags, and branching of a file in a CVS or RCS repository. Example: cvsgraph -r /home/ncvs -m ports/devel/cvsgraph -o test.png pkg-descr,v It can also be used with cvsweb. A patch to cvsweb is available through the cvsgraph home page. Trevor Johnson