Ports Search

Results 7,6517,660 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.029 seconds)
textproc/File-Inplace-0.20 (Score: 1.9307123E-4)
Perl module for in-place editing of files
File::Inplace is a Perl module intended to ease the common task of editing a file in-place. Inspired by variations of Perl's -i option, this module is intended for somewhat more structured and reusable editing than command line Perl typically allows. File::Inplace endeavors to guarantee file integrity; that is, either all of the changes made will be saved to the file, or none will. It also offers functionality such as backup creation, automatic field splitting per-line, automatic chomping/unchomping, and aborting edits partially through without affecting the original file.
textproc/Tree-Nary-1.30 (Score: 1.9307123E-4)
Perl implementation of N-ary search trees
The Tree::Nary class implements N-ary trees (trees of data with any number of branches), providing the organizational structure for a tree (collection) of any number of nodes, but knowing nothing about the specific type of node used. It can be used to display hierarchical database entries in an internal application (the NIS netgroup file is an example of such a database). It offers the capability to select nodes on the tree, and attachment points for nodes on the tree. Each attachment point can support multiple child nodes.
textproc/XML-Parser-Lite-0.721 (Score: 1.9307123E-4)
Lightweight regexp-based XML parser
This Perl module implements an XML parser with a interface similar to XML::Parser. Though not all callbacks are supported, you should be able to use it in the same way you use XML::Parser. Due to using experimental regexp features it'll work only on Perl 5.6 and above and may behave differently on different platforms. Note that you cannot use regular expressions or split in callbacks. This is due to a limitation of perl's regular expression implementation (which is not re-entrant).
www/fcgiwrap-1.1.0 (Score: 1.9307123E-4)
Simple FastCGI wrapper for CGI scripts
fcgiwrap is a simple server for running CGI applications over FastCGI. It hopes to provide clean CGI support to Nginx (and other web servers that may need it). Features: * very lightweight (84KB of private memory per instance) * fixes broken CR/LF in headers * handles environment in a sane way (CGI scripts get HTTP-related env. vars * from FastCGI parameters and inherit all the others from fcgiwrap's * environment) * no configuration, so you can run several sites off the same fcgiwrap pool * passes CGI stderr output to fcgiwrap's stderr (this is by design but * stderr could be also passed to FastCGI stderr stream)
www/mod_proxy_html-3.1.2 (Score: 1.9307123E-4)
Apache module for rewriting HTML links in proxied content
mod_proxy_html is an output filter to rewrite HTML links in a proxy situation, to ensure that links work for users outside the proxy. It serves the same purpose as Apache's ProxyPassReverse directive does for HTTP headers, and is an essential component of a reverse proxy. Note (for apache24 users): mod_proxy_html has now been relicensed and incorporated into the core Apache HTTPD distribution at apache.org from HTTPD 2.4. That version is now likely to be more up-to-date than this one.
www/AMF-Perl-0.15 (Score: 1.9307123E-4)
Flash Remoting in Perl
Flash Remoting is a way for Flash movies running in a web browser to request structured data from the web server. The following data types are supported - strings, numbers, dates, arrays, dictionaries/hashes, objects, recordsets. Flash clients talk with the server using the AMF protocol, which is proprietary to Macromedia. However, it's not that hard to decode. Using Flash::FLAP it is possible to send arbitrary data between client and server using very few lines of code. There is no need to pack complicated data structures into CGI form parameteres or XML strings. The coding time can be spent on better things - data preparation and graphical presentation, not data delivery.
www/CGI-Response-0.03 (Score: 1.9307123E-4)
Perl module allowing response construction for CGI applications
CGI::Response is a Perl5 module for constructing responses to Common Gateway Interface (CGI) requests. It is designed to be light-weight and efficient for the most common tasks, and also to provide access to all HTTP response features for more advanced CGI applications. There are two ways to use CGI::Response. For basic applications, the Simple Interface provides a number of plain functions that cover the most commonly-used CGI response headers. More advanced applications may employ the Full Interface object methods to access any HTTP header, or to add experimental or non-standard headers. Both interfaces try to generate reasonable defaults whenever possible.
www/sws-1.0 (Score: 1.9307123E-4)
Simple, safe, secure, web server written in /bin/sh
[simple | small | shell] web server sws was born out of a project requirement for a small universal Web server that could run on any POSIX platform to serve static content. Since it is written in /bin/sh it should run on any BSD/GNU-Linux/Unix system. It has been tested on FreeBSD, Solaris, and Debian GNU/Linux. Installation consists of putting the program somewhere, making it executable, creating the document directory, and creating an entry in inetd.conf. sws requires /bin/sh, dirname, cat, and date to function. These should be found on any modern POSIX system.
www/Catalyst-Plugin-Session-0.40 (Score: 1.9307123E-4)
Generic Catalyst Session plugin
The Session plugin is the base of two related parts of functionality required for session management in web applications. The first part, the State, is getting the browser to repeat back a session key, so that the web application can identify the client and logically string several requests together into a session. The second part, the Store, deals with the actual storage of information about the client. This data is stored so that the it may be revived for every request made by the same client. This plugin links the two pieces together.
www/plone-4.3.9 (Score: 1.9307123E-4)
Plone Content Management System
Plone is a user friendly Content Management System running on top of Python, Zope and the CMF. It benefits from all features of Zope/CMF such as: RDBMS integration, Python extensions, Object Oriented Database, Web configurable workflow, pluggable membership and authentication, Undos, Form validation, amongst many many other features. Available protocols: FTP, XMLRPC, HTTP and WEBDAV. Turn it into a distributed application system by installing ZEO. Plone shares some of the qualities of Livelink, Interwoven and Documentum. It aims to be *the* open source out-of-the-box publishing system.