Ports 搜索

textproc/rtfreader-1.0 (Score: 0.014903333)
一个便携的 application/ms-rtf 解析器
RTF 是微软的富文本格式,一个更便携、主要是ASCII的格式化语言,它由像微软 Word 字处理软件导出。这些文件一般具有扩展名 .rtf,但偶尔也用 .doc 扩展 名。这个解析器是从微软规范移植到 Unix 系统的。 - jim <jim@FreeBSD.org>
textproc/pychm-0.8.4 (Score: 0.014903333)
Bindings for CHMLIB library
PyCHM is a package that provides bindings for Jed Wing's CHMLIB library.
textproc/queequeg-0.91 (Score: 0.014903333)
Tiny English grammar checker
Queequeg is a tiny English grammar checker for non-native speakers who are not used to verb conjugation and number agreement. We especially focus on people who're writing academic papers or business documents where thorough checking is required. We aim to reduce this laborious work with automated checking.
textproc/reflex-20131209 (Score: 0.014903333)
Relocalizable fast lexical scanner
This is a variant of the Flex fast lexical scanner. Flex was written in the early 1990s by Verne Paxson. This version has been modified by Thomas Dickey, so that it conforms to ANSI C. It includes other improvements, but remains compatible with Paxson's 2.5.4 release (as well as POSIX lex). See the NEWS file for details.
textproc/rtfx-1.1 (Score: 0.014903333)
RTF to XML converter
rtfx converts RTF files into a generic XML format. It majors on keeping meta data like style names, etc... rather than every bit of formatting. This makes it handy for converting RTF documents into a custom XML format (using XSL or an additional processing step). RTF features supported: page breaks, section breaks, style names, lists (various types), tables, footnotes, info block, bold, italic, underline, super/sub script, hidden text, strike out, text color, fonts.
textproc/xmlparser-0.7.3 (Score: 0.014903333)
Ruby module to access James Clark XML Parser ToolKit ("expat")
This is a Ruby module to access James Clark's XML Parser ToolKit. ("expat")
textproc/sary-1.2.0 (Score: 0.014903333)
Suffix array library and tools, which provide fast full-text search
Sary is a suffix array library and tools. It provides fast full-text search facilities for text files on the order of 10 to 100 MB using a data structure called a suffix array. It can also search specific fields in a text file by assigning index points to those fields.
textproc/syck-0.9.3 (Score: 0.014903333)
PECL extension which facilitates YAML parsing
The syck extension is a binding to the Syck library which facilitates YAML parsing. YAML(tm) (rhymes with "camel") is a straightforward machine parsable data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages. YAML is optimized for data serialization, configuration settings, log files, Internet messaging and filtering.
textproc/xml2-0.5 (Score: 0.014903333)
Convert between XML and a line-oriented format similar to XPath
These tools are used to convert XML and HTML to and from a line-oriented format more amenable to processing by classic Unix pipeline processing tools, like grep, sed, awk, cut, shell scripts, and so forth. The line-oriented format used by these tools looks very much like, but is not quite precisely the same as XPath.
textproc/slides-3.4.0 (Score: 0.014903333)
Doctype and stylesheets for making slides
The Slides doctype and stylesheets are for making presentations.